Want to secure your assets? Need more privacy inyour business? Are you looking for ease of set-up, operation andaffordability? Then this trust may be for you.
This package contains everything you need toquickly and easily create your own Unincorporated Business OrganizationTrust. Operate this trust as you would any other business organization.All forms andinstructions supplied - just fill in the blanks. This Business Trusthas successfully weathered two out of two IRS audits! Protect yourassets from the moochers and looters.
A Business Trust can and does accomplish all of these factors.But...again, what is a Business Trust?
The U. B. O. is an organization created and managed by''trustees” for the benefit and profit of persons who hold or mayacquire transferable Trust certificates. Similar to stock certificatesof a corporation, Trust certificates provide individual holdersevidence of interest in the Trust estate (assets/income).
A U. B. O. is often called a “Common-law Trust" but thisphrase is not descriptive of any of the peculiar characteristics ofsuch organizations. The basis for the terminology "Common-law Trust" isthat they are created under the common law of contracts and do notdepend upon any statute for its existence. See the United StatesConstitution, Article 1 Sec. 10, Clause 1.
As indicated by its name, a Business Trust is an estateadapted to business or commercial activities. Reduced to its bareessentials the U. B. O. consists of some form of capital vested intrustees who manage the entity profitably for Trust certificate holders.
A U.B.O. is created when one or more persons transfer thelegal title in property to trustees, with power vested in the latter tomanage and control the property and business and to pay the profits ofthe enterprise to the creators of the Trust or their successors.
In its typical and characteristic form the U. B. O. is broughtinto being by two basic documents: a Declaration of Trust and a TrustIndenture. These two documents make all the provisions of who is whoand who is responsible for what, relative to the Trust activities.
The U. B. O. which had its beginnings in England in the 18thCentury, adapts the ordinary trust to the new purpose of carrying on abusiness.
Two of the most famous early business Trusts in England wereLloyds of London (1811) and the London Stock Exchange (1802). Anexplanation of their function, under the Common-law of England, can befound in Smith v. Anderson, 15 Chancery Division 247 (1880).
The Business Trust made its debut in Massachusetts in 1827. Asa result, a U.S. Business Trust today is often called a "MassachusettsTrust" in legal circles. The U.S. Supreme Court defined theMassachusetts Trust as a form of business organization, common inMassachusetts consisting essentially of an arrangement whereby propertyis conveyed to trustees: in accordance with terms of the Trust. Thebusiness is to be held and managed for the benefit of persons who holdtransferable certificates issued by the trustees showing the sharesinto which the beneficial interest in the property is divided. [Hechtv. Malley, 265 U.S. 144 (1924)] [446 U.S. 458, 469]
This U. B. O. method of transacting business in commercialenterprises originated in Massachusetts as a result of negative lawsprohibiting the development of real estate without a special act of thelegislature or in other words, without "permission" of the State . So,the Business Trust was created under Common-law right to contract toobtain legislatively constructed business organizations advantages butwithout having to gain "permission" to enter into a business activityand suffer under the burdens and restrictions that are placed on"statutorily constructed organizations".
During the last century and through the mid years of thiscentury the tax laws and State regulations strongly favored corporatestructures, detrimental and restrictive changes in these laws in thepast 10-l5 years have resulted in the resurgence of the use of the U.B. O. For example, in 1985 the Scudder Capital Growth Fund, Inc. andKemper Money Market Fund, Inc. changed their forms of organization fromcorporate to a Business Trust Organization.
Since the Trust Indenture is a contract between the creatorand the trustee, the indenture controls the activities, powers andresponsibilities of those who administer the Trust. No one has legalauthority to change it's provisions except those so authorized by theindenture. Foremost among the advantages of trustee-ship over thestandard legal devices is its flexibility.
The document creating the Trust is the law of the Trust, notstatutes created by the State.
This doctrine is supported in the case of United StatesNational Bank of Omaha v. Andres Kaminski (Civil Action NO 77 Cv. 1830,District Court of Jefferson County, Colorado, June 16, 1980), the Bankalleged that Kaminski owed them $20,000. When he had no personal assetsto seize after they obtained a judgment, they tried to seize the assetsof his Trust he had set up several years earlier. The Bank’s actionfailed and they were unable to penetrate the Trust.
Beneficiaries cannot be held liable for debts incurred by theTrust. "If, in fact, a true Trust has been created (and this is veryimportant, i.e. the Trust must correctly be written and executed), thecertificate holders are not personally liable on the obligationsincurred by the trustees or managing agents appointed by the trustees.
Exposure to liability and potential law suits is one of thoseworries most of us lay awake at night thinking about. Especially if wehave a business where liability potential is omnipresent.
The past several years has seen the rise of multitudinousbankruptcies being filed. Even many of the long thought of stalwarts ofAmerican industry have gone bankrupt. More than we care to count. Bigones (including a big 8 accounting firm) and little ones like those ofus who make up 90% of America’s gross national product.
"A business or common-law trust, commonly known as aMassachusetts trust, is a form of business organization consistingessentially of an arrangement whereby property is conveyed to trustees,in accordance with the terms of an instrument of trust, to be held andmanaged for the benefit of such persons as may from time to time beholders of transferable certificates issued by the trustees showing theshares into which the beneficial interest is divided, whichcertificates entitle the holders to share ratably in the income of theproperty, and on termination of the trust, in the proceeds thereof.”[Corpus Juris Secondum 12A 495.]
"The essential attribute of a business trust is thatthe property is placed in the hands of trustees who manage and dealwith it for the use and benefit of the beneficiaries." Enochs& Plowers v. Roell, 154 So. 299, 170 Miss 44.
The U.S. Supreme Court recognized the existence of businesstrusts and explained their advantages in the case Morrissey v.Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 56 S. Ct. 289, 296 U.S. 344, 80 L.Ed.263.
Common law trusts are not new. Some major US businesses thatwere originally organized as common law trusts include: AmericanExpress, Pepperell Manufacturing, Massachusetts Electric, ChicagoElevated Railroad and Associated Simmons Hardware.
The common law trust is created by a private, writtencontract. A trust contract is basically created by two or moreindividuals: trustor or grantor and trustee. The trustor or grantor(the owner of the assets being transferred into the trust), makes anoffer to the trustee to manage the trust. The trustor exchanges his orher assets (such as business interests, real estate, stocks and bonds)to the trustee for Certificates of Capital Units (personal propertysimilar to shares of stock in a corporation).
OpenBank Account w/o SSN#
ADVANTAGE No. 2. The state charges incorporation fees andongoing annual fees. The UBO, as a privately created entity, does nothave these expenses.
ADVANTAGE No. 3. A corporation (expect for a Subchapter Scorporation that is taxed as a partnership) can be subject to doubletaxation (income taxes on corporate profits (unless zeroed out), thenincome taxes on dividends paid now or in the future from those profitsto shareholders). In contrast, a UBO does not pay income taxes on itsprofits if it must distribute all of its net income to itsbeneficiaries - thereby escaping taxation as a simple trust.
ADVANTAGE No. 4. Likewise, capital gains taxes may beentirely avoided by a UBO that sells assets at a profit if the trustcontract specifies that all net trust income is to be distributedannually to the certificate holders (beneficiaries) who will be theones to report the capital gains as taxable income and pay any duetaxes.
ADVANTAGE No. 5. Corporate officers and directors (andsometimes shareholder names) and financial dealings are a matter ofpublic record and detailed annual reports. UBO affairs are private andnot a matter of public record.
ADVANTAGE No. 6. The avoidance of probate administration isone major advantage of a UBO. If one's assets are all owned by one ormore trusts, at one's death, there are no assets in the deceasedperson's name to go through probate. The trustees and successorbeneficiaries continue the uninterrupted administration and benefit ofthe trust assets and income.
ADVANTAGE No. 7. Because the UBO assets do not go throughprobate, a UBO cannot be challenged by persons falsely claiming to beheirs or creditors of the deceased person.
ADVANTAGE No. 8. Assets can often be protected againstcreditors while beneficiaries are alive because the UBO holds legaltitle to the trust assets with the result that beneficiaries cannothave their shares of capital units attached by creditors if the trusthas valid spendthrift clauses.
ADVANTAGE No. 9. Like the initial funding of a newcorporation, there is no income or transfer (gift) tax to put initialassets into a business trust (structured to be like a corporation inthe initial funding process) because the transferor of the assetsreceives back a proportionate share of the Certificates of capitalUnits.
ADVANTAGE No. 10. Whereas corporate stock owned by astockholder is liable for death taxes (to the extent the value exceedsexemptions and deductions), the assets to a properly structured, fundedand administered asset preservation trust will not be part of thegrantor who originally funded the trust when the trustor/grantor dies.
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DID YOU KNOW? God does not like things that are against nature. If you begin to worship God's creations more than the Creator, you are going to find yourself in trouble. Lets go to II Corinthians.
II Corinthians 6:14) Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness.
Many would have you believe this means Christians shouldn't have anything to do with sinners. I think Paul is saying Christians have a duty to help unbelievers, but you must be careful not to be harnessed to the same sins they are.
II Corinthians 6:15) And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
What concord, or agreement, has Christ with Satan? There is none.
II Corinthians 6:16) And what agreement hath the Temple of God with idols? for ye are the Temple of the living God; as God hath said. "I will dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be MY People."
God is in you. You are the Temple of the living God. There should be no agreement with idols and the Temple of the living God.
II Corinthians 6:17-18) Wherefore "come out from among them, and be separate", saith the Lord, "and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. (18) And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters," saith the Lord Almighty.
He is your Father. Tell Him you love Him. Put God first in your life. We have all been taught these things since Sunday School. There is one image, or idol, that it is essential for you to be able to recognize. Concentrate on God's commandments.
EXODUS 20:1-2) And God spake all these words, saying (2) "I am the Lord thy God, Which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
God is speaking to Moses after the captivity has been broken.
EXODUS 20:3-4) Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. (4) Thou shalt not make unto thee and graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Why did God go to this length to warn us? He said make no image of anything in heaven, on earth or under the earth. God was writing to this generation and the generations before us. We are not talking about some little image whittled out of wood. A little wooden image is not what we must be concerned with in this generation, friends. This is the generation of the fig tree. As it is written in Revelation 12:7, Michael will boot Satan and his angels out of heaven onto earth. There will be a supernatural being on this earth that will make the one world system functional. The supernatural being is the idol you must be able to recognize.
Revelation 13:11) And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
This supernatural being looked like the lamb of God, but he spake as the devil.
Revelation 13:12) And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
The first beast is the new world order. This being makes the one world system work. It will be wonderful. All of your debts will be paid. People will think the Messiah has returned. There is just one little problem. Remember, God said in EXODUS that we are to worship Him and nothing else.
Revelation 13:13) And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.
This supernatural being will perform miracles in the sight of men. Why does God allow it? Because man has not studied His word.
Revelation 13:14) And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by means of those miracles which he had the power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
This is the reason God went to such length in Exodus 20:4) "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." God knew that you, especially in the generation of the fig tree, would need His instruction. Hold onto God's commandments. He told you what is going to happen in His letter. In Mark 13:22 He told you even the elect, if possible, would be deceived by a false christ. Paul wrote in II Corinthians 11:14 Satan himself will be transformed into an angel if light. Satan will return to this earth before Christ. Paul made it clear. All of the apostles made it clear, if you will only take the time to study God's word. This is how you put Him first in your life. Listen to your Father, or be deceived. Don't take this, or any other man's word. Check it out for yourself by reading the Father's word.
I don't care what miracles the anti-christ will be able to perform. You have nothing to fear, if you place God first. You are the temple of God. You and He make a majority. Put Him first in your life and you won't be deceived.
Readings: Revelation 11:1-14, Zechariah 4.
The peoples of this world are becoming increasingly aware of political, legal and spiritual issues. Issues involving democracy, freedom of choice, human rights, legal rights, the power of the media, privacy etc. are now well discussed, even amongst the hitherto illiterate masses in the most backward nations. People have also woken up to the enormous greed, corruption and violence that is sweeping the globe. Ignorance had been the norm for millennia; but now there is a great awareness of what's going on; an awareness largely due to the abundance of evidence provided via the media by eye-witnesses. Never a day passes but we read, hear and even see pictures of events taking place all over the world. Eye-witness reports from remote places are broadcast to audiences in all countries. Yes, eye-witness reports are invaluable as any news reporter or solicitor will tell you.
In the legal profession the presence of even one witness to a crime or transaction is considered good evidence: but the presence of two witnesses is conclusive. On the evidence of two witnesses, people have been put to death. Most adults know that important legal documents need the signatures of at least two witnesses.
All these transactions call for at least two witnesses to be present. In spiritual matters it is the same. Witnesses are called for before truth can be established. In Revelation chapter 11 verses 1-13 we read about Two Witnesses who are scheduled by the Almighty God to testify for 42 months to earth's teeming millions about His Truth. Questions concerning them are numerous:
Answers to these questions, depending on which Christian group's literature you read, are varied to say the least; but I will not list them all. Instead I will begin by quoting the Bible passage which tells of the Two Witnesses and then, after a brief analysis, answer the three questions above.
Revelation 11: | 1: And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. |
The answer to this first question is: The Two Witnesses make their appearance on the world scene during the 6th Trumpet (2nd Woe) which occurs towards the latter part of the Seventh Seal. In other words, the Seventh Seal is subdivided into seven stages and the 6th Trumpet is the 6th stage. See the The Seal & Trumpet Chart to get your bearings concerning the Seven Seals and the Seven Trumpets which all occur during the Seventh Seal.
The record concerning the 6th Trumpet begins at Rev.9:13 and continues all the way through to Rev.11:14. During this 6th Trumpet (also known as the 2nd Woe) ONE THIRD OF MANKIND are slain! (Rev.9:15-18). This great multitude, some 2,000,000,000 people, is about twice the population of China! Pause awhile and consider that staggering fact.
Very briefly these are the events leading up to the 6th Trumpet, the 2nd Woe, when this unimaginable slaughter of a third of mankind will occur.
There is a global earthquake and spectacular signs in the sun, moon and stars. Blind panic grips earth's inhabitants, who run to the rocks and mountains seeking shelter from the wrath of the Almighty and His Son Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). Events under this Seal have obviously not yet occurred.
After the 6th Seal occurs, the 144,000 servants of the Most High are sealed in their foreheads with Yahweh's Name (Rev.7). This sealing work is also still future. It has not occurred. When it does occur, sealed believers will no longer need spiritual instruction as to how to live: because they will instinctively know right from wrong (Heb.8:8-13).
The Seventh Seal begins AFTER the 144,000 are sealed.
The Seventh Seal is subdivided into 7 Trumpets, the last 3 of which are called WOES.
See Understand the Revelation for a description of the first four trumpets.
From the foregoing you will see that the Two Witnesses appear on the world scene at the 6th Trumpet (the 2nd Woe), which occurs towards the latter part of the Seventh Seal, when a third of the human race is perishing! This means that in August 1999 their coming is still future. The above points are explained further in our online booklet entitled Understand the Revelation.
To identify the Two Witnesses we will look closely at several scriptural clues; the first three of which are the most important because they specifically tell us who the Two Witnesses are.
Zechariah 4: | 11: Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof? |
Notice that the Two Witnesses are specifically referred to as 'two olive trees,' 'two anointed ones,' who 'stand in the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.'
The first three clues identify who and where the Two Witnesses are. The other four tell us what they do and what happens to them.
From these clues I do believe that the Two Witnesses are not:
John 3: | 13: And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. |
This means that these great men of God were not standing in Yahweh's presence when Zechariah's prophecy was given. They were in their graves awaiting the resurrection. John the Baptist wasn't even born at the time. Moreover they will most certainly not be raised to life only to die a 'second death.' Scripture tells us that the 'second death is the 'lake of fire!' (Rev.20:14) and that it is appointed unto men 'once to die.' (Heb.9:27) This means that Moses who died in the land of Moab (Deut 34:5) couldn't possibly die again as one of the Two Witnesses.
Who, then, are the Two Witnesses?
The answer is: The Two Witnesses are the two anointed archangels who stand in Yahweh's presence. They are the highest ranking angels in the universe and were represented by the two cherubim standing on either side of the ark of the covenant. Proof of this amazing fact now follows:
Exodus 25: | 18: And thou shalt make two cherubims of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat. |
Many years later, when king Solomon built his famous Temple, which the Almighty graced with His sacred presence, these two cherubim were depicted as follows:
1 Kings 6: | 23: And within the oracle he made two cherubims of OLIVE TREE, each ten cubits high. |
Did you notice their construction? The two cherubim were carved out of Two Olive Trees!
This is exactly the figurative term - Olive Trees - used in Rev.11:4 and Zech. 4:3 to describe the Two Witnesses. The inevitable conclusion must be, that the Two Witnesses, who are also referred to as Two Olive Trees, must be the two archangels represented by the cherubim made of Olive Trees on either side of the ark of the covenant. Other texts concerning them are found in Exo.37:6-9, Psalm 80:1, 99:1, Isa.37:16, Eze.10:1-12.
One has only to consider the construction of the ark of the covenant to realise how true this is of these two archangels. They 'stand in the very presence of God' on either side of the mercy seat. The Most High literally communed with the children of Israel from between the two cherubim.
They stand in the very presence of the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel!
The Two Witnesses are also called the two 'anointed ones:' because on and through them the Holy Spirit (symbolised by the olive oil) flows. Are archangels (cherubs) anointed? The answer is, yes cherubs are especially anointed to do their work. See section 6 concerning the anointed cherub Lucifer.
Yes, angels have prophesied on many occasions. Angels are ministering spirits sent by the Almighty to prophesy, warn, comfort, rescue, feed and punish mankind. At the Saviour's birth the angels of heaven visited earth and even sang anthems of praise to common shepherds. (Luke 3:8-14) The scriptures abound with evidence of angels visiting mankind with special messages from the Almighty. Here are a few texts to prove this point.
Genesis 19 | Two angels were sent to Sodom to rescue Lot and his family before that city was destroyed. |
Judges 6 | An angel commissioned Gideon to rescue and judge Israel. |
Judges 13 | An angel visited Samson's parents and told them they were going to bear a son who would judge Israel. |
Daniel 3:28 | An angel preserved Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego in the fiery furnace. |
Daniel 6:22 | An angel protected Daniel in the lions' den. |
Acts 5:19 | An angel rescued Peter from prison. |
Acts 12:8 | An angel rescued Paul from prison. |
Revelation 1:1 | An angel delivered the prophecy of the Revelation to the Apostle John. |
There are, of course, many other examples of when angels visited mankind; but the above will prove the point.
The Two Witnesses are sent to earth to accomplish the following:
In the last days of Sodom, the Almighty visited earth with two angels, who were then commissioned to enter Sodom and verify the reports which were reaching the throne of God. On entering Sodom these two angels witnessed first hand the shameful homosexual behaviour of the men of that city. They also entered Sodom to rescue Lot and his family. (Gen. 18 & 19) They were probably the same two archangels, the anointed ones who travel the universe with the Almighty God; the two cherubim who 'stand in His presence.'
Long before Moses built the ark of the covenant, long before Solomon made two replicas of the cherubim out of two olive trees, these two anointed archangels were with Yahweh, standing in His holy presence. Yes, the two anointed cherubim are the only beings who fit the scriptural clues about the Two Witnesses.
Yes, the whole world will see the Two Witnesses. I also believe that they will visit every continent on earth and warn both saint and sinner just as they did in the last days of Sodom; before that sinful city was destroyed by fire. They will preach to all mankind at a time when a third of the human race is perishing. That is why they are clothed in sackcloth, the ancient symbol of mourning. They present Yahweh's last offer of mercy to mankind. He is holding out the Olive Branch! The olive branch, as we all know, is the universally recognised symbol of mercy and peace. In sending the Two Witnesses to earth the Almighty is offering terms of peace to all humanity. It is His final offer. Failure to accept mercy will result in death on an unimaginable scale. It is absolutely impossible for me to exaggerate the importance of these facts. Let the reader beware of ignoring them. For near to six thousand years the human race has been allowed to go its way, to do its own thing, and the Most High has patiently waited for His Day. That Day is about to begin. Are you preparing for it?
Long ago Lucifer (Satan) was also a covering cherub. He "stood in Yahweh's presence." He was an "anointed one," full of beauty and radiant in splendour. He travelled the universe with the Most High, relaying instructions to thousands of angels under him. But Lucifer sinned. He grew proud and coveted the throne of the Almighty. He began a rebellion which continues to this day. So he was removed from office and his place was filled by another. In the book of Ezekiel we read about Satan (Lucifer), the anointed cherub who once stood in the very presence of the Eternal God.
Ezekiel 28: | 11: Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, |
The chapter portrays Lucifer in days gone by when, as an anointed archangel, he stood in the very presence of the LORD; when he walked amidst the stones of fire; when he was perfect in all his ways. Yes, Lucifer was initially a spiritual 'olive branch' through whom the holy oil flowed to lighten others. Indeed he was called the 'son of the morning!' (Isaiah 14:12) Perhaps Abaddon, the Antichrist was another archangel who joined Satan in his rebellion, before he too was cast out of God's presence. I say this because the Antichrist who rises from the Bottomless Pit has the power to kill the Two Witnesses: an act of which ordinary men are incapable.
'But,' you may ask, 'Can an angel die?' Aren't angels immortal beings?' See SBS article entitled Immortality for the answer to this question.
The story of Nadab and Abihu, the two eldest sons of Aaron was a reflection of what took place in the Temple above. (Lev.10:1-7) These two anointed sons of Aaron abused the great privilege granted them of ministering in the tabernacle. In a way somewhat similar to Satan, they had been especially anointed of God to stand in His presence and minister with their father Aaron the High Priest. (Exo.28:41, 30:30) But Nadab and Abihu sinned and were slain. They were replaced by their two younger brothers Eleazar and Ithamar. It is the same with Satan and Abaddon. Both sinned grievously; and like Nadab and Abihu are scheduled to be burned to death.
Only two holy archangels are mentioned in the Scriptures. They are Gabriel & Michael. They now stand in the presence of the Most High. Carefully note Gabriel's words to Zacharias the father of John the Baptist.
Luke 1: | 19: And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings. |
The archangel Gabriel has visited earth on several occasions. He was sent to Daniel to explain the meaning of certain visions.
Daniel 8: | 16: And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision. |
The remainder of the chapter contains Gabriel's explanation of the prophecy. Gabriel re-visited Daniel some 15 years later to give him skill and understanding concerning the prophecy of the 70 weeks of years. (Dan.9:20-27) Gabriel is seen again in New Testament times when he visited Zacharias. (Luke 1:19) Later he visited Mary to tell her of the birth of Jesus. (Luke 1:26-37)
We can see from these visits that the archangel Gabriel is only sent to earth to deliver the most important messages: those which concern the coming of the Messiah. I assume from this fact that in earth's final hour, when a third of mankind will die, the archangel Gabriel, the 'olive tree,' the one who 'stands in Yahweh's presence,' will again be sent to deliver Yahweh's final offer of mercy and peace.
Who is the other Witness? Probably the archangel Michael who when contending with the Devil over the body of Moses left it for the Lord to rebuke Satan. (Jude 9) Gabriel and Michael are the only holy angels named in Scripture. Michael is not the Lord.
To summarise I believe the Two Witnesses of Revelation are not the Word of the LORD, the Old and New Testaments, which have been with mankind for centuries and 'abide forever.' Nor are they the Holy Spirit, Who is not subject to death. Nor are they two righteous men, past or present.
The Two Witnesses are two mighty archangels who stand in the Almighty's presence.
One is Gabriel and the other is Michael. They are the 'Two Olive Trees" pictured by Moses and Solomon standing on either side of the ark of the testament, which represents the very throne of God. The Two Witnesses will appear on earth at the 6th Trumpet (2nd Woe) when a third of the human race is scheduled to perish. As in the last days of Sodom, they will visit this evil generation with Yahweh's final warning and offer of salvation. They will proclaim the Everlasting Gospel for a period of 42 months after which, like their Master, they will be murdered but will rise again after three and a half days. No other conclusion fits all the scriptural clues concerning these holy beings.
The Two Witnesses preach the same message the prophets of old preached. In a sentence it is:
... Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
Indeed, this is the Everlasting Gospel; the call to have faith in God, to accept His offer of salvation through His Son Yeshua and to keep His commandments. The Two Witnesses will preach the Everlasting Gospel with the added warning of the coming Day of Judgement. The plagues they bring down on mankind will vindicate the veracity and authority of the truths they proclaim. Our reaction to their message should be to have faith in Yeshua, the Lord Jesus Christ and then demonstrate that faith by keeping the commandments of the LORD God of Israel; especially His Sabbath command which commemorates His creation. Anything short of faith and obedience is courting disaster.
If you would like to know who we are, go to the Hot link above and hit on "Hot link section" in the paragraphs below, will tell you all about our group. Study and show thyself approved my brothers and sisters. The day of the Lord is knocking on the door and you don't want to be left out in the cold, do you? USA |
Can You Survive A Terrorist Attack? YES! Also know about tsunami's, bird flu and end time prophecy
My Favorite Web sites and
HIS End-Time Watchmen 2008 AD - Life is no funny joke, Be Informed!
SPIES IN THE WHITE HOUSE - No More Secrets, search google and see!!
The USA and other Governments Warn of Future Attacks; Does the Taliban really know where Bin Laden is? Are they really protecting and hiding him? Listen on Christian radio stations
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the TIMID join him. For then it cost NOTHING to be a Patriot." Written by Mark Twain
………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Patriot defined: A person who loves his country and zealously defends it and its interest. Written by Noah Webster 1828
………………………………………………………………………………………………… A true Patriot is not anti-government, anti-religion or anti-racial but is anti-what is wrong in our society today. He will support any leader whether it is church or government, if they will uphold God's Law and the Constitution as originally written and abide by their powers. While vigorously opposing those that do not! Within a short time, maybe 100 years after The Bible and The Constitution were originally written, man took it upon himself to alter and change the original interpretations to meet his personal needs of desires, lust and greed. Remember too, "Satan's" (four hidden dynasties) that he uses to control mankind is; The Political System - Religious System - Financial System - Educational System.
The "Religious System" has used the fear tactic, or fear God, rather than the original meaning of to reverence Him and Love Him. Through the hell fire doctrine, and other doctrines of man, not of God. The organized religious system managed to keep mankind in fear and darkness for centuries. Thereby controlling man. See Revelation 22:18-10 and Ephesians 6:10-18 Then go to: Enter Here>
*The "Political System" has used politics in the forms of organization, legislation, taxation, education, the media, entertainment, finance and the religious system to control its citizens. Now since the 1940's, the greatest organization for controlling mankind has come into play. The UN (United Nations). The citizens of the World have been deceived from the beginning, into thinking that the United Nations is a peace organization, committed to solving conflicts before they start using "legislation" instead of war to solve international disputes. When in reality, the UN is one of if not the greatest threat to our liberty and freedom! See (Liberalism) at: Enter Here
The New World Order: Did you know that soon we would no longer be under the guidelines of the "Original Constitution! Read the TRUTH about the UN and study each and every link on this entire web site. Then you will finally get the whole picture that they did not want you to see! When you do, get the whole picture, will you be ready for a solution? Even if it means total commitment, for what you believe. Just as Jihad - Muslim's commitmentment. They believe and are willing to surrender their lives for their beliefs! It is time to think and act on your beliefs. Truth about the UN:Enter Here
Fellow Patriots: I have been called a "redneck" by many! So be it, everyone has freedom of thought, don't they? Some may feel a bit threatened by the actions that some of our operatives took this past week. But it was strictly for our own information! Two of our men polled or questioned with their permission, "100 Muslims" here in the US, Canada and Mexico. A Summary of the questions of their opinion and personal feelings on the attack on America and Jihad? Their ages ranged from 18 to 67 years of age and all men.
Summary of answers: 93% or 93 out of 100 gave these answers in common. They all knew of the one-day coming Jihad. (Holy War against America). Most of them feel strongly that Usama bin Laden is the Savior or Prophet that was promised in their teachings, to lead the one billion Muslims in Jihad, prosperity and freedom from the influence and control of the infidel. The non-Muslim or Christian world that has held them captive for so long. We asked, how did we hold captive the now one billion or more Muslims and why? Not one had an answer! It was as if they were all hypnotized or programmed by their leaders to believe without question or proof. They also said that they are totally willing and will, when called to do so, give their body and life as a weapon to kill for Ala. (God) Just like the Japanese in world war two.
We asked if this was a teaching of Muhammad and Islam or bin Laden and the Taliban. They said it was taught since they were young and never changed. They seemed to speak with total commitment and without any fear or conscience, as we understand it at all!
Fellow Patriots, we are in big trouble! Or are we? Do you know any man more committed than a good old fashion American Patriot? Haven't we been fighting the battle of faith and truth with our very lives for hundreds of years? Have we really ever lost yet? NO! And now is not the time to start! We can and will fight them on there own terms. And bring the battle to their home grounds too! They made a big mistake thinking that they could scare God's children in this great Promised Land of ours into submission.
There are a lot of wishers and talkers out there. But likewise, there are still some doers left that still enjoy our freedoms. Read again about all of you Heritage Soldiers of God:Enter Here and see where you really fit in!
We, so called "red necks" PATRIOTS, I like better, have a lot of good "battle talent" among our ranks. Plenty of Guns munitions and know how. Because through the brothers and the NRA, we have continued standing up for our Constitutional rights. Even when great con artist like the "Clintons" tried to rob us of them and sell us out to The New World Order, an original communist organization.
We have hi-tech computers, access to the same knowledge and satellite imaging that the military uses and I believe more guts and experience. Though some of our brothers are presently in uniform and protecting our Country the best way they can for now! Don't forget our brothers are in all walks of life! Bankers, lawyers, judges, doctors, nurses, teachers, ministers and preachers, cooks, law enforcement officers, military and don't forget the ones who feed us, dress our wounds and care for us both day and night with a silent love, "our wives".
Yes, we are ready to back our Government in this fight against a very dangerous enemy! And we will protect our homeland, families, friends, government officials and every other true American in this land. Regardless of Race, Religion, Color or Creed. We will show the enemy, that we can and will have the highest moral standards in the world once again! We don't need roll models like the "Clintons" to influence and corrupt the morals of our children any longer. The Patriots soon will be singing "March on Christian Soldiers and the Battle Hymn of the Republic" once again. I feel it in my bones, don't you?
The Heritage Group is yet a small group. You can read about our statement of purpose that we have lived by for over 30 years.
Dear readers and good citizens of the World: As many of you know, we have been publishers of many Web-Sites in many languages around the World since 1999. We publish from all over the world.
Our main purpose and message is to inform all mankind of important world situations as they happen and where they fit in prophecy of today. As well as where we fit in Prophecy of today. To offer to the public valuable "FREE" software and services. To assist all mankind everywhere in the strugle for life, health, happiness, prosperity where and when possible. To investigate and fight against terrorism, crime and corruption world-wide. The on-line and private full time Study and Educattion regarding prophecy and where we are on "God's callender" today. To keep you informed on "news and many personal subjects" of interest to all, and to do our best in assisting the world to help maintain "peace and security" in troubled times. In this we have given it our all. Our time, health, finances and in many cases our own life.
We are a private, independent, and a self supporting organization. Most are well educated and trained in all fields of law enforcement, military, and private business and occupations of every major catagory in the world. We began our united world-wide venture to assist and observe mankind in 1968.
Our past and present force of independent operatives numbers 7,000 world-wide. Our group consist of all men except a team of two women.
When one dies or is killed, he is replaced with the best possible trained replacement.
Although our main occupation is International Private Investigations, we all specialize in many different fields or occupations. Therefore we have specialist in each professional field in order to be the best undercover or covert operatives.
Since 1970, by unanimous decision, we decided to keep most of our activities secret from the world. To this day, other than a few public law enforcement and government leaders and agencies throughout the world and former clients, except on a need to know basis, we have managed to remain anonymous.
Our parent company, Heritage International is a member of the United States Chamber of Commerce and most individual operatives are members in various professional trade organizations, societies, medical and legal organizations etc. We are registered with Dun & Bradstreet under a parent holding company name which is given out to clients only, on a need to know basis.
We have been totally self supporting and funded. No government grants, outstanding corporate loans or assets other than personal and individual small business office assets and homes. We are all independent agents and responsible for our our personal State or Country tax liabilities and licensing where and when necessary.
All of us are now over the age of 50 years and with Heritage for at least 25 years. Some of us like myself (Don Huard)are disabled due to on the job wounds and injuries while in the line of duty. I now only assist in the publishing of our web-sites and WWW distribution.
Due to being self supporting and the decission to maintain low profiles in life, none of us are of any great financial wealth. Due to the recent terrorist activities, and past, our commitments to mankind and the on going world war, along with our international travel and investigations expences, we are nearly out of all personal and reserve funds, savings and past donations from former clients and services payments. Or accounts receivables as you might put it. As I mentioned, some of us suffer great pain daily due to disability, injuries and the continuece of our services which we are each totally dedicated and committed to no matter what it takes.
Ninety percent (90%) or more of our works to this day have been without pay, due to the nature and privacy of the investigations, the inability of individuals to pay for services rendered, as well as our duties and loyal commitments to mankind.
Even though many of us have been injured on duty, even unjustly at the hands of our own authorities sometimes, or military that we may have assisted, none of us has ever been involved or filed a civil suit or demand for funds do to liability of others at any time in our history. Law enforcement throughout the world have been legally liable in many of the situations too!
We ourselves suffered the pains both physical and financial in order to maintain our high standards and principles.
Any and all Federal, State, Local or Country civil suits that may ever have been lodged or filed against us over 30 years has been won in our favor. In most cases we acted pro-per or defended ourself or company without legal defence.
Truth always wins, is what we believe!
If you will take the time to read some of our web-sites, you will personally know what we are about and our commitment to man-kind. Each and every one of us always believe that God will take care of our needs. So without begging or borrowing, we feel that there are some readers out there that will hear and understand our financial needs.
In prayer and faith, we will waite to hear from you.
Meantime, everyone please keep us in your prayers. We are not getting any younger and we are trying to achieve what many feel may be impossible. I am sure you know what we are saying.
BROTHERS, we need to organize so quickly in 2002 that the enemy will never know where we came from! We need Generals with leadership abilities, Captains to mange men, Sergeants to teach men the battle plans and toughen them up! A Central communications and individuals with excellent computer and communications experience, health care professionals and soldiers that have no fear of this evil enemy we now confront. Then with all of the weapons, tools and equipment etc., we need a lot of "sincere and committed financial backers" that we can "depend on".
As soon as we have a good crew of top men and organizers, we will contact each other and plan a place on the West Coast of the United States in a lower population area to meet and begin "training".
Volunteers and financial backers, begin sending in donations to our PayPal Account now! Click on Logo below or on the "FREE Terrorist Survival Package Offer Page" and follow instructions.
For only $50,000.00 USD we will send you the "total plans along with the US addresses and tel. no.'s where to buy the parts in the USA to construct your own Electronic Mind Control or Brainwashing Unit. Itemized plans and everything you need for the total construction of your own unit. Total cost is only in the hundred's of dollars and not thousand's of dollars. The CIA and Military as well as the enemy has spent $billions to construct the very same electronic tools to control you.
We spent millions! As a free bonus we will send you the total plans to construct a Brain wave receiver that will monitor all brain waves from Delta- .5 Hz, Theta wave- from 4 Hz, Alpha wave from- 8 Hz, Beta wave from- 13 Hz to abnormal Gamma wave of 26 Hz and up. With this unit you can control all of the brains inner and outer activisties totally!
Now the final bonus is the total plans for a Electro Magnetic Frequency (ELF) wave Oscillator. You then can explore the effect of Low Frequency waves on the human mind via auditory stimulation.
With tools like these in your hands, they will never gain control of you, your family and friends mind ever again.
You can have them built by a computer or electronics technician or if you are a handy man, have all up and running in less than 90 days.
The World is bracing for future attacks as the planed assault on the Taliban Government and Terrorist inside their borders, as well as world-wide, go foreward. By 2006 I expect that our Government will have made excuses to give back to Bin Ladin the Afghan muslim country.
Look at how our troops are training Muslims to be crack soldiers. Mean time their wive's and families have been secretly moving into our country. They soon will be following their wives. They will be our police force of the near future. American soldiers won't kill their own, but those who already hate us and consider us the evil ones or infiadiles, (unbeleivers) will have no trouble with their conscience, while exterminating Americans. Why is everyone asleep?
There is great risk in the USA and all North America for future "terrorist attacks". Why? The Taliban and the many terrorist organizations are now preparing for retaliation once they have been assaulted. A small amount of their finances have been frozen! But only a drop in the bucket! Don't forget that the drug cartels are at least the 11th world financial power, that being nest to China. Along with radical Government, radical Millionairs, public Donations and the "DRUG Cartels", see link above titled; "The Third World War" "With all this the terrorist" have plenty of financial backing.
But I guess that they won't speak much about these facts on the News, will they? Better you stay in the dark, Hey! Just as with God's Word, the world has been kept in the dark for centuries!
Along with giving the public access to a "survival program, the "HOT Links" that you can access above on this page, will give you an opportunity to get the whole story. Yes, the facts of what is really going on in the world today!
First, get your family protected and in "link" no. 1 above, find out how to get your personal survival kit. Second, study each of the subject links and the links on them, until you get the whole picture. No one else will do it for you!
As the "War" goes on, we will keep you informed and provide valuable information via these links above. So check them out daily, you will learn something new every day. Teach your family and tell your friends. You can help save many lives.
Revealed this 24th day of October, 2001: Keta Hamza, the top Bomb making scientist for Sadam Husane in the early 1990"s before Desert Storm admitted that; Iraq's scientist had completed the Anthrax and Smallpox programs, making them both weapons grade products.
He also stated the the Anthrax poisonings here in the USA do have Sadam Husane's character finger prints and psychological DNA. No other Country except the USA and Russia have had that ability todate!
It is also felt that several other countries are involved in the bombing and anthrax poisoning world-wide. Bin Laden is only a fly on a very big block of honey. He is only the beginning the the problems yet to come.
Islam (Muslim's) world-wide now have it in their heart to commit Jihad or kill americans. As in Sudan, they intend on enslaving not only the USA, but all Christian Nations. This was told to us by a 10 year old boy in a Muslim school in Washington, D.C. Yes the Capital! Also confirmed by polls of Muslim men between ages of 18 and 75 years of age. 93% (percent) of those polled stated that they are ready for Jihad. Some even feel that Bin Laden is the prophet mentioned to lead them!
Are we prepared to be taken over by the Muslims in this Holy War. In Sudan alone, 1.5 million individuals have died since the Muslim political groups came to power.
Recent stories slavery and of thousands of rapes and murders of Christian men, women and children in Sudan.
Why is Afghanistan dominating the news when the "Media" should be telling the world of these atrocities and telling us of the one billion Muslims preparing to overtake our country and the world?
What are they hidding from us. See web pages on the top of the Survival kit page for details and evidence. Including access to video of slave buying and selling in Sudan!
There are many terrorist organizations throughout the world. Most have in common the same roots. Islamic, Communist and Marxist-Lennon idiologies. Enter Here and study the Terrorist Organization Profiles. Best to be well educated in all facts these days!
All expressions of Islam's basic distaste for the outside world.
Most Muslims claim crusades are the origin of the conflict between Islam and Christianity, but this is the wrong way around. The first crusade was in 1096 AD. Jihad had already been going on for 500 years by then.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction The Holy War that Isn't (pp. 19-27) Definition of Jihad: not attempt to convert people to Islam by force (except maybe in the 1st century of Islam).
Rather, attempt to "expand and extend Islam until the whole world is under Muslim rule. The jihad is essentially a permanent state of hostility that Islam maintains against the rest of the world, with or without fighting for more sovereignty over more territory" (20). It is a duty, an obligation for all Muslims.
[p.22] A contrast between Christ (He who lives by the sword will die by the sword), with Muhammad (the sword is the key to heaven and hell).
Christians who kill are ignoring the words of Christ. Muslims who kill are obeying Muhammad. [p.23] Crusades - 1096 AD until 1270 AD. An attempt to retake (formerly Christian) Palestine.
Jihad = 1,300 years. An attempt to occupy Europe, Asia and Africa, and then Islamicize them. [p. 25] Why do we not hear of the Muslim capture of Jerusalem from the Christians in 638 AD, or of the capture of Spain about 70 years later, or of the subsequent 800 year occupation?
It was the success of Jihad against Europe that triggered Pope Urban II to call for the first Crusade in 1095 AD.
Colonialism - not exclusively western. Muslim lands colonized much of Europe in the 7th - 19th centuries, and the two colonized each other in the 19th century.
In fact Europe colonized Muslim lands for only 130 years (1830s - 1960s)!! [p. 26] Muslims have freedom of worship in Christian lands, not vice versa (penalty of apostasy = death).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part One: The Days of the Prophet Chapt. 1: The Beginning: Mecca 570-622 (pp. 31-33) A summary of the traditional accounts of Muhammad's life, describing Islam as being "essentially a patriotic movement aimed at asserting Arabian independence and prestige" (p.32)
Chapt. 2: Gabriel Cometh: Medina (pp. 34-39)
A traditional account of the early followers and opposition. Unfaltering description of the Qur'anic revelation.
A description of the clash between Muhammad and Abu Sufyan (Umayyad originator). Early days, Muslims at risk, and Hijra to Medina.
Perhaps a pious exaggeration of dangers in Mecca. Those that remained were undisturbed.
Chapt. 3: The First Battles (pp. 40-45)
A description of the early days in Medina.
Quarrels between Ansars and Muhajirun.
Problems with the Jewish tribes.
Poets writing verses mocking Muhammad.
Muhammad establishing his authority - intrigue, manoeuvering , assassinations, wars, monetary gains thru caravan raids.
Battles Nakhla = success Badr = success (angels helped) Abu Jahl (enemy from Mecca) executed, head given to Muhammad.
Poets Female: Asthma bint Marwan, killed for making disrespectful verse. Male: Abu Afak and Kab, both killed.
Terror is effective, as many people became loyal as a result. Jews: one tribe forced to leave (without possessions)
Chapt. 4: A man of Many Parts (pp. 46-51) Many examples of Muhammad's cruelty.
Torturing a Jew until he revealed a gold store.
Killing and robbing tribesmen to whom he had given hospitality (killing by cutting off hands and feet so they bled to death).
Had a number of pious followers willing to act as assassins. This is different from the Muhammad of the Muslim psyche. In the Muslim psyche he is kind, helps the poor, saves baby girls, is nice to 11 wives.
Combination of religion and politics. The Qur'an occasionally addresses Muhammad's enemies with vengeance, and helps Muhammad out with exemptions from laws or answers , or knotty problems.
Chapt. 5: When the Killing Had to Stop (pp. 52-55) Battle at Mt. Uhud was the first major defeat for Muhammad, but Abu Sufyan does not follow up his advantage. Two years later, the Meccans attack Medina, but due to a big trench which had been dug, their attack failed.
Kihouna - Jewish chief at Khaybar; had a fortune in gold, was tortured by Muhammad in order to reveal the whereabouts of his gold (46). When he was dead, Muhammad married his 17 year old widow, Safiya, that same day (54).
Killing by subordinates was routine.
An assassination attempt of Abu Sufyan was foiled, but not completely useless, as four others were taken instead.
Zaid (Muhammad's adopted son) avenged a raid on a Medinan caravan, killed a middle-aged woman named Um Kirfa, along with her daughter, and two sons, by tying her legs to camels and having them pull her to pieces. Muhammad congratulated him on his return saying it was a job well done.
When Muhammad returned to Mecca there was not much bloodshed, only a poet, a minor singer and one or two others.
Chapt. 6: A Man of His Time (pp. 56-59) Basically a summary of preceding chapters with a special comment that Muhammad's actions weren't so much worse than other men of his time, but he was a hypocrite for preaching love and mercy at the same time; and in any case his life in history is nothing like his mage in Islam today.
Now a comment on the slaughter of the Jewish Beni Quraiza tribe (660-800 men slain, wives and children sold as slave). Soldiers receive large amounts of booty (Muhammad gets 1/5). The Qur'an (S. 33:25) praises God for the killings because with them Muhammad becomes feared.
Chapt. 7: Of Banes and Stones (pp. 60-64) A summary of the traditional account of the compilation of the Qur'an; some early controversy about it and the Mut'azilites. Throughout history other Muslims have challenged the idea of an eternal, uncreated Qur'an. A bit about the Hadith and questions on its reliability.
Chapt. 8: A Paradise for Warriors (pp. 65-68) Why did outnumbered, under-equipped Arabs make such huge territorial victories so quickly? 1) dissensions between the Christians 2) warfare between the Byzantines and the Persians exhausted both. 3) plunder - either in this life or the next, the soldier of Islam was promised riches and women. There is a detailed and graphic description of Muslim paradise, complete with houris, rivers of wine and the enjoyment of watching those in torment.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Two: Beyond Arabia Chapt. 9: Onward Muslim Soldiers: Byzantium and Persia 632-640 AD (pp. 71-75) After the death of Muhammad came the caliphate of Abu Bakr (2 yrs.), Umar (for ten years, then assassinated), followed by Uthman. Uthman was the descendant of Abu Sufyan, the implacable enemy of Muhammad.
630 AD was the first battle outside of Arabia - against the Byzantines in Jordan. Muhammad ordered two campaigns just before his death:
Usama - led troops to the north Khalid - captured Baghdad (he was a great general later on of the Umayyads)
Fall of Jerusalem, Damascus (635) and Antioch (636) Muawiyya was active in the campaign against Syria. He was declared the governor of Syria by Umar in 640 AD. By 641 AD much of Egypt and Persia had fallen
Islam (poor) Sword (middle class) Tribute (rich)
Chapt. 10: The Island Campaign: Cyprus, Rhodes, and Crete 649-668 AD (pp. 76-82) A summary of the civil war between Muawiyya and Ali, establishment of the Umayyad caliphate. Ali - 4th caliph, had capital in Basra. Muawiyya accuses him of complicity in Uthman's murder. 657 - battle at Siffin. Ali's troops stop fighting when Muawiyya's appeal to the Qur'an for a verdict. The Kharajites leave Ali and one of them murders him. Muawiyya is the caliph between 661-680, with his capital in Damascus. The Umayyads rule until 749 - then the Abbasids take over and rule until 1258 AD. Abbasid rule - was anti-Umayyad, with much destruction of any references to them. Thus we know very little about the Umayyads.
We do know that Muawiyya was a good leader, was an imperialist, had wanted to take ships to attack the Mediterranean islands, but Umar refused (Umar like many Arabs, was afraid of the sea). But Uthman gave him permission to attack Cyprus in 649, first from Saida (Lebanon) and then from Alexandria.
The first major Arab naval enterprise brought great booty. Later the Arabs left when the island promised to pay tribute. Crete was raided in 653 AD. Rhodes was raided in 653.
The "Saracens" remanined there 5 years, stripped the island bare, melted down the giant bronze colossus (one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world). Sicily was raided in 668 AD (at which time Muawiyya was now the caliph and not simply a general) Advancement to Constantinople and a 6 year siege.
Chapt. 11: Checkmate on the Bosphorus: Constantinople 668-673 (pp. 83-86) The dream of conquering Constantinople, greatest city of the east. In 668 there was an amphibious assault. An expedition sails from Syria, the Arab headquarters established on the island of Cyticus (a few miles south in the straits). Siege for 7 years.
The Byzantines had a secret weapon, a flaming mixture of 'naphtha', sulphur and pitch poured down on the attackers.
Eventually, Muawiyya realized he couldn't take the city. The problem was that many of his ships were burnt, so he loaded as many soldiers as possible on the remaining ships. 30,000 soldiers were left to march back through Anatolia. The infantry was destroyed by the Byzantines during this retreat until there was a peace settlement, which forced Muawiyya to pay a tribute to Constantinople.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Three: The Iberian Venture Chapt. 12: The Toledo Whore: Spain 710 Legend: the King Rodrigo of Spain seduces the daughter of count Julian of Morocco. In retaliation, Julian sides with the Emir Musa, a Muslim ruler of North Africa, based in Tunisia. Musa's dream was to invade through Spain and France and meet Muslims invading from the east, so that Islam would surround the Mediterranean.
Chapt. 13: The Mountain of Tarik: Spain 711 (pp. 93-96) The Caliph al-Walid authorizes the invasion of Spain, so the Musa and his commander, Tarik, with the count Julian as advisor, cross from Tangier to Gibralter (then called Jabil Tarik).
Spain - peasants oppressed by aristocracy. Internal dissension especially against Jews. They were now ruled by the Visigoths, who were complacent and corrupt. The first battle, on the banks of the Guadelete river was a decisive victory for the Muslims. King Rodrigo was killed and his head sent back to Damascus. The Muslims called Iberia al-Andalus and immediately began the campaign to take it all and head on for France.
Chapt. 14: A Conqueror's Fate: Spain 711-715 (pp. 97-100) Musa had commanded Tarik to wait for reinforcements, but the general ignored him, dividing the army into 2 parties, one heading for Cordova and the other for Toledo. The inhabitants fled and the cities and booty were taken without a fight.
Musa arrived with reinforcements in 712 en route to Toledo. He captured several other cities; Carmona, Medina, Sidonia, and Seville. Often the Jews helped the Muslims as liberators.
By 715 nearly all of Spain was under Muslim occupation. Leaving his son in charge, Musa returned to Damascus to report, but the new Caliph, Suleiman, feared his victories and had him banished to live as a beggar in a town in Arabia.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Four: Islam Unfolds Chapt. 15: The Forgotten Isaurian: Constantinople 717-718 (pp. 103-106) Leo the Isaurian, Anatolian and Byzantine emperor repelled the second Muslim attack on Constantinople in 717AD, initiated by Suleiman, consisting of 120,000 Arabs and Persians by land and 100,000 by sea. Leo filled the granaries and the citizens watched with full bellies as the besiegers starved throughout the winter. The Arab supply ships were destroyed by Greek fire. A final doom for the Muslims came about when the Bulgarians joined the Greeks against them. The retreat was ordered, again, 30,000 by land, the rest by sea.
Chapt. 16: The Dhimmis: Dar-al-Islam from the Seventh Century Onwards (pp. 107-109) Dhimmis could not carry weapons, ride horses, wear shoes, ring church bells, wear anything green, or fight back against a Muslim assault. Proclaiming Jesus' divinity and conversion from Islam were capital offenses. Muslim rulers were not anxious for converts because Dhimmis were more valuable economically, as they paid tribute and were the slave labour.
Chapt. 17: Forays into France: The Langvredoc 718-732 (pp. 110-115) The Spaniards began the Reconquista in 718 (ended in 1492). They started out as resistance movements. Pelayo ruled a tiny territory and ran guerrilla raids against the Muslims.
Muslims began moving north. Al-Semak led the first invasion across the Pyrenees in 721, establishing a base at Norbonne. He was succeeded by Abderaman, who moved up the Rhone as far as Lyon and Dijon; specially targeting churches and monasteries. Then he moved on to Bordeaux. Between Poitiers and Tours, there was a clash between Abduraman and Charles Martel.
Chapt. 18: The Hammer of the Franks: Tours 732-759 (pp. 116-121) Summary of the battle of Poitiers (or Tours) where Charles Martel turned back Abderaman's advance. There was lots of fighting in the south of France (to the west in Langredoc under ibd-al-Malik, up the Rhone river again, east to Piedmont in Italy). The Muslims helped by Christian allies, began quarrelling with each other.
737 - Charles Martel retakes Avignon and continues to recapture Muslim strongholds until in 739 he reaches Marscilles.
741 - Charles Martel dies and is succeeded by Pepin the Short. Te Muslims are effectively driven out of France by this time.
Chapt. 19: The Umayyad Takeover: Spain 756-852 (pp. 122-129) 749 - the end of the Umayyad caliphate in Damascus. The new Abbasid rulers try to kill off all the remaining Umayyads. Abu al-Abbas manages to murder them all, but one, Abd al-Rahman, who escaped to Spain. Al-Abbas sent an army after him, but al-Rahman defeated it and established hi control over al-Andalus. Charlemagne invaded from the north, but had to return to France to fight the Germans.
So Abd al-Rahman was able to consolidate his power over his Muslim subjects.
(788-796) - Hisham I - succeeded Abd al-Rahman. Muslims invaded France, but turned back by the Christians there.
(796-822) - al-Itakam succeeded Hisham I. There was violent and quarrelling dissension even among the Muslim subjects. Notorious for massacres. In 801 Louis I (son of Charlemagne) invaded. Turned back, and also had troubles with the Basques.
(822-852) - Abd al-Rahman II - relatively peaceful, focussed on his 97 children. Exception - execution of nearly 1 dozen Christians of Cordova, who deliberately sought martyrdom by insulting the prophet.
Chapt. 20: The Long Resistance: Sicily 827-902 (pp. 130-134) Conquest of Sicily began in 827 AD, though it had been raided several times earlier. The conquest took place when Admiral Euphemius of the Byzantine navy rebelled against discipining action for marrying a nun.
He joined up with the emir of Tunisia. The campaign was slow and bloody, complete with many massacres. From Sicily they took other islands (Corsica, Malta, Sardinia, Pantellerva), and then marched on to Italy, reaching Rome and pillaging the churches of St. Peter's and St. Paul's in 846 AD. In Sicily the Arab occupation lasted 264 years. In 1091 AD the Normans defeated the Saracens.
Chapt. 21: The French Riviera Campaign: St. Tropez 898-973 (pp. 135-139) Muslim sailors landed at St. Tropez and began a disjointed pattern of conquest. All throughout the Riviera, in the Alps, cutting off France from Italy. Many settled and intermarried. Slowly the tide began to turn and in places Muslims were being pushed out. But a weak and divided Christendom was singularly unfit for the task.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Five: For Spain, My Humble Duty Chapt. 22: The Corpses of Simancas: Spain 912-961 (pp. 143-148) Incoherent, disorganised battles between Muslims and Christians and between different groups on each side characterised the early 10th century. Abd Al-Rahman III (912-961) decides to establish order.
(He was following on the heals of Abdalla (882-912), a notoriously cruel caliph. After the surrender of the Castle of Polei he ordered the decapitation of all Christians unless they converted – only one took that offer and survived.) Abd al-Rahman III re-established the authority of Cordova, putting down insurgent Muslim cities and waging war against Christian kingdoms of the north.
But the Reconquista continued to grind on. The Christians won a major victory at Simancas while Abd al-Rahman was preoccupied with Muslim rebels in the south. But the Christians did not follow up on their victory, preferring instead to settle for peace with the Muslims and internal dissension at home.
Chapt. 23: Aurora's Lover: Santiago De Compostela 967-1002 (pp. 149-152) Ibn Abi Amir (a.k.a. "Almanzor") seduced the wife of Caliph Hakim II and became vizier of al-Andalus. He became especially powerful when his lover's 5-year-old son, al-Hisham II became caliph. In 981 Almanzor lead the Muslim conquest of Zamora and executed over 4000 Christians. As a sign of his religious zeal he copied the whole Qur'an by hand and carried it around with him on campaigns.
He also helped to build a mosque with his own hands. In the face of internecine warfare on the Christian side, Almanzor took Rueda, Barcelona, a group of villages in Castile and Leon, the shrine of Santiago De Compostela (reputed burial site of St. James), and Caneles.
Each campaign was followed by a massacre of prisoners and civilians, the burning of the town and desecration of churches and monasteries. The great bells of Santiago de Compostela were carried off to Cordova on the backs of Christian slaves to be hung in the new mosque built by Almanzor. In 1002 Almanzor died of illness on the return from capturing Caneles.
Chapt. 24: Exeunt the Umayyads: Spain 1085 (pp. 153-155) Muslim empire : The Abbasid empire was divided with the Buhaywids in Iraq and Persia, Damanids in China, Fatimids in Syria, Egypt, eastern North Africa, Sicily and the Hijaz.
The Spanish Caliphate was the de facto ruler of western North Africa until disunity among Muslims in Spain lead to the fall of the Umayyads in 1031 followed by "taifas," a collection of ~30 little Muslim statelets each ruled by their own king. In contrast, the Christians were making attempts to unify.
But not much was done in the way of jihad or reconquista, though the latter gained momentum in the closing decades of the 11th century, culminating with the reconquest of Toledo in 1085.
Chapt. 25: The Desert Warrior: Zalaca 1085-1086 (pp. 156-160) 1085- reconquest of Toledo stimulates the "taifa" of Seville to ask for help from the Almoravid leader, Yusuf ibn Tashufin. The Almoravids were a puritanical movement, following the Maliki school of jurisprudence.
Yusuf, a military genius, came eager to fight against Christians and with the intention of remaining in Spain. The kings of the Muslim taifas chose Islam over Spain, they preferred the suzerainty of Africa rather than the Christian kingdom of Castile. Near Badajoz, at the Battle of Zalaca (a.k.a. Sagrajas), Yusuf defeated the Castilian army of Alfonso VI. >24,000 Christians were slaughtered and their heads shipped to all the main towns of al-Andalus and North Africa. Yusuf then returned to North Africa to tidy up affairs in his kingdom there.
Chapt. 26: Mio Cid: Valencia 1080-1108 (pp. 161-167) El-Cid, born Rodrigo Diaz de Biuar, one of the heroes of the Reconquista, a tactical genius. He was estranged from Alfonso VI while the king appeared to be making progress against the Muslim taifas, but after Zalaca el-Cid and his knights joined the Christian knights of Leon and Castile in their assault on Valencia.
After a 20 month siege Valencia was taken and its ruler burned alive. After that Yusuf and the Almoravids returned from Marrakech to retake Valencia. Their attempt to starve the city into submission failed when el-Cid led his troops in an attack that scattered the invaders. It was not until el-Cid's death in 1099 that Valencia was retaken for Islam.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Six: Deflection in the South Chapt. 27: Liberation in Lusitania: Portugal 1079-1147 (pp. 171-174) The French knight, Henry of Burgundy, came to crusade against Islam on behalf of Alfonso VI of Castile and Leon. (Many French knights were at this time answering the appeal of the pontiff in Rome to save Spain from the Saracens). Henry married the daughter of Alfonso VI and was given the fiefdom of Portugal. His son, Alfonso Henrique, freed Portugal from the Muslims with the assistance of a fleet of 164 vessels carrying hundreds of crusaders bound for the Holy Land who stopped in Portugal and decided to stay.
After the Christians reconquered Lisbon in 1147 they massacred the Muslim inhabitants and turned their attention against their Castilian overlords. By 1171 nearly all the Muslims had been expelled from Portugal and the Portuguese had established independence from Castile. In 1185 Alfonso Henrique died, king of an independent country.
Chapt. 28: Whence the Greeks and Normans: Sicily 1025-1091 (pp. 175-181) 961-Byzantines had retaken Crete from the Muslims 1035-Byzantine general, Giorgios Maniakes, assisted by the Viking Harold Hadrada, invaded Sicily.
1038-Byzantine victory at Rametta, however, no permanent landing was made because of fighting with the Normans in Italy and intrigues in the Byzantine court. The Normans had been brought to Italy as mercenaries in the wars between little Italian statelets.
In 1061 a contingent of >2000 Normans landed on Sicily, ready to fight both with Muslims and Greeks. Initially a war between roving bands, in 1084 it took on more religious overtones for the Christians when the Muslims of southern Italy burned down the churches of Reggio and enslaved the monks of the Rocco d-Asino monastery.
1091-Noto, the last Muslim stronghold in Sicily, surrendered. After the conquest of Sicily was complete mot of the Muslim population co-operated with their conquerors, some even joining the Norman army. A few rebellions were put down among those who would not co-operate, but a Muslim population remained until 1300 when the remnant was deported or forcibly converted to Christianity.
Chapt. 29: The African Take-over: Spain 1104-1212 (pp 182-191) Yusef and the Almoravids introduced the North African rule of Spain. Spain became a secondary battlefield when war broke out between 2 rival Berber sects, the Almoravids and the Almorhads. This internecine "jihad" (so-called by the mullahs on each side) were often as fierce as those against the Christians. This infighting finally assured Spanish victory in Spain.
During the 12th century many of the Orders of Christian warriors were founded (e.g. Knights of Calatrava, Knights of Santiago, Knights of our Lady of Montjoie) They began to play a crucial role in the Liberation of Spain from the Moors in the 13th century. By 1114 the North Africans had taken nearly all the Muslim taifas and were pushing north.
This conflict roused Christendom as if it were a crusade, and many knights, veterans of the reconquest of Jerusalem in 1097, poured in to defend Spain. After some back and forth movement (complicated by power struggles between the Christian kingdoms) the tide began to move against the Moors.
The collapse of the Almoravids was not caused by the Christians, but by the Almorhads, who invaded Spain in 1146 and by 1150 were rulers of al-Andalus. (The Almoravids were desert nomads, ancestors of today's Tuareg, and the Almorhads were peasant farmers and pastoralists from the Atlas mountains. They had little in common but love of Islam, hatred of each other, and the practices of slaver and violence.) Once firmly in power the Almorhads continued the Jihad in Spain.
1195 – Battle of Alarcos – fought between Alfonso VIII of Castile and the Almorhad el-Mansur. Expected Christian victory turned into a terrible defeat, which shook the rest of Western Europe. The pope (Celestine III) then intervened on behalf of Christian unity. He excommunicated the Leonese king who had formed an alliance with the Muslims, demanded the co-operation of rival kings against the Moors, and sent some crusaders to Spain instead of to the Holy Land.
Chapt. 30: The Year of Decision: Las Navos de Tolosa 1212 (pp. 192-196) King Alfonso VIII of Castile called together the largest Christian army ever assembled in Spain, >100,000 men. This army met the Almohads at Las Navos de Tolosa. After fierce fighting the Moors were routed. After the Christian victory 1 million Moors migrated back to Africa. And the Christian campaign pressed forward.
Chapt. 31:The Muslim Debacle: Spain 1212-1250 (pp. 197-200) La Reconquista took nearly 800 years to finally rid Spain of the colonial invaders. Stage I: 710-1080 – retake 1st 1/3 of Iberia Stage II: 1080-1210 – retake 2nd 1/3 of Iberia, including Portugal
Stage III: 1210-1250 – retake last 1/3 (except Grenada) Most important battles: Simancas, Zalaca, Alarcos, Las Navos de Tolosa Key Christian Leaders: Fernando III of Castile, Jaime I of Aragon. Most of the Christian soldiers were knights of military orders. The Muslims helped to destroy themselves. Some joined the Christians as mercenaries, the rest fought among themselves for power (in the 1220's there were 3 rival caliphs in Spain.)
The Spanish Muslims could expect no help from North Africa, which was embroiled in its own civil war. Muslim leaders rose and were swiftly decapitated by their fellows as the Christians moved inexorably south.
Chapt. 32: Five Cities to Go: Andalusia 1230-1248 (pp. 201-205) The Almohads were expelled from Spain in 1230, after their departure five cities still remained in Muslim hands:
Cordova – reconquered by Fernando III of Castile. The bells of the mosque of Cordova, which had been made for Santiago de Compostela and were carried by Christian slaves to Cordova upon the order of Almanzor, 300 years earlier, were now carried back to Compostela by Muslim slaves upon the order of Fernando III. La Reconquista had come a full circle.
Seville – reconquered by Fernando III of Castile after the Muslim population assassinated their leader for suggesting they surrender. Instead the siege last 2 years and 2 months before the inhabitants finally surrendered and emigrated to Morocco in 1248.
Grenada – became a vassal state of Castile Jaen - surrendered to Fernando III of Castile by its Muslim governor in exchange for permission to rule Grenada as a vassal of Castile.
Valencia – reconquered by Jaime I of Aragon. The Muslim king quickly capitulated because he wanted to convert to Christianity.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Seven: Onslaught from the East Chapt. 33: The Ottoman Advent: Turkey Mid-1200's (pp. 209-211) 1250- Turkey - Othman, son of Ertognil, is born. His tribe begins moving into Anatolia fighting the Byzantines on the west and the Mongols on the east.
The Mongols had been sweeping across central Asia. In 1258, Hulagu (grandson of Ghengis Khan) took Baghdad. After the adoption of Islam the Turkish advance on Europe became a holy war. In a short time they became the most feared threat to Eastern Europe, twice nearly reaching Vienna.
Chapt. 34: The Mongolian Horde: Russia 1340-1480 (pp. 212-205) Mongols – during their overrunning of central Asia they had no formal religion, practising a vague sort of shamanism. After conquering Muslim lands they adopted Islam (mid-13th cen,) and then moved north into Russia (at that time ruled by Lithuania in the east and Nougorad in the north.)
1223, Mongol victory by the river Kalka. 1237 – Mongols crossed the Volga and conquered Russian principalities one after another. The society ruled by the Mongols was a mixture of Mongols, Turks, Russians, Armenians and Greeks.
Late 14th century a Russian vassal state ruled from Moscow rebelled against the Mongols. After initial success they were trounced by and Moscow sacked. But the Mongols did not stay so far north for long. They remained in the south where they gradually disintegrated into different states. Those in the Crimea became known as the Tartars.
15th century - Russia was becoming a unified state. 1480 – Russia refused to pay tribute to the Mongols. The two armies faced off and disperse without a battle, effectively a victory for Russia.
1491 – Final battle of Mongols in Europe at Zasalvi in Poldavia, where a Polish army defeated a mixed Tartar-Turkish force.
Chapt.35: Janissaries Ahoy: Thrace 1301-1353 (pp 216-218) Othman I – gave his name to the Ottoman Empire and little else. He didn't fight much, just moved his people into sparsely populated areas of Asia Minor. Orkhan I – son of Othman. Sultan in 1326 and made Bursa his capital.
Byzantine Empire – throne contested by John Cantacuzene and John V (a child, his widowed mother was protecting his claim to his father's throne). John Cantracuzene invited the Ottomans into Europe to support his claim.
1345 - 1st Ottoman excursion across the Dardanelles 1349 – Byzantines ask for Ottoman help against Bulgaria 1353 – Turks establish their first permanent European settlement in Gallipoli.
Orkhan I created the Janissary force – originally drawn from Christian slaves removed from their families as children. They were raised to be an elite fighting corp, loyal to the sultan alone. For the next 300 years, they were the best fighting force in Europe. (Janissaries were generally converted to Islam, sometimes by force, sometimes willingly.)
Chapt. 36: The Gay Revolt: Thrace 1376-1388 (pp. 291-223) Under Orkhan I the Ottomans conquered Thrace. Europe was in its usual disarray. The French and English were beginning their 100 years war. Genoa and Venice were in a 30 years war. Spain endured internecine warfare between Christian kingdoms.
In Germany the Black Death raged. Lithuania and Hungary were fighting over the Ukraine. Russia was fighting the Mongols and the Balkans were resisting Hungarian imperialism.
Murad I (Othman's son) – began the first serious Ottoman invasion of Europe and tripled the size of the Empire. Pope Urban V, afraid of a renewed Muslim invasion from North Africa and the rising Ottoman threat in the Balkans, called upon Catholic Hungary and Orthodox Serbia to stop the Turks.
1371 –1st important Eastern European response to Jihad. Christians were stopped by Muslims at Cenomen. 1st conflict between Janissaries and their Christian relations, also 1st between Turks and the Serbs. Murad cleverly intervened in the Byzantine civil war between the rival "Johns", supporting now one, now the other.
The sons of John V and Murad began having an affair and also planned to overthrow their fathers. The coup was halted, and Murad was so enthusiastic that he launched a new invasion of Europe. Sofia fell in 1385 and Salonika in 1387.
Chapt. 37: The Field of Blackbirds: Kosovo 1389 (pp 224-230) King of Serbia (Lazar I), threatened by advancing Ottomans, gathered together a force of Serbians, Wallachians, Bosnians and Albanians to oppose the invaders. The Christian force outnumbered the Muslims, but a well-timed addition of Janissaries to the fight turned the tide and the Ottomans won.
Murad was wounded and ordered the execution of King Lazar before himself dying. The new sultan, Bajazet, immediately ordered his brother Yakub to be strangled. Yakub had led the counterattack that turned the battle against the Christians and might have proved a little too popular for the new sultan's comfort. (The execution of surviving siblings proved to be a common political manoeuvre in the Ottoman court.)
Chapt. 38: The Wild Knights of France: Nicopolis 1396 (pp. 231-239) King Sigismund of Hungary sent envoys to France to plead for protection against the invaders. The 100 years war had just taken a breather and French knights were happy to head off to Hungary with the blessing of the pope.
The purpose of the expedition of these ~10,000 knights was to retake Nicopolis on the Bulgarian side of the Danube. The brought no siege equipment, trusting on their courage to route the Turks. Instead, Nicopolis held, waiting for reinforcements, which Bajazet duly brought.
Against the advice of Sigismund, the French knights rushed to meet the enemy – straight into a trap, rows and rows of sharpened stakes planed in the ground so the French were forced to dismount or disembowel their horses. Effectively helpless on the ground, the French were massacred, Bulgaria became an Ottoman vassal, and Hungary remained in danger.
One of the surviving French knights returned to France and brought a small force to assist in the siege of Constantinople. For a time the French forced the Turks to lift the siege by land and sea, but the eventual fall of Constantinople was really delayed by the invasion of the Mongol Timurlane who was leading his troops across Asia from Samarkand. He defeated Bajazet and established himself as sultan.
Chapt. 39: The Hungarian Hero: Varna 1444 (pp 240-247) The Ottoman empire quickly degenerated into a 4-sided civil war. The Serbs foolishly sided with a prince that lost and were massacred in their thousands for their folly. Eventually only one claimant survived, Mahomet I, an exceptionally humane and just ruler. He signed peace treaties with Venice and Constantinople. His son, Murad II, resumed the invasion of Europe.
In the Balkans he had been facing two resistance movement, one lead by Janas Hunyadi of Hungary and one led by John Castriot of Albania, and Murad was eager to make up his lack of prestige.
1443- The Hungarians, Poles, Serbs, Wallachians, and Germans untied under the Hungarian king Ladislaus and went out to face the advancing Turkish army.
The vastly outnumbered Christians defeated the Turks, but, inexplicably, within sight of the Turkish capital King Ladislaus pulled back and signed a treaty with Murad.
A year later the Hungarians changed their mind and started the war again, this time marching as far as Varna (where they were supposed to receive aid from Venetian ships which never arrived.) This time the Christians were soundly defeated by a renewed Muslim force.
Chapt. 40: The Last Agony: Constantinople 1453 (pp 245-259) In 1453 Constantinople fell, unaided by any European ally except a few hundred troops from Genoa. Beset by internal quarrels, the European states did not notice until it was too late.
The next thing they knew, Turkey was the most powerful state in Europe. Suleiman the Magnificent was far more powerful than his contemporaries Elizabeth of England, Charles V of Austria or Francois I of France.
(Pg. 249) "They feared the Turks. The Turks did not fear them. The Turkish threat was for centuries the main concern of all the European nations, and every European man and woman lived in terror of the Turks. They feared the Muslim Turks much more than they ever feared the Nazi Germans or the Communist Russians, and for much, much longer. The Nazi peril lasted 10 years. Soviet imperialism lasted 70 years. The Turkish threat lasted 500 years."
Since its founding in 658 Constantinople had been besieged 29 times. Frequently by the Muslims (during the initial Arab conquests and then a frequent Ottoman activity), but occasionally by Catholic Christians who sacked the Orthodox city en route to the Holy Land on the crusades.
Mahomet II determined to take Constantinople and the few hundred square mile remaining of the once glorious Roman empire. 1st he besieged the city, and waited. He made a treaty with the Catholic Hungarian Janas Hunyadi to ensure peace on his northern front. Mahomet was not a pious man.(rather he was fond of blaspheming the prophet, murder, and homosexual activity) and this war barely pretended to be a Jihad, rather it was straightforward imperialism.
The Turks attacked the city relentlessly from 6 April to 29 October. Despite determined resistance and the addition of the Genoese troops, the city walls fell. The night of 28 October the remaining citizens crowded into St. Sophia's Cathedral for a final service.
The next day the city was overwhelmed, the soldiers slaughtered, the civilians enslaved, and the women raped – beginning with the convent. St. Sophia was declared as mosque, as it has remained to this day.
But the Ottomans had to make long term arrangements for the surviving Christians throughout the empire, most of whom refused to convert, so they commanded the remaining Orthodox priests to appoint a new patriarch, who could shepherd his little flock at the will of the Sultan.
Chapt. 41: The Road to Rome: Study the de vinci code for truth about Rome and on
or paste in your brouser https://www.angelfire.com/or/dhuard/page9.html, access his great art and the history behind it. Only here can you see heavenly poetry in paintings of truth. Shooking revelations that the world did not realize until now! Belgrade 1456 (pp 260-264)After the fall of Constantinople, Mahomet II set his sights on Rome and turned his army north toward the Balkans. In the next few years he conquered 12 kingdoms and 200 cities. 1st, Peloponnese, the remaining part of Greece, then Bosnia.
At its surrender the king and heir were promised their lives, but shortly they were executed as the Grand Mufti argued that agreements with unbelievers were invalid. The population generally converted to Islam so as to avoid the same fate, a crime for which the Serbs, who remained Orthodox, have never forgiven them. Serbia fell next, but for a time Albania held out under the leadership of John Castriot (a.k.a. Skanderbeg) until 1468.
Hungary, still with Janos Hunyadi at the head of the army, stood firm and called for a crusade to protect Belgrade. Hunyadi's victory there proved a major setback to the Ottomans.
After 15 years of fighting in the Balkans Mahomet II decided to try a sea assault against Italy. But plans went awry when he announced his plans to keep the plunder for himself and his Janissaries refused to attack. Mahomet died before leaving Asia Minor. The pope called for a crusade to protect southern Italy.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Eight: By Land and by Sea Chapt. 42: The Sigh of the Moor: Granada 1492 (pp 267-274) Mahomet II's death triggered a power struggle between his two sons, Bayazid and Djem. Bayazid won, exiled his brother and established the Ottoman navy as a significant power in the Mediterranean.
Muslim-Christian fighting had very much died down in Spain, as only Grenada and a few sea ports remained in Muslim hands. But Morocco sent a stead supply of soldiers, so the Spaniards decided to retake the last of these towns, but the effort was half heart (distracted by things such as the 100 years war between France and England) and took over a century.
1461 – Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile marry and together unify Spain 1480 – Beginning of the serious campaign against Grenada. The final conquest was completed in 1492.
Chapt. 43: The Ottoman Empire: Selim the Grim 1512-1520 (pp. 275-277) After the fall of Grenada, Hungary plunged into civil war, the aristocracy brutally oppressed the peasantry which rebelled and then were crushed. But the Ottomans were busy elsewhere for the time being and missed their golden opportunity to take Hungary.
Selim I (1512-1520) built up the navy and nearly doubled the size of the empire through conquests in Asia and Africa. He took for himself the title "caliph" which vastly increased his religious prestige. A devout Sunni, he hated the Shi'a nearly as much as Christians. A strong sadistic streak left a record of hundreds of thousands of executions and goulish torture.
Chapt. 44: The Red Danube: Manacs 1526 (pp. 278-284) Suleiman the Magnificent succeeded his father Selim in 1520. He did fight 3 wars against Persia, his main Muslim enemy, but the general focus of his imperial policy was west, toward Europe. His navy moved to retake the island of Rhodes, which was defended by the Knightly order of St. John of Jerusalem.
It fell in 1522 and Suleiman permitted the surviving knights to leave Rhodes unharmed, a gesture he bitterly repented when they moved to Malta and repulsed his attacks 43 years later.
Previous Jihad campaigns destroyed Serbia, Bulgaria, Wallachia and Bosnia, Albania and Greece. Only remaining was Hungary, which Suleiman was determined to destroy. Wracked by internal dissent and ruled by a foolish playboy, (Louis II), Belgrade fell in 1521.
Louis II rushed to meet the enemy rather than waiting for reinforcements. The armies met at Mohacs, and the outnumbered Hungarians were destroyed by Turkish guns. During the next two centuries the Ottomans depopulated Hungary (from 4 to 2 /2 million), exporting ~3 million Hungarians as slaves and hunting others like partridges.
Chapt. 45: The Untaken Capital: Vienna 1529 (pp. 285-287) In 1529 Suleiman moved on Vienna only to find that to his disgust both Charles V and his brother Ferdinand were elsewhere. After 3 weeks of vile weather which prevented the use of Turkish guns Suleiman decided the effort and time needed to take the city wasn't worth the satisfaction of defeating the unimportant general in charge, so he returned to Istanbul.
Chapt. 46: Sailors, Slaver and Raiders: The Mediterranean 1504-1546 (pp. 288-294) The Muslim fishermen of Grenada established a thriving piracy business from bases in North Africa. The chief commodity was Christian slaves from Spain and Italy.
The pirates considered their actions to be Jihad, citing sura ix: 5-6 "kill those who join other gods with God wherever ye shall find them; and seize them, besiege them, and lay wait for them with every type of ambush.)
Slavery was considered to have Qur'anic (and therefore divine) sanction (as compared to Christianity, where, though it has taken place, has nearly always been considered reprehensible.)
The pirate Barbarossa, based in Algiers, brought the territory he controlled into the Ottoman Empire and then became head of Suleiman's navy. 1535 – Charles V sacked Tunis committing atrocities worthy of the Turks. Generally the Europeans were too preoccupied with fighting each other to spend too much effort on the Ottomans.
Chapt. 47: In Arms Always and Prepared for Combat: Malta 1565 (pp. 295-308) A shipload of luxury goods was captured and taken to Malta. Investors in the enterprise, including several of the sultan's wives, stood to lose heavily, so they pleaded with Suleiman to attack Malta instead of launching a second attack on Vienna.
1565, the Ottoman fleet set out for Malta (galleys rowed by Christian slaves). To both sides this was a holy war, the struggle of Islam and Christianity.
The battle started at St. Elmo, defended by Neapolitan knights who used "Greek fire" and boiling oil against guns and canons. After a month long bombardment, the fortress fell. The siege of Malta continued for 2 ½ months after the fall of St. Elmo.
The island reached the breaking point, with even women and children joining the battle to defend their 1500 year old faith, first brought to the island by St. Paul.
At last reinforcements arrived from Sicily and the Ottomans lifted the siege and returned to Istanbul. 30,000 Moors and Turks died. 8,000 of the 9,000 knights of Malta died, as did 5,000 civilians. The Ottomans never attempted to attack Malta again.
Chapt. 48: The Rhapsody of Death: Hungary 1566 (pp 309-311) As Suleiman marched the largest ever Ottoman army north through the Balkans, he was annoyed by the Hungarians who stubbornly and repeatedly rebelled against their Turkish overlords. Suleiman looked on these rebellions as an affront not only to his personal majesty, but also to God, who had given him the right to rule Hungary. The rebels were brutally slaughtered, but the march to Vienna did not continue, as Suleiman died of a heart attack and was succeeded by his son Selim.
Chapt. 49: The Alpujarras Rising: Spain 1568-1570 (pp 312-316) 70 years after the fall of Grenada, 100,000 Muslims still lived in Spain, dreaming of the day Islam would return to rule al-Andalus. They were also persecuted in the Inquisition. A secret resistance movement formed, stockpiling arms to aid an eventual invasion from North Africa.
Revolt broke out in the mountains of Grenada, and King Philip II petitioned the Pope for assistance. The Spanish force (for a time led by Don John) beat back the Moriscos, eventually completely uprooting them from Grenada and scattering them all over Spain.
Chapt. 50: The Flaying of Bragadino: Famagusta 1571 (pp. 317-321) 1570 – Selim launched an invasion of Cyprus to get a hold of the vineyards. After a year the defense collapsed and the Ottoman general Lala Mustafa had the governor of Cyprus, Bragadino, flayed to death.
Chapt. 51:A Good Day to Die: Lepanto 1572 (pp. 322-328) 1571 – Pope P ius V founded the Holy League in an attempt to unite Europe against the Muslim invaders. Commander-in-Chief was 25 year old Don John of Austria (who was actually a Spaniard). 1572 – The league sent out a navy of 316 ships which met the Ottoman navy at Lepanto where a mammoth battle took place. The result was a Christian victory that annihilated the Muslim fleet, but bad weather prevented a follow up attack on Istanbul.
Chapt. 52: Colonialism Muslim Style: Eastern Europe 1574-1681 (pp. 329-339) Turkey was the first major colonial power (100 years before Spain). Following the victory at Lepanto the Holy League fell into disarray, its members preoccupied with quarreling with each other ( e.g. Elizabeth of England and Philippe of Spain).
Selim II had fallen down in a drunken stupor and cracked his head. He was succeeded by Murad III who didn't encourage much Jihad and allowed the Janissaries to degenerate. Revolts broke out in Transylvania, Moldavia, and Wallachia. The Janissaries rebelled several times and engaged in widespread corruption. Mahomet III led a relatively uneventful reign.
His son Ahmed I became sultan at age 14 and aside from a brief excursion into Hungary pretty much focused on Persia. Othman II (1618) was jailed and strangled by his own Janissaries (it was during his reign that a British envoy first described the Ottoman Empire as the "sick man of Europe).
Murad IV (1623) Sultan at age 11, restored order at the price of 100,000 executions and quelled mutinies by the army and the Janissaries. An alcoholic and sadist (killing was a kind of sport to him), he did a few kind deeds, e.g. Ending the tribute in children which had been demanded of Christian villages, and thus he forced the Janissaries to find a new source of manpower.
Ibrahim, (brother of Murad IV) resumed the Jihad in Europe against the Cossacks, assisted by the Tatars. He also broke a treaty with Venice and attacked Crete. The siege of Candia lasted 20 years, when the Venetians in turn besieged Istanbul.
The irritated populace and the Janissaries overthrew the sultan. Mahomet IV (1648, age 10) briefly restored the Ottoman empire to its former greatness. He sent an army against the Holy Roman (i.e. Austrian) Empire and defeated the Christian force at the Battle of St.
Gothard. In 1672, the Ottomans defeated the Poles and Russians, intervening at the request of the Cossacks. In 1681, the war turned around. The Poles and Russians had retaken all the land lost to them, and had made inroads into Ottoman territory.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Nine: The Waning of Holy War Chapt. 53: Never was there a victory more complete: Vienna 1683 (pp. 343-348) 1682 – Hungarians revolted against Austria, providing a golden opportunity for the Ottomans, who sent a ½ million man army northward.
1683 – The Ottoman army, led by Kara Mustafa, besieged Vienna. Anxious not to damage the city he intended to rule, Kara Mustafa decided to starve out the inhabitants. Leopold I of Austria fled, issuing appeals for help from all over Europe. The pope sent prayers. The French promised not to attack Austria. But King John III of Poland (the same John Sobieski who defeated the Turks in four battles in four days a decade earlier) brought an army. 3,000 Polish cavalry and 18,000 Polish and German infantry set out to meet 500,000 Turks.
The Ottoman encampment was lazy and ill-planned, and the Polish force routed them in a single charge. The flight headed by Kara Mustafa himself (who was duly strangled when he returned to Istanbul).
Chapt. 54: The Jihad Totters: Greece and Hungary 1685-1699 (pp. 349-353) The Ottoman Empire is collapsing in the centre with corruption and mutinous Janissaries and crumbling at the edges as the Austrians moved steadily on. 1685 - Francisco Morosini leads a force to retake much of the Morea (Peloponnese) for the Greeks. Austrian victory at Gran taking Buda. 1687- Russians besiege Azov.
Austrian victory at Mohacs taking Croatia and Transylvania. 1688 – Austrians take Budapest. 1690 – Turks regroup, take back Belgrade and renter Kosovo.
France, threatened by growing Hapsburg strength attacks the Rhineland. 1691 – Austrians defeat Muslims in battle at Salankeman.
1697 – Battle of Zenta leads to Austrian capture of Sarajevo. 1699 – The treat of Karlowitz as the Turks sue for peace. This is the first time in the history of the Ottoman Empire that it had been forced to send envoys abroad to treat with its foes. This is the turning point. From now on the Turks are on the defensive.
Chapt. 55: The Gravediggers: Central and Southeastern Europe 1716-1770 (pp. 354-361) Ottoman wars are no longer expansionist, and barely pretend to be religious. The empire is now a major player in European power politics. 1715 – Ottoman navy and army head out to attack the Hapsburgs. They are defeated at Peterwardein (1716) and the Austrians take Belgrade, but instead of taking Istanbul the victorious Hapsburgs sign a peace treaty.
Sultan Achmed II (ruled 1703-1730) lost a war against Persia in the Caucasuses. Under Mahmoud I the Janissaries revolted. But the empire did not fall because it was alternately supported by different European nations who were trying to maintain a balance of power.
Western European nations did not want a collapsing Ottoman empire to enhance the power of the Austrians or Russians. Turkey and Russia got into a war over Poland (who knows why?). Austria took more of the Balkans and under Catherine the Great Russia moved south toward the Black Sea.
Chapt. 56: The Orloff-Suvarov Duet: The Mediterranean and Crimea 1770-1792 (pp 362-36 1770 – Russian navy turns to assist Greek rebellion against Turkey. The Greeks took the opportunity to massacre the local Turks in particularly hideous ways. But the Ottomans managed to restore order with equal severity. The Ottoman navy was nearly destroyed, but most of the Russian sailors were killed in skirmishes around the Med.
Catherine the Great ordered the Russian army to the Crimea which they took from the Tatars. The resulting peace treaty turned Turkey into a semi-vassal of Russia.
1783 - Russia incorporated the Crimea into her empire leading, causing a fresh outbreak of war. The threat of Ottoman collapse concerned the rest of Europe./ the resulting peace treaty (1792) pushed the Russian border further south but left the Ottoman empire alive.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Ten: Warriors of a Willing Doom Chapt. 57: To the shores of Tripoli: North Africa 1798-1830 (pp 370-379) French occupation of Egypt under Napoleon, who was unable to ally the Egyptians. Instead its Muslim inhabitants fiercely opposed him, calling for Jihad. The Janissaries joined the French, but eventually the Mameluks survived the temporary French presence.
Napoleon's attack on Egypt was an attempt to strike against the British in India, so when the British threatened Istanbul the French joined the Turks, bringing weapons and modern training.
The Americans clashed with the Muslims first over the Barbary pirates who annoyed US merchants and embarrassed the navy by capturing a frigate and holding the sailors hostage. A variety of skirmishes took place, ending with a treaty between the US and Algeria in 1815.
1816 – the British navy bombarded Algiers over its refusal to stop the practice of Christian slavery.
1830 - An exchange of insults between the French and Algerians deteriorated into warfare resulting in a French victory and the beginning of the French occupation of Algeria for the next 132 years.
1880s – The French took Tunisia. This was a disorienting change for the Muslims, for whom the natural order of things was Muslim rulers and Christian slaves. They weren't quite sure what to do about the Europeans who were quite certain that the opposite situation was the natural order.
Chapt. 58: The Surrogates of Pericles: Greece 1821-1827 (pp. 380-388) Rebellions in Wallachia and Moldovia triggered a revolt in Greece. Within a few weeks nearly the entire Turkish population of Morea had been slaughtered, and from the Peloponnese the revolt spread. Now Jihad was primarily a defensive concept to the Turks who fought to retain both their Ottoman nationality and Islamic religion.
Furious at the deaths of their co-religionists in Greece, Turks turned on Christians throughout the rest of the empire. Simple death was too kind, instead they were brutally tortured, triggering further atrocities by the Greeks in a downward spiral. Philhellics from all over Europe joined the cause of Greek independence.
Sultan Mahmoud II finally managed to free himself from the tyranny of his imperial guard, secretly recruiting a gunner force that destroyed the Janissaries during one of their many revolts. Support from Muhammad Ali, pasha of Egypt (virtually independent for some time), turned the tide against Greece, until Britain, France, and Russia threatened to jointly attack Turkey if it did not sign a peace treaty with the Greeks.
A short naval battle persuaded the Ottomans of their sincerity by destroying the Turkish fleet. Greece was finally free.
Chapt. 59: War Galore: The Balkans 1825-1878 (pp. 389-395) Following the revolt of Greece the Ottoman empire plunged into a series of wars:
Russo-Turkish War (1828-29) Crimean War (1853-56) Russo-Turkish War (1877-78) Balkan Wars (1912-13) World War I (1914-18)
Russia was Turkey's greatest enemy, and the Balkan states generally gained their independence because of their relationship with Russia. This growing power intimidated Britain and France enough to join the Ottomans against Russia in the Crimea.
The wars were conceived almost exclusively as political struggles by the "Christian" nations, but the rhetoric of jihad still dominated Ottoman propaganda until the mid-19th century.
In the face of revolts in Egypt, Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Bulgaria, and the Russian advance to Edirne (~50 miles from Istanbul), belated military reforms and savage reprisals against rebels could not keep the empire together.
In India, 1877, a gathering of Muslim clerics decided that for their part, jihad against Britain was unnecessary, as long as she permitted the practice of Islam to her subjects.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Eleven: The Jihad Returns Chapt. 60: The Great Unholy Wars: Dar al-Harb 1912-1945 (pp. 399-409) The new Balkan states created in the first few decades of the 20th century had no experience at self-government. Their only model of government for the last few centuries had been Ottoman corruption and ruthlessness.
The new borders were not drawn with intelligible divisions of ethnicity or language. 1912 - 1st Balkan war - Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, Turkey - lots of switching sides.
Austria got involved when Serbia claimed Bosnia, and the death of Archduke Francis Ferdinand triggered the 1st World War. Turkey entered on the side of Germany and the sultan/caliph declared universal jihad against the enemy nations.
But in general the call failed and few Muslims in these countries rebelled. The British persuaded the Arabs in turn to declare a jihad against the Ottomans. Various rival factions declaring jihad on one another further weakened the empire.
1915-massacre of 1 million Armenians while being deported from Turkey to Syria. Most of the victims died along the way when deprived of food, water and all clothing. e.g. In one group of 18,000 Armenians, only 150 survived to reach Aleppo.
1922-100,000 Greeks massacred at Smyrna All the victims in both cases were Christian. With the destruction of the Ottoman empire, after the last orgy of violence in Smyrna, the caliphate and the rhetoric of jihad temporarily disappeared. In fact, the new leader of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal (Attaturk) detested Islam. But during W.W.II the first hints of the return of jihad appeared in Bosnia, unrecognised by almost everybody.
In the midst of inter-ethnic violence where everybody appeared to be killing everyone else, Muslims began banding together, forming religiously defined defence groups. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem travelled to Yugoslavia to preach jihad against the Jews and other enemies of Islam on the side of Nazi Germany.
Chapt. 61: Terrorism: The West 1980s-1990s (pp. 410-412) The vocabulary of jihad has returned, justifying terrorist actions of every type. But rather than uniting Islam, jihad today is dividing it as Muslims war against one another. Not all Muslims identify with this violence. Islam is still a political ideology, considering its destiny to rule the world and replace the outdated religions of Christianity and Judaism. Religious submission is demanded of its own people.
Epilogue: An Action in all its Luster (pp. 413-415) Story about a good relationship between a Christian and a Muslim in the 18th century.
Conclusion: What, therefore can we say concerning the Qur'an? Is it the Word of God? Muslims contend that we can only understand the origins of the Qur'an through the eyes of Muslim Tradition, which tells us that Allah revealed his truth through the Qur'an which was sent down to Muhammad.
We, however, suspect the authenticity for this claim, as the primary sources for the later traditions simply do not exist prior to the eighth century. In fact the Muslim sources which we do possess are of a relatively later date, compiled between 200-300 years after the fact, and are dependant on oral traditions passed down by storytellers whose narratives not only cannot be corroborated, but suddenly seem to proliferate towards the end of the eighth century.
Wansbrough takes the position that the Qur'an was compiled even later than the traditions, and was used as an authoritative stamp to authenticate later beliefs and laws by those who were responsible for canonizing the Muslim Traditions. If he is correct, then one would wonder whether Muhammad would even recognize the Qur'an which we possess today.
Nonetheless, the Qur'an itself has been suggested as a source for Islam, and its own best authority. Yet it too suffers from many of the same problems mentioned above.
When we open the Qur'an and read it we are faced immediately with many structural and literary difficulties which bode ill for a document claiming to be the final and perfect Word of God. We are presented with spurious "Biblical accounts" which parallel known second century heretical Talmudic and Christian Apocryphal documents.
And while we wonder how these very human documents found their way into a supposedly non-human scripture, we are introduced to scientific peculiarities which have also found their way into its pages.
These difficulties do seem to point away from a divine authorship and point towards a more plausible explanation; that the Qur'an is simply a collection of disparate sources borrowed from surrounding pieces of literature, folk tales, and oral traditions present during the seventh and eighth centuries, and accidently grafted in by unsuspecting later compilers of the Abbasid period.
Non-Muslim sources which we possess from a variety of surrounding societies also corroborate the evidence above. Much of what we find in these external seventh and eighth century sources contradict what the Muslim Tradition and the Qur'an tell us, causing us to suspect the latter's authenticity.
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In the end we are left with little on which to hold. Muslim sources are found to be questionable, while non-Muslim sources point to a dearth of any real evidence for the accurateness of the Qur'an.
There is indeed, much disturbing material here with which the Muslim apologist must now contend. Yet, I do find solace in the fact that the next time I see a Muslim holding his Qur'an aloft as evidence of Allah's blueprint for humanity, I can ask him one simple question, the same question historians are now asking, "Where, indeed is the evidence for that which they believe?"
Here you will find the evidence for which I know and beleive. Just below in Ezekiel Chapter 38 you will find the end result of what will happen to the "enemies of the USA and Israel. Also read Eze. Ch. 39-40, Revelation Ch. 16, Daniel Ch. 12, Mark Ch. 13 re: the parable of the fig-tree and the generation that began in 1948. Read and understand just these chapters in the Bible and their references and then you will have peace of mind. You will also know why we must be held captive for just a short time. Then Rev. Ch. 9, The time of the locus, as any farmer knows is five months. The reign of the antichrist, (Satan, the false christ that comes first.) He will soon come in giving peace and prosperity to the world. Looking like Christ and a great leader. Yes, he will rule from the temple in Israel. Watch the News my friends, don't be deceived!
The KJV Strong's Version
For your benefit, I put in parentaces and bold the translation from Hebrew to English taken from the Strongs Hebrew, Greek and Chaldean Dictionary.
Study and show thyself approved of the Lord and just maybe you will be spared! And YES, I know tomorrow as you know yesterday. You who understand, know who and what I am! Don, His End Time Watchmen
Ezekiel 38
38:1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
38:2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, (Russia) the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,
38:3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, (Leader of Russia) the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:
38:4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: (Great military, vehicles and modern weapons)
38:5 Persia, (Iran & Iraq) (Ethiopia, African Nations) and (Libya) with them; all of them with shield and helmet:
38:6 Gomer, and all his bands; ( Assyrian, Celts ) the house of Togarmah (Russian part of old Assyria)of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.
38:7 Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company (Military Allies) that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.
38:8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains (people) of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.
38:9 Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee. (By air and land)
38:10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: (War and terrorism)
38:11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, (Outside Jerusalem) and having neither bars nor gates,
38:12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.
38:13 Sheba, and Dedan, (Arabian States)and the merchants of Tarshish, (Spain)with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?
38:14 Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord GOD; In that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely, shalt thou not know it?
38:15 And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army:
38:16 And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.
38:17 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them?
38:18 And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, that my fury shall come up in my face.
38:19 For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;(Bombs)
38:20 So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains (World Governments)shall be thrown down, and the steep places (Communications and weapon Satellites) shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.
38:21 And I will call for a sword (Judgement)against him throughout all my mountains, (US Government, Canada, England and Christian Nations) saith the Lord GOD: every man's sword (Weapons)shall be against his brother. (Different ethinic races in USA, not family!)
38:22 And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones *, fire, and brimstone.(Radiation and Biological weapons)
38:23 Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the LORD. The KJV Strong's Version
What, therefore can we say concerning the Qur'an? Is it the Word of God? Muslims contend that we can only understand the origins of the Qur'an through the eyes of Muslim Tradition, which tells us that Allah revealed his truth through the Qur'an which was sent down to Muhammad.
We, however, suspect the authenticity for this claim, as the primary sources for the later traditions simply do not exist prior to the eighth century. In fact the Muslim sources which we do possess are of a relatively later date, compiled between 200-300 years after the fact, and are dependant on oral traditions passed down by storytellers whose narratives not only cannot be corroborated, but suddenly seem to proliferate towards the end of the eighth century.
Wansbrough takes the position that the Qur'an was compiled even later than the traditions, and was used as an authoritative stamp to authenticate later beliefs and laws by those who were responsible for canonizing the Muslim Traditions. If he is correct, then one would wonder whether Muhammad would even recognize the Qur'an which we possess today.
Nonetheless, the Qur'an itself has been suggested as a source for Islam, and its own best authority. Yet it too suffers from many of the same problems mentioned above.
When we open the Qur'an and read it we are faced immediately with many structural and literary difficulties which bode ill for a document claiming to be the final and perfect Word of God. We are presented with spurious "Biblical accounts" which parallel known second century heretical Talmudic and Christian Apocryphal documents. And while we wonder how these very human documents found their way into a supposedly non-human scripture, we are introduced to scientific peculiarities which have also found their way into its pages.
These difficulties do seem to point away from a divine authorship and point towards a more plausible explanation; that the Qur'an is simply a collection of disparate sources borrowed from surrounding pieces of literature, folk tales, and oral traditions present during the seventh and eighth centuries, and accidently grafted in by unsuspecting later compilers of the Abbasid period.
Non-Muslim sources which we possess from a variety of surrounding societies also corroborate the evidence above. Much of what we find in these external seventh and eighth century sources contradict what the Muslim Tradition and the Qur'an tell us, causing us to suspect the latter's authenticity.
In the end we are left with little on which to hold. Muslim sources are found to be questionable, while non-Muslim sources point to a dearth of any real evidence for the accurateness of the Qur'an. There is indeed, much disturbing material here with which the Muslim apologist must now contend. Yet, I do find solace in the fact that the next time I see a Muslim holding his Qur'an aloft as evidence of Allah's blueprint for humanity, I can ask him one simple question, the same question historians are now asking, "Where, indeed is the evidence for that which they believe?"
The Beatitudes
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:3-10 NKVSee passages from the Holy Quaran (Koran) Below the Racism Section of the Web-Site.
I make it a policy to never mention individual denominations, groups or single out individuals by name; however since 1991 several so called "Christian Research" organizations have willingly quoted each others's falsehoods and labels, without direct research, until they are blindly printing outright lies. This has gone on long enough now that I have categorized some glaring examples of such inaccuracies to facilitate making a clear Biblical response. I am not writing this document because I seek nor want any organization's endorsement, as does Pastor Murray, but I wish to point out these inaccuracies for intelligent Bible students who love to study God's Word. The Shepherd's Chapel Network and Heritage International via the WWW now has multiple millions of serious Bible students, over 20 million to be exact who study daily with us around the world. It is because I love each of you who desire a deeper study into our Father's Word that I feel I owe this response to you and especially to new students of Heritage and the Shepherd's Chapel. Let me point out here as Pastor Murray will admit to. Back in the 90's, he was totally against Satellite broadcasting. Then one day, Don put Shepherd's Chapel access on his international web-sites and since the both have enjoyed the harvest of students. 90% of all literature, tapes, cassetts and vidio's are purchased from Shepherd's Chapel. Heritage Material is still free todate and will continue to be so. I had to make this point for all clarifications. I also should point out to those not familiar with Heritage International 1964 and the Shepherd's Chapel that we are completely independent; therefore we are not affiliated with any other church, denomination or group.
As a matter of record, the only group of which I Don Huard is the Heritage Family and Pastor Murray a member is with the or "A Chosin Few" which is a group of Korean War veterans comprised of various military factions who fought in one of the more famous battles of that war. Pastor Murray is very proud to have served With the US Marines during the Korian war and Don as a Independent Mercenary and Battle Stratigest under contract to the USA, England and the U.S. Marine during the Viet Nam Era. Pastor Murray, in this severe winter battle in which approximately 12,000 of our troops faced a massive surprise attack by an estimated 120,000 of the Korean communist enemy. Although suffering many casualties, the Marines and our British allies inflicted far more damage to the Koreans and were able to ultimately escape (with our dead and injured) from the Chosin area where they were at a grave disadvantage. Despite being wounded Pastor Murray survived this war because, I believe, the Lord had further plans and a purpose for his life. He and I have never forgotten the discipline of the U.S. Marine Corps and the lessons learned in war. If I teach like a mad man bent on survival and Pastor Murray as a Marine DI (Drill Instructor) it is with love because I know first hand the value of well educated and trained troops. In fact the root word behind the word "disciples" is "discipline". As taught by Pastor Murray over the years. The Bible frequently uses military terms to convey how we must prepare to face spiritual warfare. As Christians our ultimate enemy is not "flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, to wit we must put on the whole armour of God" (Ephesians 6:10-19).
I believe many of the inaccurate perceptions of what I teach and the Shepherd's Chapel could be resolved quickly if those interested would simply request our statements which have been freely available for many years. Go to "https://www.angelfire.com/or/dhuard/. If you have not already requested them I would encourage you to do so. Well here it is on the WWW even when Pastor Murray some time ago referred to the web as a bunch of rachet jaws until he realized that Don did have visions of the future. But perhaps the best way to evaluate what WE teach is to simply listen for a while. One thing you will quickly notice is that WE like to field questions which in my opinion is a fine way for the listener to test what is being taught. Since the beginning of my Bible teaching ministry, 35 years ago and Pastor Murray over 50 years ago, I have always insisted on taking questions from the congregation. This important part of teaching ensures that everyone has an opportunity to ask key questions, then hear and judge the knowledge of the teacher for themselves. Now let's take a look at some of the usual points of criticism that some of these so-called "Christian Research" people seem to steal from one another in their rush to reproduce lies against Heritage and myself and the Shepherd's Chapel Group.
WE teach YHVH ("I Am That I Am" and Hebrew for the Sacred Name of God), Yahshua (Hebrew for God's Saviour Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. When you speak the Truth it is the Holy Spirit manifesting Himself through you. Matthew 10:20 explicitly says "For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you." The meaning, of course, refers to the Holy Spirit as in Mark 13:11 which notes, "but when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do you premeditate; but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye; for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost (Spirit)." I make no apology for teaching the Godhead in this manner, and I certainly do not need an endorsement or approval or further interpretation of my words from any man or group of research witch hunters.
Also, I have never taught that men were little gods. Nor did Pastor Murray. It would be a lie for someone to say so. I do teach all souls were created by our Father. A Christian that would not teach this fact would have a big problem with Scripture. Example: Jeremiah 1:5 says, "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Another example: Ephesians 1:4 says, "According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world."
Recommended additional study lectures
on audio cassette tape:
#574, "Nature of God, El Shaddai
#417, "Elect"
To say that I teach racism or practice racism is another outright lie. We have people of all races that attend and study with the Heritage International group and the Shepherd's Chapel. It is very simple to prove this statement. We televise our annual Passover meetings including video interviews of many of the thousands who attend all over the world. Order a video tape of any of these interviews and you will see people of all races which effectively documents the falseness of any charges that I teach racism (a sample of Passover Interviews is also offered at the end of this document). God's Word directly teaches that our Heavenly Father created all the races and that it was good, (Genesis 1:27-28, 31). People of all nations and races shall be in the Temple of the Lord throughout eternity (Revelation 21:22-27). From The Holy Qua-ran
First from The Holy Qua-ran (Koran) of Alah!
The Women [4.36] And serve Allah and do not associate any thing with Him and be good to the parents and to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the neighbor of (your) kin and the alien neighbor, and the companion in a journey and the wayfarer and those whom your right hands possess; surely Allah does not love him who is proud, boastful; [4.107] And do not plead on behalf of those who act unfaithfully to their souls; surely Allah does not love him who is treacherous, sinful; [4.148] Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech unless (it be) by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing. The Dinner Table [5.13] But on account of their breaking their covenant We cursed them and made their hearts hard; they altered the words from their places and they neglected a portion of what they were reminded of; and you shall always discover treachery in them excepting a few of them; so pardon them and turn away; surely Allah loves those who do good (to others). [5.42] (They are) listeners of a lie, devourers of what is forbidden; therefore if they come to you, judge between them or turn aside from them, and if you turn aside from them, they shall not harm you in any way; and if you judge, judge between them with equity; surely Allah loves those who judge equitably. [5.54] O you who believe! whoever from among you turns back from his religion, then Allah will bring a people, He shall love them and they shall love Him, lowly before the believers, mighty against the unbelievers, they shall strive hard in Allah's way and shall not fear the censure of any censurer; this is Allah's Face, He gives it to whom He pleases, and Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing. [5.64] And the Jews say: The hand of Allah is tied up! Their hands shall be shackled and they shall be cursed for what they say. Nay, both His hands are spread out, He expends as He pleases; and what has been revealed to you from your Lord will certainly make many of them increase in inordinacy and unbelief; and We have put enmity and hatred among them till the day of resurrection; whenever they kindle a fire for war Allah puts it out, and they strive to make mischief in the land; and Allah does not love the mischief-makers. [5.87] O you who believe! do not forbid (yourselves) the good things which Allah has made lawful for you and do not exceed the limits; surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits. [5.93] On those who believe and do good there is no blame for what they eat, when they are careful (of their duty) and believe and do good deeds, then they are careful (of their duty) and believe, then they are careful (of their duty) and do good (to others), and Allah loves those who do good (to others).
Serpent's Seed
Now what about teaching the Serpent's Seed? I make no apology for teaching the Word of God. In Matthew 13, our Lord and Saviour explains the Parable of the Sower directly to His disciples. He is very explicit about exactly who the sower of the bad seed really is. Matthew 13:37-39 states, "He (Jesus) answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; the enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels."
Let no one tell you Christ was speaking in a parable here for He was carefully explaining to His disciples the real meaning of the parable He had previously spoken to the multitude. He talked with them in private, and He used language that a child could understand. Christ's teaching of the seed of the devil (or serpent) was nothing new, it was taught from the beginning of Scripture - Genesis.
In Genesis 3:15 God is speaking to the serpent, "and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel." The bruising of the heel took place when Christ was nailed to the Cross. And finally, for those who still want further proof as to who the serpent really is; we read in Revelation 12:9, "and the great Dragon was cast out, that old Serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world." Now can anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear have any doubt or confusion about Satan's own seed?
Recommended additional study lectures
on audio cassette tape
#146, "Genesis, Chapters 1-6"
#461, "Seed of the Serpent"
Kenites,What about the use of the word Kenites? It is a Hebrew word that has only one meaning, "sons of Cain." It does not mean Judah. The word Kenite cannot be translated Judah and is never used of Judah. Anyone saying that I use the word to describe Judah is not telling the truth; it would be a lie, because I have never said this.
Recommended additional study lecture on audio cassette tape:
#436, "Kenites"
Exclusive Messenger
Some "researchers" say that I claim to be God's exclusive messenger for this era. I have never thought this, much less claimed it. Such a claim is another outright lie. Those "researchers" cannot prove it because I have never said this. A Christian would not think of making up lies about someone, so how should we label these "Christian Researchers?"
Doctorate of Religious Education
I have never claimed to have received a doctorate from Roy Gillaspie. I do not know where some of these "researchers" came up with this. Roy Gillaspie was simply a beloved teacher of God's Word and I have never said or implied any such thing. It is true that I have a policy of not publicly stating where I earned my doctorate because then "critics" cannot judge me by association. I have always publicly stated that my credentials are my ability to teach God's Word. To the extent that our Heavenly Father blesses me with the ability to clearly teach His Word then what higher ordination could there be
In today's world we need to be vigilant for those who would sow seeds of doubt concerning what God's Word actually says. There is nothing wrong with honest disagreement, this does not entitle one to spread outright lies. Acts 17 provides an example of an honest disagreement when Paul disputed with other Apostles in Jerusalem whether circumcision was necessary for salvation. Galatians 2 offers a second witness to the fact that although there was honest disagreement at the beginning of this meeting there was still fellowship at the end. It may also be surprising to note that this disagreement occurred perhaps 16 years after Yahshua's resurrection. And note that all the problems arose because "certain men from Judea" wanted to stir up discord among Christians by spreading the lie that unless Gentiles were circumcised like them they could not have salvation. In other words they denied salvation through Yahshua alone. The Lord hates those who sow discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:16-19)
Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit gives us good advice in II Timothy 2:15-16 when he says, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. But shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness." Let us never be afraid to study together in Christian fellowship in a positive way with an earnest heart felt desire to uncover the Truth of God's Word. Our Heavenly Father has chosen not to give us all Truth and Knowledge on a silver platter. He expects us to study His Word and search out what is true (Proverbs 25:2). Paul also tells us the Bereans set a good example for all Christians as "they received the Word with all readiness of mind and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so".
At the Shepherd's Chapel they as we study God's Word in a unique verse by verse, chapter by chapter and Book by Book methodology. We don't leave anything out. We hold daily Bible classes on a college level which are freely available to all. I frequently caution all listeners not to believe what any man may teach you unless you first check them out directly from God's Word which is unchanging. You will never go wrong by encouraging daily Bible study which allows the spirit to grow ever stronger in knowledge, wisdom and in discernment.
So to those who desire to join the millions of Shepherd's Chapel and Heritage International's listeners and reader's on the WWW who enjoy studying God's Word I welcome you. If you disagree with me, that is quite alright. All I ask is that you be honest in disagreement and careful to document your beliefs. I'll always respect honest disagreement.
Now finally I say Wake Up World or those who have eyes to see and ears to hear
The widely popular doctrine of a pre-tribulation rapture hinges on four basic doctrines: (a) Even though the Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah, they are still God’s chosen people. Therefore, God has to fulfill all of the promises that He made to ancient Israel because God always keeps His promises. (b) Salvation has occurred in different ways at different times (dispensations). Therefore, Christians are saved today in a different way than the Jews and other people were before the cross. (c) The seventieth week of Daniel 9 points forward to a period of seven years during which the Great Tribulation will take place, and (d) God will not allow the church to suffer His wrath during the Great Tribulation. He will take it to Heaven.
Advocates of this theory weave these four concepts into a divine conflict which God resolves with a pre-tribulation rapture. Basically, the scenario is this: Israel’s persistent rejection of Jesus Christ as Messiah prevents God from fulfilling His promises to them. Therefore, when the time allotted to the Gentiles ends, God will suddenly remove the church from Earth. When the Jews discover that hundreds of millions of Christians are missing from Earth, 144,000 Jews will convert to Christianity and they (12,000 for each of the 12 tribes) will go throughout the world proclaiming the gospel of Jesus during the Great Tribulation. Thus, many unbelievers will receive salvation through the Jews and be saved by Jesus at the Second Coming. To many people, this scenario makes perfect sense. Everything works out so completely: The church will not participate in the Great Tribulation, Israel will convert to Christianity after the church is raptured, and God will be able to fulfill all of the glorious promises that He originally made to the nation of Israel.
Before we go any further, I need to make four statements. First, as a follower of Jesus Christ, my prayer for many years has been, "Lord, I don’t care what the truth may be, I just want to know it. I don’t care where the truth may take me or what it costs; I just want to understand your Word and your teachings." In other words, as I approach this subject, I want you to know that I do not have any reason to exalt or diminish the rapture doctrine. I do not represent a religious organization nor do I belong to one, so I do not have a position to defend or assert. The Bible says that we are to test "all things" (1 Thessalonians 5:21) to determine whether they are fact or fiction and this is a summary report of my investigation.
Second, after studying the Bible for 35 years, I have to say that the Bible is not an easy book to study or understand. Biblical themes are huge and intricate, and various elements in each theme are scattered from one end of the Bible to the other. Because the Bible is comprehensive and complex (actually a library of 66 books), much confusion and antagonistic diversity about its teachings exist among Christians. The fact that there are more than 220 Christian denominations in the United States today, each claiming to have and teach pure Bible truth, proves this point. So, given the breadth and scope of the Bible, I think a good student should study through the whole Bible a few times before taking a strong position on some of its more difficult concepts.
Over the years, I have observed that new converts find it helpful "to be led" through the Bible by those they trust, usually the pastor(s) of the denomination who brought them to Christ. While there is nothing wrong with this process, the problem is that few believers continue to search the Scriptures for truths greater than what their denomination offers. (Paul also observed this problem. See Hebrews 5:11-6:3) In other words, many Christians confuse "arriving at the truth" with joining a church. The end result is that many Christians grow complacent after "getting saved" and they believe learning more about Jesus and His Word is optional. This mind set is unfortunate, but common. When I hear a Christian say, "The only thing that matters is my relationship with Jesus," it translates to me, "I have my ticket to Heaven." More often than not this indicates the spiritual problem that the Christian has closed his mind to greater truths and has essentially terminated his investigation of God and His Word.
Third, everyone (including myself) approaches a study of the Bible with bias and predisposition. For example, bias can be cultural (this means that our basic views about God were absorbed from the people who live around us), bias can come from religious training (this means that we were raised by parents who belonged to a particular faith, so we are more likely to adapt religious ideas that align with the views of our parents), and bias can be as simple as arrogance and ego (this means that anyone who does not understand the Bible as we do is hopelessly stupid). The problem with bias is that most of us do not recognize our bias. Consequently, many people approach the Bible to prove their views instead of permitting the Bible to teach them things that they do not want to believe. Furthermore, many people do not have the courage to stand alone in their beliefs and suffer the social consequences that comes from being religiously different. The end result is that most people tend to stay within or near the religious ideas into which they were born. This too, is unfortunate, but understandable.
Last, truth is proven by the harmony that comes from the sum of its parts. This statement is an unimpeachable verity within all sciences (including theology), but the problem in all sciences and the Bible in particular, is the presence of apparent contradictions. For example, at first glance some passages in the Bible suggest that people will burn in hell "forever," and other passages indicate the wicked will be burned up and the saints will walk upon their ashes! Many Christians fall into the trap of exalting the passages they like and diminishing or distorting the passages they dislike. This is foolish. There is a divine purpose for apparent conflicts. God wants us to dig deep into His Word to find the truth. Digging takes time and it is a lot of work, but mining for truth is rewarding, and searching for harmonious answers endears the Bible to us in a way that would otherwise be impossible. The deeper we dig, the more we discover! Often, the subject becomes larger and more comprehensive than we first thought, and finally, perfect harmony rises from the sum of all the parts. Of course, God is not in conflict with Himself nor His Word, but there are apparent conflicts in the Bible which make perfect sense once the whole truth is known. If the Bible student understands from the beginning there are apparent conflicts in the Bible, he is more likely to give every passage equal weight when trying to resolve his questions. In short, I have found that the Bible will only yield its intended meaning when the sum of all of the parts becomes harmonious.
Why am I elaborating on these four matters? In a nutshell, I believe the four underlying doctrines that support the rapture theory are flawed and incomplete doctrines. There are passages of Scripture that stand in opposition to the fundamentals on which these four doctrines are built. I am convinced the rapture doctrine, as wonderful as it sounds, is "a fragile house of cards" simply because it is not harmonious with the sum of all that the Bible has to say about these matters.
World Events
Putting theology aside for a moment, many Christians have begun to question whether there will be a pre-tribulation rapture. They are wondering if a pre-tribulation rapture is too good to be true. Why should the final generation escape the Great Tribulation when all other generations of Christians have suffered in the extreme for their faith? History says that nine of the twelve disciples became martyrs, Romans slaughtered tens of thousands of early Christians, and millions of Protestants suffered persecution and death during the Dark Ages.
Even more compelling is that today, everyone sees tribulation escalating in the world around us.
A year ago, on the morning of December 26, 2004, approximately 275,000 people suddenly perished in southern Asia. A great earthquake under the Indian Ocean caused a huge tsunami to form a 40 foot wall of water, drowning a quarter million people. On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated 90,000 square miles along the U.S. Gulf coast and more than a thousand people perished. A few weeks later, Hurricane Rita ripped up the coasts of eastern Texas and western Louisiana. Then, near the end of October, Hurricane Wilma, the most powerful hurricane ever recorded, devastated the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico before pounding Florida and putting six million people in the dark. On October 8, 2005, a great earthquake occurred in the region of Kashmir where the boundaries of India and Pakistan meet. This earthquake has affected the lives of five million people, and at this time (early November), it appears that approximately 80,000 people are dead, 60,000 are seriously injured, and 800,000 people have no shelter from winter weather. If this is not enough, today, as I am writing this article, President Bush asked Congress for $7.1 billion to prepare for a possible outbreak of a viral bird flu because epidemiologists are very concerned that the whole world could be on the edge of a great pandemic of influenza this winter. Scientists say that if the H5N1 avian virus mutates and becomes communicable between people, influenza could kill 2 Billion people within a mere twenty-one to 90 days! In 1915-1918, there was a global outbreak of influenza that killed approximately 40 million people worldwide and there are several factors indicating that Earth is primed for another devastating outbreak. As well as the expected vault rupture on the West Coast of the United States. From Southern California North to Vancouver, B.C. Canada will before mid-spring drop of into the ocean. Nature reclaiming it's own! We are in the final days!
The intensity and frequency of natural disasters are making some pre-tribulation believers nervous because growing numbers of people are suffering hardship and tribulation now since 1998. (Remember Halebop). Also remember this past summer. Two night if thunder, one boom after another. Some beleive that was the night that satan's 7,000 generals were cast to the earth. Some know it for sure! Some have seen satan in the flesh this past month. See the book of Jude. Many rapture believing preachers say that recent hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes are judgments from God, but the problem with these horrible events is that the victims are both Christians and non-Christians alike. This is unsettling. If Christians are supposed to escape God’s wrath with a pre-tribulation rapture, the question begs to be asked, "Why aren’t Christians escaping God’s wrath now?" If we are honest, we must admit that Christians have been persecuted for the past 2,000 years. Will there really be a pre-tribulation rapture for the last generation of saints? In a word, the answer is "no." The Bible repeatedly indicates there will be one gathering of the saints which occurs at the Second Coming. Notice Paul’s words:
"According to the Lord’s own word, we tell you that we [the believers] who are still alive, who are left [on Earth] till the [second] coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those [we will not go to Heaven before those] who have fallen asleep [temporarily died]. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left [on Earth] will be caught up together with them [that is, the living will join the righteous who were resurrected from their graves] in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we [the dead in Christ and the believers who were living on Earth at the time of the Second Coming] will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words." (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, insertions mine)
Points to Ponder
I cannot begin to address the flaws with the four doctrines upon which a pre-tribulation rapture is based in this short article. However, I can make a few comments on each of the four doctrines. If you care to investigate my findings on various aspects of this matter.
Doctrine #1: Even though the Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah, they are still God’s chosen people. Therefore, God has to fulfill all of the promises that He made to ancient Israel because God always keeps His promises.
LW: The Bible teaches that God changed the definition of Israel by creating a new covenant. Galatians 3:29: "If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed [sperm], and heirs according to the promise." Ephesians 2:19: "Consequently, you [Gentiles] are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household." These two verses indicate that yes, the Jews are still God’s chosen people, but the "Jews" are no longer a race of people, but instead a group of people who have accepted Christ! All that God promised to Abraham will be given to those who believe in Jesus. For more information on this topic, please do A Study on the Seven Seals and the 144,000.
Doctrine #2: Salvation has occurred in different ways at different times (the doctrine of dispensationalism); therefore, Christians are saved today in a different way than Jews and other people were before the cross.
LW: The Bible teaches that salvation has always come through faith. There are no dispensations with respect to salvation. According to Hebrews 11, the first man to die (Abel) was saved by faith! Paul clearly says that salvation did not come to the Jews through the slaughter of animals "for it is impossible for the blood of animals to take away the guilt of sin." (Hebrews 10:4) For more information on this topic, please see: Chapters 7 and 8, Jesus: The Alpha and The Omega. Web addresses: http://www.wake-up.org/Alpha/Chapter7.htm and http://www.wake-up.org/Alpha/Chapter8.htm
Doctrine #3: The seventieth week of Daniel 9 points forward to a period of seven years during which the Great Tribulation will take place.
LW: The Bible teaches that the seventieth week immediately followed the sixty-ninth week. The seventieth week began in A.D. 27 and ended in A.D. 33. As predicted, Jesus died on time, in the middle of the seventieth week (A.D. 30). Furthermore, the Bible teaches the Great Tribulation will last 1,335 days (3 ½ years, not 7 years). (Daniel 12:12) For more information on this topic, please see: Chapter 6, Daniel, the Final Generation.
Doctrine #4: God will not allow the church to be on Earth when His wrath against unbelievers is poured out.
LW: The Bible teaches that believers in Jesus will not suffer the penalty for sin (the wrath of the law) which is eternal death. The Bible also teaches that the disciples of Jesus will be persecuted and many will be martyrs. Jesus said, "They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God." (John 16:2) Millions have died for Jesus in ages past, and millions of Christians will soon die for Him! "When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained." (Revelation 6:9) For more information on this topic, please see: Chapter 10, pages 111-114, A Study on the Seven Seals and the 144,000 (Search for "Three types of Wrath") and Chapter 14, Jesus: The Alpha and The Omega.
There are three more items that need to be addressed in this examination of a pre-tribulation rapture:
Item #1: The Bible teaches that God will judge the living during the Great Tribulation. (Revelation 3:10; 14:7) A pre-tribulation rapture presupposes a pre-tribulation judgment of the living to determine who will be raptured. Once God’s judgment of the living is conducted, there will be no second chance for salvation. For more information on this topic, please see: Chapter 13, Jesus: The Alpha and The Omega.
Item #2: Apocalyptic prophecy lays out a very concise sequence of coming events. There is no mention or description of a pre-tribulation rapture in Revelation. Claiming that John’s trip to Heaven in Revelation 4 symbolizes the rapture is a distortion of Scripture. Paul was also taken to Heaven to see marvelous things! (2 Corinthians 12:4) We cannot overlook the fact that Revelation clearly predicts that the saints will be persecuted during the Great Tribulation. "He [the beast] was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation." (Revelation 13:7) "I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus. When I saw her, I was greatly astonished." (Revelation 17:6) For more information on this topic, please see: Chapter 9, A Study on the Seven Seals and The 144,000.
Item #3: Earlier, we read from 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18. The Bible teaches that Jesus will resurrect the righteous dead at the Second Coming and after they are called up into the air to meet Jesus, the living will then follow. In other words, there is one gathering of the saints, both dead and living, and this occurs at the Second Coming. At that time, all of the wicked who are alive on Earth will be slain. (Revelation 19:19-21) For more information on this topic, please see: Chapter 14, Jesus: The Alpha and The Omega.
When these issues are harmoniously synthesized, there is only one conclusion possible for me: I am convinced the doctrine of a pre-tribulation rapture is fiction. Of course, time will tell.
Our Heavenly Father has a divine purpose for each of His children. You need to stay in His Word and discover yours. May YHVH Bless each and everyone of you in your deeper study into His Word. And I pray that Don and all reader's for give my mistake a couple of days ago. Don never even tried to say I did wrong, just correct it. Sincerely, Ted Holdcamp for Don Huard, President since 1964 of Heritage International.
The final days of this system or earth age is only months away, this information is now published world-wide. Go to http://www.danbrown.com/secrets/bizarre_facts/davineci-code.html OR Enter and Read below about the da vinci code today! If this information helps you spiritually or intellecturally, please send donations to Heritage Works Trust, "an unincorporated business trust", established for research and understanding all things, so we may assist all mankind to acheive a better life under one GOD. Reserving all rights under the US Constitution With Prejudice. Federal EIN # 93-6311525Dr. Don Huard at 67624 Spinreel Road #39 North Bend, Oregon 97459 USA We spend hours and days search out truth and understanding for all of mankind to read.
http://www.danbrown.com/secrets/bizarre-facts/davinci-code.html is the web address for you to read about The Secret Life of Leonardo da Vinci and the da vinci code by Dan Brown
To Know who we are go to https://www.angelfire.com/or/dhuard/page3.html. We are God's Servants too!
The National Intelligence Council
The National Intelligence Council (NIC) manages the Intelligence Community's estimative process, incorporating the best available expertise inside and outside the government. It reports to the Director of Central Intelligence in his capacity as head of the US Intelligence Community and speaks authoritatively on substantive issues for the Community as a whole.
Since Halebop comet passes over in 1998, the beginning of the final 7 year tribulation, the world is as in the days of Noah. The daughters of man are given and takin in marriage again, to those angels of Satan who left their first estate as mentioned in the "Book of Jude." Angels that again take on the flesh body and by-pass the water sack of woman. Also called Mandemons in the old testiment! Gen.14:5 SEEDS OF CAIN, WHO'S FATHER WAS THE DEVIL! Demons in the flesh whom the public worship. Do you know any? Look up the word's Nephilim, Rephaim, Anakinand Emim then Zuzim in the Bible and Strong's Dictionary, then you will know who the Bible is refering to in these days! They are handsome with great charm. Their goal will be to captivate the finest and most beautiful young women that man has to offer. Along with their great charm, they will have great powers, just as God's "very elect" in these last days. Numbers 23, distint from "holy watchers" aligned with GOD. Also see Romans 11:4-6. You will know them by their fruits as will you know God's very elect. Their will be 7000 of them and 7000 of God's own! How many of you are really prepared for what will soon come to pass here in our generation. Yes the generation mentioned in the Parable of the fig tree.(Ref: Mathew 24 & Mark 13) The generation that won't pass until all Prophecy is complete and fulfilled. This generation began in 1948, when the Prophecy in "Jeremiah 24" about the basket of figs and the good and bad fig joined and formed a Nation again. "Israel" became that nation again and hung it's flag in 1948! It is written, haven't you read?
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Good Christians never hate anyone and as the Qur'an teaches as well as the holy bible, love and forgive. The B attitudes as written above. As John visioned and wrote the book of Revelations while in prison on the Isle. Schoolers are even trying to say that John was either John the Baptist or maybe another John. We God and We know, don't we? May God forgive and be with you all. Hopefully, before 666, the 6th trumph, the sixth seal and the sixth plague happen. Satan returns at the sixth seal, then 5 months later, Christ return. !st Cor. 15:52 Amen. Sincerely, HIS End-TimeWatchmen since 1964 December, 2005 AD
Heritage Works Trust 67624 Spinreel Road, North Bend, Oregon 97449 Dun & Brad ID # 11 836 6681 Tel: 541-759-3280 By Donald A. Huard, President of Heritage Works Trust Since 1964 Please understand that "Pastor Murray" mentioned in the writings of this web site, is an independent entity via The Shepherd's Chapel just as we are. Pastor Murray was a US Marine in the Korean War during one of the greatest battles ever fought. He is a member of the chosen few for those of you who remember that battle! I Donald A. Huard, was a independent Canadian Mercenary and battle strategist during the Viet Nam Era. See our statement of association and belief below on this web site. This December 24, 2005 in answer to CNN's message to me. Yes I know that the NSA, "National Security Association" is watching me. They also know that I am a true patriot, even though some may wish to infer something else. But as any good Christian knows, God warns in His letter, the Holy Bible, touch not my people, specially His elect. Do you know where that is written and what it implies? The enemy does! I really hope that my own people do too. Oh how I cry when I see God's judgment now happening to all of mankind and they don't even recognize it. Remember the Words of Solomon, pride goes before the fall. Just as Babylon fell, any nation with too much pride is doomed to fall. Just as satan's pride will cause him to fall next September 28, 2006. Who do you want to believe? God or mamon? December 30, 2005 Final message given at 10 pm. Again 10, the ten commandments of God! Jesus said that I am the way, the truth and the light and no man comes to the Father except through me! Jesus also went to His own and they knew Him not! Earlier message at 7 PM. Yes 7 is one of God's perfect numbers that can't be divided by any other number as my number 3 that I mention below in describing God's true purpose for my wife and I. Seeing that a "Prophet" can't lie, I thought I better mention that today again, I seen the add by "Headline News" saying that they are the world's most trusted news. Then they mentioned ever so slightly about the tropical disturbance in the Atlantic and said it was insignificant. Now seeing that they did not advance warn you about the West Coast tsunami, are you going to believe them about this new storm? I am telling you that you had better watch this one too. As I mentioned in the web site the other day, The East Coast is in for a big one too! Who do you want to believe anymore, a "prophet of God" or the "Headline News that didn't tell you? Your End Time Prophet, Dr. Donald A. Huard This is why hundreds of thousands of armed patriots are watching over me right now. They are not only to protect God's elect and anointed, but to see that they do not stumble and let their own pride cause them to fall. All are signed up and committed in writing in God's book just waiting for a call to arms by a man of God in these end times. It is not easy for me to have the eyes of the world on me at this time. Even from England and Scotland they are watching! My spirit is heavy this rainy morning as I update this web site. Even a prophet is human and has fear. But love for God seems to over power those fears. Is the world ready for an army under Christ? We are here! Let me also remind you that God's elects have the authority to call down 10,000 of God's Holy Angels for battle if and when necessary. I also am one of the Templer Nights, knighted in the Order of Michael the Arch Angel with registered certificate in hand and on file at the Coos County Court House in my trial court records. And to answer a question on many Christian minds, yes Mary M, the so called prostitute, and the blessed amongst all woman, was married to Jesus. As Jesus's brother James said, Jesus was often kissing her. He was perfect as a man, so naturally he would want to have a wife and not a man. A perfect man in all ways is without sin, and is faithful and true to his wife and country. Also he must be forgive and loving as Jesus was. He was the first fruit of all believers of the word in the new testament. See some of our other 120 web sites. You will find answers to all things and in all subjects. Just take the time and research. The true answers are their. Stop listening to lies. Take God serious this time! As God is my judge and Commander, with prejudice I stand! Christmas Eve: CNN weather forecast this morning mentioned the coming of three (3) great storms coming in to hit the West Coast of the USA in the next 10 days. One so far hit us on December 28th, thus raising havoc all over the USA and Canada. The 3rd storm will bring on the tsunami of 02/06/2006. It is December 30 2005 at 5 AM and CNN has just announced the dangerous situation that California and Southern Oregon is now in. Just before the News Announcement, a blip of past tsunami came on saying why didn't they tell or warn us before it happened. Meaning why didn't the Government Religious System, Education and financial System through the News Media tell us. They all knew in advance. Is that really fare? Well brothers, haven't I been doing just that since my first web site in 1998. Can't you see that I am not of satan's four hidden dynasties! What does it take for the world to hear? More catastrophes. Remember that you heard it all on this web site even before CNN. Only a true prophet of God would know the facts before it was announced to the world by the News Media. What say ye now, oh you wise men of the world? Today look at the signs in the weather forecast for California, Washington, Oregon and the entire country. CNN announced it at 4 AM this 28th day of December, 2005 the mentioned facts. Watch the East Coast closely too, as well as the rest of the country the weather is raising havoc as a sign for a prophet to know and understand. It will be bad weather until the tsunami's and some of God's judgment on the world is over. North Korea is in for a great tribulation and judgment at the same time. The whole world will suffer this one in January. Over 2 billion souls will die. I am not a psychic (physic) or pretender. Then another 2 billion shortly thereafter. Have you made your peace with the Lord? This December 28 a final great world tribulation began that will last 5 months. The 28 or 2 plus 8 equals 10 or God's 10 commandments. Those of you who violated them may be blinded to truth and in line for judgments unless you repent of your sins immediately! Avian flu, tsunami, earth quakes in divers places, knowledge much multiplied and time speeds up etc Wake up my people! God's judgment is upon all nations this day. Oh I know that soon this Country will repent and again turn back to God after turning its back on God for so long! But why do we have to suffer so much tribulation until then? I do pray that the Queen of England is reading this web site and understands where Her Great Country is mentioned in the end time prophecy. Yes, I am a prophet to all nations and truth. Hear me this day, or so ye shall be judged with this nation and all other nations at the same time. Are you all children of amnesia? Spiritually blind and as asleep? I guess you are! Look around you in your own country, are not both men and woman prophesying and telling you of these troubles times. Read the Holy bible or Qua'an. The book says that in these end times, both men and woman will tell you of God's judgments. Time is 4:15 am on December 28, 2006. Un believers, you had better take head! TODAY, who is willing to financially sponsor a true prophet of God beginning the first day of January, 2006? In all things for those who financially sponsor one of God's elect, God will answer all of their personal needs as well as He does ours. With a 100% guaranteed success rate as well. Can anyone else give you this pledge? Under the God of truth, we will. Try us, no threw God and you will never regret it. Their is nothing that you can think of or wish for that can't be solved or received, if it is for good and according to God's will. Everyone who wants healing, personally and family health and to be able to stop taking useless deadly drugs, whether prescribed, bought illegally or over the counter, you just have to add to you diet and eat seaweed. The food from the ocean for health's powerful natural healer and anti-ox ed ant from God. We need more iodine than the FDA tells you. The oriental eat 10,000 time the fda recommended dose. Here is another free hint from a prophet! Financial and stock market Investors, buy Russian oil stocks today until March 1, 2006, then sit on them for 3 or more months. Japan is financing China's military buildup and will soon no longer be in first place in the oil stock futures. Watch the news on ABC, BBC World News and CNN If the information on this web site helps you spiritually, physically or financially and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that all truth is written herein. Help us to help you, please send donations to us for international investigative works, necessary research in all fields internationally and assistance support for us to help in areas of danger and distress to Dr. Donald A. Huard Huard, in care of and to the attention of The Bank of America in Oregon. Then at the same time have them contact me at 541-759-3280 for confirmation of receipt of such funds, or the Sterling Savings Bank of Oregon, Telephone number is 1-888-678-7800. Either Bank will do. If you cannot contact me, try Jon Dowers at 541-756-0521 All donations will be used for investigation, health, natural medicine for the needy and to assist in maintaining peace and for the betterment of all mankind. Remember too, that the President has authorized the NSA to monitor all of our activities, both private and public by what ever means possible. Their are no more secrets. I like it that way! It keeps an individual honest and makes sure that the public is not being duped by a good con artist. Don't let the less than honest politicians convince you that the "President" should over turn the secreted extra priviledge act that he gave some well trained federal agencies. Trained for our protection. It is for all of our protection, even the enemy who wants to do us harm! How else can we find or evidence the very secretive activities of our national enemies. We at Heritage back our President as good patriots, 100%. God did ordain those who have charge of our lives in higher government and those in place of authority. Don't forget that for one moment! That is called tough love, just as God teaches. If you can't take it, don't do anything that may do harm to your brother or neighbors. Be honest in all of your activities, not just the ones on the Sabath. Hey? Read about us and who we really are on https://www.angelfire.com/or/dhuard/page3.html We give personal and banking information on the web trusting that God will protect all and so we can catch a few identity thieves with their ever growing scams. If they steel from us, they are stealing from God. He will be their judge and not I! But God does give some of us the wisdom to understand the debth of their crimes. In these end times, satan has used the media and all communications systems for his benefit of evil, yet the systems can be life saving and very convenient for us. We are spoiled, so the crooks take advantage.In God we Trust in all things. but we must have wisdom too! My personal donations again will be for bettering mankind prophesying and in my God given natural healing via the world wide web. Upon discovering your exact medical problems by analyzing your symptoms by way of a web questioner and past medical problems, blood, urine and tissue test, x-rays and genetic dna background, we will design a perfect healing program for all physical health conditions. We have never lost a client to death and have a 99% success rate in healing no matter what the condition was. Including pain relief for any and all conditions. Example of pain; migrain, spinal stenosis, lordosis, and other spinal conditions causing severe pain and muscular pain of all types. We have a guaranteed solution for all conditions. My MS patients were out of their wheel chair and up and walking usually within 2 weeks after beginning therapy in one of our clinics. Even a dead Senator who drowned after a heart attack. In the presence of more that 20 witness I totally revived him with a electro acupuncture unit, and he went on his way. Un-natural medicines and surgeries cause un-natural health problems, usually more severe than the previous. Think about it. Homeopathic and holistic natural programs only. I met my wife at my clinic in Florence, Oregon in 1981. Records of license still on their computer. I also have an old copy, of which they have a copy of at the Coquille trial court. Healed 100% of my Florence patients with my wife as the prime witness to the fact. Most paid me by a barter. A chicken, other foods, tools and clothing. But the workmen's compensation patients paid well. So that made up the cash needs that I had. My wife worked with me in 2 out of 3 of my clinics. Number 3 again! Wow! Doesn't God have humor? Example; My wife age 67 and looking 40 years old, had 3 anyurism's of the brain. Doctors wanted to do surgery, I de solved them in less than an hour and she is normal today. I have CHD and hepatitis C, now 97% healed. I began the healing in November of 2005. In this are I live now for the past 4 months I have assisted in the total healing of 27 souls. All 100% healed. CHD, Cancer of breast and spine, spinal stenosis, severe chronic pain, Avian flu, alcohol and drug addiction and many more maladies. Guarantee of healing is 100% or full refund without question of all your cost involved in the healing. Can any doctor or medical clinic do you the same. I have thousands of witnesses, both locally and internationally of my success rate. Even from Dr. Crocker, regarding a gentleman, age 73, that once needed a 5 way by-pass before he met me. After 2 months he was totally healed. No surgery! Ask Dr. John Crocker of the same Medical clinic that tried to kill me. Could Dr. Janice Patin have been jealous of me or did she get her orders from Coquille Oregon to assassinate me? We know, you think about it. Satan's control of the medical association a part of the government and satan's 4 hidden dynasties. Heritage News Repost -December 24, Christmas Eve: CNN weather forecast this morning mention the coming of three (3) great storms coming in to hit the West Coast of the USA in the next 10 days. The 3rd storm will bring on the tsunami of January 6, 2006. Looks like it won't be on the Sabbath or Saturday. So pray your plight not be on the Sabbath Day. Mat: KJV of the Holy Bible. Old news, Dec. 18, 2005 Tsunami according to the Lord, myself and as my wife calls me, the foolish prophet that confounds the wise, and many Geologist around the world feel, that the "tsunami" will be around the 6th or 7th day of January, 2006. Have you ever seen me wrong yet? Maybe even Governors Pardons happen to the right people! Over 3 billion readers around the world now have access to this web site via the WWW and the top 100 search engines. Check it out! Oh yes, excuse my spelling again, no one is perfect these days! Now as my wife said this morning, you can lead sheep to water, but you can't make them drink. I never learned to spell perfectly yet, but I will drink the water when I am thirsty! As Connie said, farmers use "terms" only most farmers understand as in the book of Revelations Chapter 9; The time of the locust, being a 5 month period in which antichrist (satan) reigns. May to September of 2006. I Guess we will see if I am a "prophet od God", hey! Next May is not very far away! I'm sure not going to like it when He reigns, will you? Important End Time Prophecy which is also in the News on CNN at 1;30 AM on Thursday morning this December 22, 2005. by Dr.Donald A.Huard Sr, President of Heritage Works Trust UBTO 1964 of 67624 Spinreel Road #39, North Bend, Oregon 97459 USA Telephone and Fax (541) 759-3280 Saddam Husaine is going to be released on a technicality. He will go home to fill and complete end time prophecy and take over where he left off with the rule of Iraq and as one of the antichristos's! See more information and news about "one of the antichristos" today at the bottom of this web site. Now 1:55 am. Lets see what happens by morning. It is now 1:30 PM on 12/22/2005. Our Nation will be on "terrorist alert" today. Yellow alert. Why? Go to the bottom of this web site and look at one of the many antichristos pictures that is responsible for our national terrorist alert and read the news above his picture. See how we have been deceived by the greatest deception ever put upon the American public. His news picture web address consist of the numbers 666! Don't that tell you something? Now The other important news for you to think about at home! Did you notice that US Cellular and many major telephone companies are no longer serving us? Do they know about the coming tsunami? Other chilling news: China's military building up with the financial help from Japan to soon come against Israel and the USA. All in prophecy! They will also be the armies of 200 million mentioned in the bible that come against The Lord's Army at Armageddon or Megido in the Land of Israel and Hamongog which is Alaska where the Russians will try to attack us in 2006. I know the strategy that will win that battle! Do you?! I am a prophet that can be God's battle strategist for some of mankind and still be one of God's "End Time Watchmen"? Like a good shepherd trying to bring his flock to safety! Do you know the mind of God and has He ever changed it for a just man or a good cause. Does the world believe that I may be a good battle strategist by knowing the will of God? Ask my wife how many times God changed His mind. Study the old testament and you will see where God changed his mind many times. Ask my wife Connie for the scriptures. Even she knows them! She is also one of God's End Time Soldiers. Yes, she is just a woman like Debra who lead the Nations of God's special people written about in the Old Testament and she is of The Royal House of Stewart. Blood kin to Robert the Bruce, also a great Scottish warrior! Today her blood kin is Prince Michael of Albany, the first head of the Royal House of Stewart to live in Scotland since the exile of Bonnie Prince Charlie, who claimed to be the King of Scots. Don't that tell you something? Connie is in the Royal Line of David in which Christ came! Read this Email sent to an interested party. My wife Constance J. Huard is formerly Constance J. Waite and a direct descendent of the House of Stewart. She is a great and God fearing Lady of true Royalty. You can talk to her and look at her and know she is a Stewart who's relatives came over on the Mayflower. I am a prophet of God with my name coming from adoni, Don and Jo hua the first 3 letters of my name. Donald A. Huard. Use the Bible codes and the perfect number of 3 which is not devisable as 7 is not by any other number and then read Joshua 20 to know my destiny. I represent the House of Menassah and Constance. Which means constant and patience who represents the House of Ephrim. Read about Debra also in her family tree in the old Testament and you will know my wife's destiny here in America. And yes I am a End Time Watchman and a Prophet. See my web site if you have not already done so! https://www.angelfire.com/or/dhuard/page3.html Now tonight I will identify my wife too. We are both born on February 25, at 6 o'clock at night just 3000 miles apart. Me on the East Cost in Connecticut and Connie on the West Coast in Oregon. She is 3 years older than me. But Menassah was first wasn't he? Using Astrology and realizing that the ancients knew that the Bible is written in the stars. We are the 2 Pisces that corral satan the dragon for the Lord on that final great day mentioned in my web site. The evidence is before you. When Christ comes, Connie will be 68 years old and I 65 years old. Total 133 years between us. Add those numbers together. They equal 7, God's perfect number. Coincidance you may say? PS: Aren't they looking for an heir to the House of Stewart? As you will soon know, she is the one that they are looking for. Don't forget, you can't fool God or a prophet of God either. Our eyes are every. Dr. Donald A. Huard, HD, CBT and International Private Investigator and Battle Strategist. Fed. EIN # 93-6311525 Heritage Works Trust UBTO This is very personal! Yesterday, Wednesday the 21rst of December 2005, a fat female government agent with a small child or what looked like and appeared to be a human child, but not with winter clothing on, as a good mother would dress a child in the cold winter, walked up to me and picked up the phone at the Ginger bread restaurant, which is on HWY 138 in Oregon going West from Hyw 5 to Florence just after the big over pass on the left side of the road. She then called in and gave my present location at around 3 pm using the house phone. With agents like that who blow their cover so easily, how can this country be safe from the enemy "without the American patriots?" The "Home Guard" as it was originally meant to be under the original written by men of God "The Original American Constitution" stating under God We Trust. They are Patriotic protectors of our fine country. I am a true patriot, prophet, end time watchman and good shepherd would,'t you say!! They enemy is within and without from afar. Don't fear me, I won't take over this country, I will only fight for it. I even gave the waitres there my web site! She did not fear me. Where does it say in the bible that in those days, they would rather believe in a lie than the truth, yet the truth will surely set you free? Will you stand for "FREEDOM" in that day? for they will hand you up for my names sake said the Lord and believe they are doing the will of God. But take no thought what you shall say, for it is the "Holy Spirit" that shall speak through you! God's Elect even have the power to call down 10,000 of God's Holy Angels if the situations demands it. Remember that the US Constitution gransts us the right to "Freedom" of speach and religion! Or are those "freedoms" gone too? For those who have eyes to see and those who have ears to hear, I speak this day! "It is now 1 AM this 23rd day of December, 2005". "Let us see what this day will bring a prophet of God's true word!" Well it is 10 am in the morning and I just woke up. At 5 AM I had a serious heart attack, my blood pressure went to 198?146 and pulse was 134 and it knocked me out but God gave me the wisdom to heal myself again. Ask my care giver Kim. Her email is mazookpr@netzeroo.net. Research into her genetic background using modern dna labs will also tell you who she really is. Well Can God alter things for His Saints when it is necessary and according to His devine will? Time will tell! For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see!
Do you worship the "creation" more than the CREATOR?
The Lord Said: Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the LORD. And forgive those who tresspass against you or I will not forgive you either. The Lord's Prayer and you all know that I can't even ask any of you forgiveness for what I write even if it hurts many in your families for we are all peaple of the book according to the Holy Qur'an. In the Qur'an see 49:13 on the web. Only God Himself can forgive us. So I guess that we all have our own work to do according to His will. I will do mine and you all can do yours. OK! If you ask why we are still here in the disaster zone, well I will tell you the truth again! I consider myself a good End Time Watchman and a good Shepherd that wants all of his flock brought to safety according to the divine will of God. With Prejudice. Amen The KJV Strong's Version Events Prophecied as I may be prophesying this early A.M. Saddam Husain is in court on CNN TV tonight at 1:30 am this 22nd day of December 2005. As prophecy mentiones about our enimies, He will be released on a technacality and prophecy has been fullfilled. See more about the "Enemy within our borders further on is this prophetic web site! 2:45 am this December 22, 2005 by Don Huard, President of Heritage Works Trust
Use Bible tools above for the final study for this year, on this 24th day of april, 2008. The day before the conception of the Lord. See the book of Luke in the New Testiment for an exact record of the birth and conception of Jesus. Also remember that Alah's prophets call us all the "peaple of the book". See the Qur-an 49:13. For those who have ears to hear and eyes to see! Mathew 24: below just above B attitudes section! Know to the meaning and purpose of a husbandman and his endtime purpose. And don't be a child of amnisia. Our history goes back thousands of years and foretells our future as well as each other's purpose in life.
Coincidence Bible codes, names and meanings, Jos hua, Constance, faithful and true, adoni, jos- hua, see the strongs concordance using bible code of 3 which like 7 is a perfect number and not devisable by any other number. Then you will know the meaning of my name. Don from adoni in 1st kings 1:8 , Jos 10:1-3 of OT and hua from Jos hua 20 and my wife Constance meaning faithful and true. Faith without works is dead! Understand this code of the Bible and you will know us! Satan know each one of us, don't he? We both were born on February 25, 3 years apart. From astrology, Pisces, the 2 fish that coral the dragon. Astrology, the bible is written in the stars the ancient wise men knew. Remember the Star of Bethleham. For those who understand bible codes and astrology. Then read Joshua 20 and you will know my purpose and where we are written about in Bible prophecy. The whole country too! JUST A COMMON SOLDIER a PATRIOT LIKE JOSHUA - Read the book of Joshuua with understanding. Note Joshua 20: Like me He was getting old and paunchy and his hair was falling fast, And he sat around the Legion telling stories of his past Of a war that he had fought in and the deeds that he had done, In his exploits with his buddies~~they were heroes, every one. And tho' sometimes to his neighbours, his tales became a joke, All his Legion buddies listened, for they knew whereof he spoke But we'll hear his tales no longer, for old Bill has passed away, And the world's a little poorer, for the soldier died today. He won't be mourned by many, just his children and his wife, For he lived an ordinary, quick and uneventful life Held a job and raised a family, quietly going his own way And the world won't note his passing, tho' a soldier died today. When politicians leave this earth, their bodies lie in state While thousands note their passing and proclaim that they were great, Papers tell their life stories from the time that they were young, But the passing of a soldier goes unnoticed and unsung. In the greatest contribution to the welfare of our land One guy breaks his promises and cons his fellow man But the ordinary fellow, who in times of war and strife, Goes off to serve his country and offers up his life. A politician's stipend and the style in which he lives Are sometimes disproportionate to the service that he gives While the ordinary soldier who offered up his all Is paid off with a medal and perhaps a pension small. It's so easy to forget them, for it was so long ago That the old Bills of our country went to battle, but we know It was not the politicians, with their compromise and ploys Who won for us the freedom that our country now enjoys. Should you find yourself in danger with your enemies at hand Would you want a politician with his ever~shifting stand? Or would you prefer a soldier who has sworn to defend His home, his kin and country and would fight right to the end? He was just a common soldier and his ranks are growing thin But his presence should remind us we may need his likes again. For when countries are in conflict then we find the soldier's part Is to clean up all the troubles that the politicians start. If we cannot do him honour while he's here to hear the praise, Then at least let's give him homage at the ending of his days Perhaps just a simple headline in a paper that would say, "OUR COUNTRY IS IN MOURNING, FOR A SOLDIER DIED TODAY !!" Writer unknown Todays News Acknowledged by Dr. Donald A. Huard President of Heritage Works Trust UBTO portland imc - newswire archive - page 141 Congressman DeFazio (D-OR) stomps on Bush war resolution on House floor. Defazzio slams the resolution to give Bush expanded war powers on the House floor. ... Today I met Gordie Hall, a guitar picken man. Picked at the Grand Old Opre in Whelling for Hackshaw Hawkins, was here to buy our little trailer. He is poor like me now, but that's OK! "God's true servants" never needed money in the Lord's time. They bartered their expertise. Luke was a physician like me. Guess I will be bartering my services from here on in! Been doing it all my life anyway! Over the years Gordie picked with Merl Haggard at the Grand Old Opre too, which was and still is Connies and my favorates over the years. Today he is just a man like you and I. Not asking any financial rewards, he gave our Congressman an idea that will be saving American lives while traveling in the air from now own. He Ain't askin for any financial rewards either, he said. Just want to share in the protection of our Country against the enemy mentioned so heavely in this website of mine. How many true patriots are left in the fine Country? Will you stand up and be counted! I have only counted 7002 todate. No I am wrong again, I counted many more, just here in Oregon alone! Then in Scotland and around the world too! Patriots everywhere, let us hear from you. We need your help yesterday! The enemy is already amongst us and with you in other Christian Countries. Can't you see? Sincerely with Love for all of mankind, Don Huard Patriot defined: A person who loves his country and zealously defends it and its interest. Written by Noah Webster 1828 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… A true Patriot is not anti-government, anti-religion or anti-racial but is anti-what is wrong in our society today. He will support any leader whether it is church or government, if they will uphold God's Law and the Constitution as originally written and abide by their powers. While vigorously opposing those that do not! Within a short time, maybe 100 years after The Bible and The Constitution were originally written, man took it upon himself to alter and change the original interpretations to meet his personal needs of desires, lust and greed. Remember too, "Satan's" (four hidden dynasties) that he uses to control mankind is; The Political System - Religious System - Financial System - Educational System. The "Religious System" has used the fear tactic, or fear God, and doctrines of man rather than understand the original meaning of to reverence Him and Love Him. Through the hell fire doctrine, and other doctrines of man, not of God man has been decieved by organized religion. The organized religious system managed to keep mankind in fear and darkness for centuries. Thereby controlling man under satan again. See Revelation 22:18-10 and Ephesians 6:10-18 Then go to: Enter here then ask Congressman or Senator DeFazzio what he really thinks? Now I truely feel that he is #7002 of the patriots I mentioned above. I met him when he was the Coos County Sheriff in 1989. I knew then he was one day to be the governor of Oregon! He offered to help me get my hand gun permit when I was on route out of country on a special mission with other West Coast Patriot Watchmen. I was gun shot in the leg off the coast of Van Couver Island while taking night photos of an illegal machine gun transaction between the enemy from US and Canadian gun runners and drug smuglers. Doctor Crocker at the Reedsport Dunes Medical clinic tended to my gangerine leg. I used natural medications and DMSO that I gave patients in the past and did save my leg. Another woman doctor at the same clinic this year in September 1, 2005 tried to assassinate me. She gave me, for serious pain that I was in a wheel chair for over 4 years, 15 40mg tablets of methodone daily. Enough to kill ten men. Then she ordered me to put on a heart alert monitor to record when I was having a heart attack, which did actually cause me a heart attack Yet it was approved by the AMA for medical use. She knew what she was doing. Deception by the system again that may have killed me if God did not make me a good spiritually alert husbandman and End Time Watchman. That is one reason that God made man the husbandman, or head of his household and to be alert to all things that may kill his family or himself. It was the system that wanted me dead for some reson. Or "satan" again controling the system to kill me because of who I am! My associates have all of the neccessary evidences in hand and under investigation this day and we now know the why's and how's. We also have at another location including some vitamins along with all duplicate physical and documented evidance, which I ordered that were tampered with by someone on route to our home from Florida. They actually caused my heart to over react, blood pressure to sky rocket and my wife to hate me to the point of wanting me to leave home. "Mind Control." Then my dentist also from Reedsport fired me after I confronted him about my upper and lower teeth partials made with a synthetic plactic by local labs, that caused me cancer of the mouth and gums. I am very happy that God gave me good wisdom so far just as the husbandman talked about in the book of Mathew. I am almost healed now, but I have to keep using the partials because I can't yet afford to buy good partials that won't cause mouth cancer. Wonder how many people have mouth and gum cancer in this country from the same products? Wow, God got us through that finally! Now next I deal with the tsunami in just 9 days when the 3rd of 3 big storms hits the west coast of the USA. We are in God's hands 100% hey? You know regarding the above mentioned incident with Congressman DeFazzio, in 1989 I would have been sent over seas on an other investigative mission in Kosavo where 4 of my associates died. At that time Sheriff DeFazzio sent me to Dr. Martin to get neccessary medications for the trip over seas. So God meant him to be a part of saving my life for today! And just like Gordie Hall, we got paid our expences, that's all!. Oh well, I got lucky and just got a gun shot wound in the largest muscle in the leg and a letter from the ATF that I still have in my files, saying good job old boy and good luck on my future ventures. I used the letter for referance in the same Coquille courts in 2005, but they put me in jail for 8 months anyway and gave me probation. Guess God was chastising me good. Today I have nothing left now as far as personal property because of that injustice, not even a vehicle. But that is how God uses evil that man or "satan" meant for you to achieve His purpose for good. We gave our said mentioned vehicle to a poor young man who tried to steel it with the help of the Coos County Sheriff's Dept. So to keep him legal, and not have to file any charges, my wife and I gave our 1983 Chevy Blazer to him for free. We bought it new and keept it like new over the years because of the high cost of new vehicles these days. Sure could use it now. It is hard getting free rides all the time! Well anyway, I have God and my beutiful wife whom God predestined for me before the foundations of this earth age. For the spiritually minded to understand! What more can a man ask for? I am alive, well, heart and body healing like you would'nt beleive and in the center of God's will. Yes, I know all about tomorrow, just as you know and remember yesterday. Can you fathom that? For four years I did'nt even remember my wife when I woke up in the morning! Ask my Senior Disabled case worker, Rick S of Adult Senior and Disabled services in North Bend, Oregon, he knows!. A brother in the Lord and a true patriot, and yes I still love God and my Country. Millions have given their lives for it! God first, then Family and Country is how I understand the patern! If I am wrong, then let God be my judge, not man! Don Huard *The "Political System" has used politics in the forms of organization, legislation, taxation, education, the media, entertainment, with an example on CNN this Xmas day of 2005 at 8 PM, They had on the discovery program a sad excuse for a scientific and educational program giving facts that may convince the unaware that the big bang theory is more logical that the facts of God's creational evidance. Thus making the theory of "eveolution true. Beware you that are not spiritually minded. Next how the finance and the religious system also used to control its citizens and all of mankind. Since the 1940's, the greatest organization for controlling mankind has come into play. The UN (United Nations). The citizens of the World have been deceived from the beginning, into thinking that the United Nations is a peace organization, committed to solving conflicts before they start using "legislation" instead of war to solve international disputes. When in reality, the UN is one of if not the greatest threat to our liberty and freedom! See (Liberalism) at: Enter Here The New World Order: Did you know that soon we would no longer be under the guidelines of the "Original Constitution! Read the TRUTH about the UN and study each and every link on this entire web site. Then you will finally get the whole picture that they did not want you to see! When you do, get the whole picture, will you be ready for a solution? Even if it means total commitment, for what you believe. So be a good husbandman and end time watchman and shepherd of the flock. Your families, friends, neighbors and your life depend on it! A good example of commitment is Jihad - or some Muslim's commitmentment. They believe and are willing to surrender their lives for their beliefs! See The Islamic Ruling on the Permissibility of Martyrdom Operations at in the link section below as well as other Muslim web sites. So if the enemies beliefs can be so strong and controlled by religious beliefs, then is time to think and act on your beliefs if they are real, don't you think? If they are not real, then just maybe you have been sold out by Satan to be enslaved to one of His hidden dynasties! Religion! What do you think? Deception again, hey? Be a good husbandman in these times, satan has decieved many! Now the "Truth" about the UN:Enter Here A List of Patriots here are: The Holy Qu'ran The Islamic ruling on the permissibility of Martyrdom OperationsThey did Hawa Barayev-suiside Jihad Watch available here in the USA Was interesting to read what other Muslims think here in America Use Free Internet Bible Search Tools or The Koran of your choice for better understanding of God's sacred word and the ultimate purpose for all of mankind! Remember we all have freedom of Religion and beleif! . December 24, 2005 Bible study in Mathew 24: and intrepatations: The KJV Strong's Version Now today's study in Matthew 24 24:1 And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. 24:2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. A prophecy will be fullfilled! No exceptions. 24:3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately *, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be ? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? Signs mentioned herein, such as tsunami, avian flu, earth quakes, wars, immorality etc. 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. They will tell you all is OK. 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Saddam to antichrist or satan. 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be "famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes," in divers places. 24:8 All * * these are the beginning of sorrows. Halebop began the 1rst 7 year tribultion. The second will be cut short to 5 months for the elects sake. Then Rev. 9 The time of the locust, May to September 2006 in which satan will reign for that 5 months. 24:9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. the saints and those who stand for all truth and don't worship the beast and false prophect. Satan controls mankind via his 4 hidden dynasties; Religion, Government, Education and Banking. Are you part of any and what is your role? 24:10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. Because truth will insult you! 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. Teachers of false doctrines such as repture and hell fire. Doctrines of man, not God. 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Children will no longer respect their parents or elders. 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. To September 28th, 2006. 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; Via the World Wide Web Daniel 12:9 and then shall the end come. 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand (5756) in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) The one who claims to be the christ on May 1, 2006 in Jerusalem on the mount. 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Satan will be their! 24:17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Go foreward and don't look back as Lot's wife did. 24:18 * Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. When the tsunami comes, their won't be time. 24:19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! January tsunami is in the winter. 24:20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: It most likely will happen on the sabbath which is the 7th of January. I felt around the 6th until today. 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. The whole earth has never been shaken for millions of years as it will be this time and mountains will fall into the ocean. Watch Mount Hood. 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Shortined to 5 months, Rev. 9, The time of the locust, May 1, to September 28, 2006. 24:23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. Until September 28th, the last great holy day of the year and Christ true birthday, when they were bringing in the sheep. Also recorde in the book of Luke, Jesus was born 5 months after John the Baptist who was born on the first Spring Holy Day which falls in April. Passover! 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets or religions and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Such as antichrist, Saddam, Politicians, Great Religious leaders, churches, Papamos which means father and the likes. 24:25 Behold, I have told you before. 24:26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. They will be lying to you. 24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Chist will return to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem and no other place. He will dethrone satan and Micheal will imprison him for 1000 years. 24:28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. Eating the dead flesh of man and animals. Millions of crows are gathering for the big harvest of flesh. Put food out and watch them come. They know the time is near. Nature is allert that way. 24:29 Immediately * * after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: Smoke and ash from volcano eruptions will darken the skies. 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. coming back in a great vehicle as mentioned in the wheels of Ezikiel. Yes, we call them UFO's 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other *. To fight that final great battle of Harmagedon and Hamongog. The last 5 minutes before we are all change into our spirit bodies and antichrist will be imprisoned. 1 Cor. 15:52 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: which began in 1948 when Isreal again hund it flag and became a nation, thus fulfilling the prophecy in Jerimiah 23 about the basket of figs. A generation was 3 score or 60 years. 1948 plus 60, but that generation won't finish untill all prophecy is completed, including the coming of the Lord. 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. The 6th seal, the 6th trumph, the 6th vial, 666 will opened and begin May,1 2006 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till * * all these things be fulfilled. the 60 years that I mentioned. 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. the old heavens and earth will have been cleansed. 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Calender days have changed where there were only 360 days in a year during the time of christ and now we have the Roman calender of 365 days. What day is the true September 28th? 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Men sleeping with men and women with woman and all unnatural sexual desires prevail as did in Noah's day and the day of Sodom and Gomora. And in that end time day the nephelium, giants, fallen angels, anakim's and they were tall, giants Strongs no. 6062 see Deuteronomt 1:28, the tall sons of anakim, mandemons also mentioned in the book of Jude, will be marrying our young woman. These mandemons, anakim's (study in the Strong's concordance the different names for mandemons, nephellium, anakim, giants, etc. which are recongnized by those who do great atheletic feets and impress the young woman and usually are super stars. Do you know any. Some use one of satan's names like Damon, Damion like in my own family and others. Notice their evil attributes. 24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, The fallen angels, fallen from the grace of God because of their evil and immoral ways, again mentioned in the book of Jude. 24:39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. that is why God caused the flood in the land where Noah lived to kill these evil hybred giants of which were 6 ft. 6 inch to over 9 ft. tall. Some did escape out into the world and their offsprings are with us today. 24:40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Will you be raptured or fly away with satan when he comes. The one still standing will be waiting for the true Christ. Decieved by doctrines of man, hey? See what Jerimiah has to say about those ministers who teach the fly away doctrine. They are mentioned there. 24:41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Antichrist will take one and the other will await the Lord. 24:42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. We can know the day but not the hour. 24:43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. So "husbands" be faithful and watch by keeping your family spiritually allert. Be a Watchman! 24:44 Therefore * * be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. 24:45 Who then is "a faithful and wise servant," whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? If you have been a "good and faithful husband," and not decieved by "satan's four hidden dynasties" you and your family will be rewarded. But if you are an abomination to the Lord, (homo or bi-sexual) or decieved by the system, then you are considered unforgivable by God and lost along with your what ever spouse you may have at that time. Look up reprobate in the strongs concordance. It means unforgivable by God. 24:46 Blessed is "that servant," whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing good honest deeds and studying the word of God. 24:47 Verily I say unto you, That he shall make "him ruler" over all his goods. We will be here on earth in the 4th demention or spirit body for 1000 years. We will have to beat our weapons, planes and tanks etc. into plow shares in order to clean up the earth and restore it for the Father to set His throne on it after 1000 years. After the great white throne judgement. Many of us were already judged in the first earth age when satan rebelled, we stood with God against the Destroyer, satan. So the second death or judgement has no power over us. Read 2nd Peter Chapter 3 about the three earth ages. 24:48 But and if that "evil servant" shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; some will get impatient and fall. 24:49 And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; 24:50 The lord of "that servant" shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, 24:51 And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Vultures (crows)and wild beast eating the dead flesh of man. With Prejudice Amen. The KJV Strong's Version The Beatitudes Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3-10 NKVSee passages from the Holy Quaran (Koran) Below the Racism Section of the Web-Site. His End Time Watchman Amen Heritage Works Trust and Heritage International Investigations and bounty hunters. 67624 Spinreel Road, North Bend,Oregon 97459 Email: donahua@aim.com and huardnlda9@aol.com Dun & Brad ID # 11 836 6681 Tel: 541-759-3280 and fax. |