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1.FC Köln
Germany (1978-1980)

Germany discovers the Blond Angel


First images in FC Koeln Shirt.

Like a father,Weisweiller.

A nightmare, Heddergott.

Friend Toni Schumacher

The city Koeln am Rhein was waiting Bernd to build the future. Trainers WEISWEILLER and LOEHR were happy to get Bernd after all.
The city of the most famous Karneval of Germany was happy because some months ago the FC Koeln got the Bundesliga and also the DFB Cup.
Young Schuster became a key player for the future. The U18 nationaltrainer and former star Berti VOGTS called him for his squad. Bernd discovered in Cologne a new kind of people, new ice hockey team and new nightlife.

His debout was in october 1978 for the 2nd half vs. Eintrach Frankfurt. The team lost for 2 goals but Bernd got his position in the top 11 to play in the future. In just 3 months Bernd showed he was no a future star, he WAS A STAR.

He is called for the nationalteam U21 and just after one match, when he was only 19, the national trainer Jupp DERWALL call him for the absolute national team of Germany. Only one year after left Augsburg, Bernd is the most important player for the future of the country, also called The new Beckenbauer. His quality ball touch is the better ever seen in Mungersdorfer Stadium.
Bernd is happy in Cologne, the fans are crazy about the new idol and the proud of the goatclub in the nationalteam... and Bernd knew the woman who changed his life. In a disco he met GABI, a photo model, and they go to live together after a week.
Unfortunately, the team is irregular and the Bundesliga 1978-79 was lost. Also the Cup. Dear trainer Weisweiller left the team. New trainer HEDDERGOTT is not the best one for Bernd and the results are not the best for the team. HEDDERGOTT left Bernd in the bench and the fans love is break. Some fans cry for HEDDERGOTT renounce of his position.
Anyway the troubles of Bernd were not only on the field. After he married Gaby, he has problems with his parents in Augsburg. The press began the dark story on the couple Schuster.
The fans, who named Schuster the Blond Angel, beated for a not lasting love, but a baby was born soon called Benjamin and everything was alright at home.
Unfortunately FC Koeln finished the season very bad and HEDDERGOTT sent Schuster to train with the amateurs.

Bernd called Hennes WEISWEILLER, who was training abroad and he was like a father for him. Bernd wanted to go to Cosmos NY with him.
But when summer arrived, Bernd went to the European Championship 1980 in Italy.
Germany was the Champion.Rummenigge was the star, Hrubesch was the scorer,...but Schuster was the phenomenon and Europe discovered the Angel of Cologne.

The main problem is Bernd is more expensive after it. He was only 20 and a european champion with an impressive future. Whole Europe is interested but Bernd wants to go near WEISWEILLER in New York City. The fans, who saw Bernd was lost for the club, are very angry with Heddergott.
After the summer a new season began and FC Koeln president, WEIAND, doesn't sell Bernd. He's waiting the best price. And superclub FC Barcelona place the best bid. The nude pictures about his wife, the attitude of some fans and his parents, the press attacks to Gaby,... Bernd wants to leave Cologne, it becames a hell for the angel.

The USA comission on the soccer league is not interested about any other foreign player and the life for Bernd and his wife and baby is impossible in Cologne.

President WEIAND got the one he wanted: He sell the young star to the best buyer: FC Barcelona payed 40 million pesettas. A terrible price for a terrible player, in all sense.

On october 1980, Bernd, Gaby and little Benjamin arrived to FC Barcelona to change the history of the catalan club.

Mungersdorfer Stadium.

Hennes the goat.

The city of Cologne.

The new idol.

With Gaby at home


FC Barcelona (Spain) 1980-1988

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