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Take a look at what Speech & Debate is all about. Here is a list of events with links to the events that I have done.

  • Cross-Examination Debate
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debate
  • Parlimentary Debate
  • Student Congress
  • Humorous Interpretation
  • Serious Interpretation
  • Dual Interpretation
  • Expository Speech
  • Oratory Speech
  • After Dinner Speech
  • Radio Speech
  • Poetry & Prose
  • Impromptu Speaking
  • Extemporaneous Speaking

    Cross-Examination Debate

    CX Debate Topic for 1999-2000:
    That the federal government should establish an education policy to significantly increase academic achievement in secondary schools in the United States.

    Lincoln-Douglas Debate

    January-February 2000:
    Violent juvenile offenders ought to be treated as adults in the criminal justice system.
    LD Resolution for November-December 1999:
    The use of economic sanctions to achieve US foreign policy goals is moral.
    Sept.-Oct. 1999:
    When they conflict, respect for cultural sensitivity ought to be valued above commercial use of free speech.

    Dual Interpretation

    Two people perform a piece of literature, usually a part from a play.
    Last year I did a piece called "Civilizations and its Malcontents".

    Expository Speech

    Informative Speech 8-10 minutes long. I started writing a speech on prophecies last year but never got it together all the way.

    Oratory Speech

    Persuasive Speech 8-10 minutes long.
    I'm currently doing a speech on society's obsession with labels and stereotypes.

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