I Wish... A Thousand Wishes

Welcome To My Page, Feel Free To Check Out Any And All The Links to see what I'm all about :)

Most of you have probably gathered to the world I rule in order to learn more about me (or you did some wacky search on a search engine and found me) Either way, you're stuck here!!! :)

I'm currently (as of 6/03) in the process of cleaning this page up a bit and updating it as I've grown up a little since I first put this page together. But Feel free to roam around the page and click away at some of my old links for now...

I'll tell you a little about me incase you dont' know me.. or don't think you do ;) For Starters, I'm 24 years old and I just graduated in 2002 from Southern Oregon University, where I got my degree in Psychology and was *1* literature class away from a Minor in French.. (It was the literature that scared me off.. as far as I'm concerned I have the damn minor ;) 11 years of bleeding and sweating French... I have it!) I still one day hope to go back to France.. but we'll see.. yes, I'm one of the only Americans left who actually likes France... so leave me alone! I don't necessarily enjoy speaking French.. but I guess it comes with the territory.. someday I hope to be really comfortable speaking it.

If you are wondering what I look like here are a couple of pages dedicated to supplying such information! But they are really really old by now.. I'll have to put together some better pictures and put up an updated page.. these are at best 4 years old.

Some Pictures Of Me Taken At The May 1998 Miss Rogue Valley Fashion Show ;)

This is my most updated picture page - **UPDATED 10-28-99**

A Page With Even Older Pictures Of Me

Well Well Well.. So I didn't scare you off huh? Well if I haven't yet, I soon will... below are two links that will tell you more than you need to know about me. Keep in Mind these are **MY** opinions and Don't be childish and get offended by them because, well.. thats just stupid!

Some obsessions I have.. I made this page when I was like 14... not that you can tell by the writing

What **REALLY** Pisses Me Off >:[ Again.. another page I made when I was 14

This is a page dedicated to a horse that was born in my lap and was a wonderful friend.. and very giving animal. Click Here To Find Out More

This is a page dedicated to my old show horse Cowboy.. this was his sales ad.. I sold him to my mom's boss's wife.. she's now doing level 2 dressage with him.. very impressive!!! He's always been a very impressive and willing horse.. I often find myself missing him. Click Here To Learn More


More About Me! ;)

Poems Written By Yours Truly ;) (UPDATED 3-16-2000!!!!)
Sweet, Silly, Down Right Hilarious Things People Have Said To Me ;)
Shout Outs!
The France Saga, My Story **Updated** - 01-26-2000
Click It, Read It, Sign It.. You Know You Want To!!

Email: christaly@yahoo.com