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~From Moon and Stars to the Son~

This Site brings a true story of guidance, purpose and hope.
It is a personal journey from the dark, deceptive cult nicknamed Moonies,
to Star, Elton John, then led to the Light of the Son,
and a secure future. It is a profound story, written simply,
which I hope you will read with an open mind and heart.


Brief Outline of Story

This strange, but rather adventurous journey began in 1973 in England.
I had returned from happily living in California for several years, in order to help raise the youngest of my 9 brothers and sisters, after our parents died, and was going for a job interview in London, when I was struck with a sudden profound awareness (premonition) of a forthcoming war in the Middle East.

To everyone's surprise, war did break out a few days later, between Egypt and Israel, (now known as the Yom Kippur war) as I started my new job working for a special Jewish businessman.
Naturally, I was very curious as to why I'd had this premonition and felt, deep inside that I should "keep my eyes on Israel"

It was at a time when I seemed to keep hearing about Bible prophecies and the second coming of Christ. Magazines, pamphlets and even a book sent to me for Christmas from a friend in California.

Eventually opened my dusty old Bible, (that I had put aside years before, whilst looking into other beliefs), and began reading about Jesus, and then found to my surprise, that I was reading the OLD Testament. This made me even more curious and fascinated with Bible prophecies, as there were so many of them.

Began to observe some of the "Signs of the Times" as predicted in the Bible. (e.g. gradual increases in earthquakes, famines, wars, loss of faith, selfishness, hardness of hearts, lawlessness, pestilence. Increase in knowledge, travel, sitings in the sky, etc., plus Israel being threatened with a big war). I had yet to observe the false christs, that Jesus first warns about.

Decided to return to California in February 1975, since I knew there were a lot of other people of my generation seeking answers and remedies to similar questions and looking for their meaningful purpose in life.
My intention was to find a good Bible school to study at and hopefully find an active role in, what seemed to be, the "last days".
Maintaining an open mind, though, with no firm beliefs of my own, except a basic child-like faith in Jesus, I just sought the truth.

My journey led me to some strange things.

No sooner had I started out on my journey for greater knowledge, than I was met up on the street by a young German woman who was asking people questions about the meaning of life and the state of the world today. I told her I was seeking answers to these questions myself and she excitedly invited me to her new international "Unification" centre nearby to hear a short lecture on their ideas. Encouraged by her warm friendliness, I accepted.

To my astonishment, her centre was just like a place I'd seen in a recent dream, where I had found my best friend, Ursula, a Bavarian girl, (who had died a few years earlier), working for something important and asking me to join!
Being very curious about this, I cautiously agreed to go to their camp in the mountains for a weekend. (despite an American friend warning me that I would "come back brainwashed!")

What happened after that was unexpected and caused a lot of changes.

Moonies camp very friendly and active, situated a former YMCA summer camp in the secluded Alpine Mountains of San Bernardino. Lots of young people brought up from the nearby towns. All light-hearted but idealistic, innocent Americans.

More informative dreams. Nightmare warning.

Strange things happened at Moonies camp.
Psychic experiences. Demons? Exorcisms.

More talk of the devil's power than of God's.

Lot of what they taught made sense to the mind, and I couldn't refute the Bible passages that were used, since I didn't know the Bible well enough at that time. For some reason though, I felt I had to stay with them (possibly because of my dream premonitions) and found that I became even more psychic at this time.
Questioned a lot of their beliefs and doubted their motives.
Often argued with teachers/leaders about some of their beliefs.
Picked up a lot of things intuitively. Had two minds about everything.

Moonies made everyone feel guilty for our imperfections, and the urgent need to join the Unification "family", headed by a "True Father" and central figure - (namely Rev. Sun Myung Moon) Many of us new recruits took it lightly at first. Not sold on their seriousness. I observed everything and took it all in with suspicion, often writing down my doubts and observations.

Lectures began to get heavy and serious. Everyone seemed mesmerised. Shocking church disclosure, "Moon, the Second Christ on Earth!"
Taught that only Rev. Moon knows God's mind and heart, and we must be guided by and obey him. Subduing satan in ourselves, by submitting our own selfish desires and needs to his will, and paying "indemnity" for, not only our own "sins" but those of our ancestors!
Told my dear friend Ursula was "growing" through me, that was why I dreamed of her being with them.

By the time the full 21-day course was finished, another 50-100 new recruits were under control. Giving up families, friends, college and aspiring careers for dedication to Moon's beliefs.
Many submit to Moon's ideas and seem mesmerised by it all.
Despite my scepticism and doubts, after five months I also ended up somewhat brainwashed.

"Butterflies are free to fly" (Elton John)

Friend, Christine, came over from Paris for a vacation. I took 3 days off (with difficulty) to show her around, what I was also beginning to look upon as "Babylon".
Began to see everything outside the camp as evil, and to be avoided. Christine lightened everything though, with her casual, laid-back attitude, and strong dislike for fanatics, such as the Moonies! We even had a laugh about it all!
Brought me back to life again!
Whilst down from the camp, met up with Elton John rehearsing in old Columbia Studios in Hollywood. Invited to sit in on his rehearsals.
Although I wasn't a fan of his, I was very homesick and so I accepted.

Things began to change for the better.

Despite an initial dislike for Elton John, the music and lyrics got through to my brainwashed mind and started me thinking for myself again, (something we were discouraged from doing in the church, since they say satan can influence your thoughts and works overtime on those who are "called")
The music also rekindled my greatest love and talent, dancing! (dancing was also forbidden in the church).

Many things began to happen at this time though. One day I was at the camp and heard a lecture on how Moonies shouldn't follow their own intuition, since the devil can influence it, and only Rev. Moon is pure enough to know the difference between God's promptings and the devil's.
I immediately thought, "whoa! this is a cunning way to get control over people's minds!" and I immediately grabbed my Bible (that the Moonies didn't want me reading) and searched for something to refute what they were now teaching.

I sat on the balcony outside the log lodge and turned page after page, but couldn't find anything. Then a young recruit came up to me to ask a question, and while I was answering him, the wind must have blown my Bible pages because when I looked down, my eyes fell directly on, "You have no need for anyone to teach you, for the Spirit will teach you all things!"
I knew immediately this was given to me from the "Spirit" and completely refuted what they were teaching! Still, I prayed about it and was felt I should stay until it was time to leave, and that time would be shown to me.

For the next few weeks I visited the Studios occasionally, when I felt like it, despite the Moonies telling me I should not attend rehearsals, since they said Elton was with the Devil and being used to entice me away from my "Divine calling".
My intuition, though, told me I should go back to the Studios, even though Elton John irritated me, for some reason, and got my back up! I wasn't there for him though. He was just a piano player to me! (even though the piano has always been my favourite musical instrument). His percussionist was far more interesting to watch!

Elton's songs seemed to have such relevance to me, though, as I sat quietly alone, watching, listening and thinking.
Certain lyrics were very relevant: "all this talk of Jesus, coming back to see us..couldn't fool us!" and many other words from his latest album, Captain Fantastic. I was especially effected by the words "you nearly had me roped and tied, altar-bound, hypnotised...."
Looking back now, I see just how hypnotised I was. All I wanted to do was convert people and could not tell anyone about the 'Secret" I knew.

During my visits to Elton's two separate rehearsals (one for the Troubadour and the other for Dodger Stadium) I was at Columbia Studios, I was also around other stars:
Frank Zappa, Deep Purple,(with another person I felt a drawn to, Tommy Bolan) Olivia Newton-John, Ringo Starr and later, Crosby, Stills & Nash, and the group called, America.
No one like Elton though. Felt more at home with him. Like the boy next door, or one of my 5 brothers. (who also sometimes irritated me!)

Two minds about everything. Torn between following my own intuition (that "still small voice within") and the church's teachings, because my own "intuition" had served me well over the years, and I did not believe that the devil had so much power!

I felt I had been "led" to Elton's rehearsals, and was meant to be there. (thought it might be to "witness" to Elton John, but after hearing some of his comments during the breaks, decided he was not a candidate for the religious life!) I then met Ray Cooper, the Percussionist, who I decided was probably the man I was sent to "convert". (Instead, I got converted!)

"Holy Moses I have been deceived!"
Met up with a guy at studios who refuted what I had been taught at Moonies' camp, with accurate Scriptures, and a single look, that made me realise "reverend" Moon was indeed a false christ! Elton accidently overheard our heated conversation and smiled cheekily at me.

"All this talk of Jesus, coming back to see us..couldn't fool us!"

Whilst attending the studios and rethinking my situation, I discovered famous book on Bible prophecies, by Hal Lindsey.
Turned out my friend knew the co-author, and had her private phone number.
Month later met Hal and heard the real gospel message. Seemed Rev. Moon had been twisting the Bible for his own ends, and was actually anti-Christ!.

During the time when Elton and entourage were taking a break from rehearsals, I kept hearing his music everywhere. One of the guys at the camp came rushing up to me one day, and said, "guess who I saw driving through Hollywood today?" I wasn't really interested, but thought of who I would be impressed with, and asked, "Elvis?"
but "No" he laughed. I thought again, "Marlon Brando?"
No again.
"Elton John!!" he said excitedly.
"Oh no" I thought, I can't seem to get away from him!

Just before they were due back, for the rehearsals for Dodger Stadium, I had a feeling something was wrong at home. Telephoned: Bad news. Beloved old aunt died, back in England. The last of my older-generation relatives. Returned to the Studios a week late, sadder, more serious and half starved! The Moonies did not want me going back and refused to give me my things, so I returned to the studios with only one outfit, a winter one!

Elton sang "Harmony" to me.
Perched on top of a large case with sticker saying "Captain Fantastic, from the end of the world, to your Town" I sat and listened to the words he directed at me, and was so embarrased, I retreated to the balcony, as he started to come too close. Scared to open up, and let them all know what I was involved with. Didn't know why. Felt I had to though.
Battle between my own mind and programming.

Secret letter to "Ray Cooper and 'Company'" Elton read it over Ray's shoulder.
Final song: "Someone saved my life tonight."
Ray Cooper calls me, after concert, at my friend's apartment. Despite him having the flu, he managed to cope with Dodger Stadium, and then call to arrange for me to come and collect tickets to see their final concert.
I deliberately arrived late at his hotel, the next day, so didn't see him, but he'd left the tickets, and a message.

Saw Elton John in Concert for the first time. Amazed at the difference between the closed rehearsals with just a few people, and the thousands raving to his music in a huge crowded stadium!

Too scared to talk to anyone about it all. Homesick, Lost and bemused. Didn't know where I belonged
Elton and entourage leave, on private plane, to return to England ~ arriving on my birthday!
Wished I'd hitched a ride! (and probably could, and should have, as well!) I felt so lonely afterwards. Away from the communal life, that I really enjoyed and needed somehow, and not exactly sure where to go next.

The day I finally did leave the Moonies, my group were all filling out a questionnaire asking if they would 'commit suicide for Rev. Moon!'
My final piece of advice to them, "No way!"

(Two years later, many hundreds of followers of another religious cult, The People's Temple, committed suicide in South America).

Lyrics from Elton's songs remind me:
*** " nearly had me altar-bound; hypnotised - sweet freedom whispered in my're a butterfly and butterflies are free to fly, fly away..."

Flew Home to Eltham, (London, England) for a family wedding in December.
Returned to California a month later.

Dream premonitions finally complete and fulfilled
Finally reach my original destination:
Ended up resident student at Hal Lindsey's relaxed and friendly young Bible college near UCLA, just a few doors away from the Moonies' University branch.
Got deprogrammed from the poisonous deception of Moon
Renewed and replenished with the pure, life-giving Truth of the true Son of God.

Freed from condemnation of sins (bad "Karma") and having to "work" for perfection, in order to "earn" the security and privilege of the Father/Creator's eternal life and Heaven on Earth. Jesus did all that was necessary to be acceptable, and Jesus was going to sort the world out, when He returns, as prophecied. The responsibility was taken off my shoulders! What a relief!

Got the message deep inside (in mind and soul) I could never be perfect on my own, and didn't need to try, since Jesus did it all for me! ~ Released. His righteousness became mine. All my failings would be forgiven, through my acceptance of Jesus' sacrifice for them. "There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ, Jesus.
Knew, deep inside, that everything was being worked out according to plan.
Authority, inerrancy and completeness of the Bible still a question though.
Retained some of Moon's beliefs.
Spent further 5 months studying the Bible, and slowly becoming deprogrammed. Lot of questions. Attention on the brainwashed Moonies nearby. Helped some mothers try to get their children out.

Battle for the mind and soul!

Reminded of one of my original dreams, where I was walking along a dark path in the countryside. On my left was a huge building, rather like a Jewish Temple and on my right was a group of young people in a circle, singing a new song about christ.
I walked past thinking, "that's not a normal song about Jesus" and carried on. ~ I came to a fork in the road and had to make a decision . The right path was signposted, "Scenic Route" but the left path was unmarked.

For some reason I took the left path, and ended up back where I had started, between the Temple and the new christ-worshipers.
Then a Jewish couple came down from the Temple mount and said to me, "If you want the best way, take the Scenic Route" and I lovingly thanked them.
As soon as I stepped onto the right path I began rise in the air, and I considered that it was my faith that was causing me to rise up, and that if I doubted, I would come back down again.

Before I could even worry about that, I was joined by another powerful spirit, that felt like Jesus, and I rise even higher. I rose so high that I looked down on the group in a circle and with outstretched arms said, "See?! THIS is the Way!!"

A few months later, I was in that circle, singing about another Messiah, Rev. Moon! It was at their "Holy Ground" in Griffith Park, a natural country area in the hills, above, Los Angeles.
The Observatory looking much like a Temple. It was the exact place in my dream!

~~~ Learned some great lessons from the whole experience - the difference between following your own intuition, and the dangers of not doing so! Heaven and hell are within, and that by going on the unsignposted path leads nowhere. This I have found out through personal experience, and am only now am beginning to fully realise the great difference in going along the right path

** Years later attended a Moon Mass Wedding in Madison Square Gardens in New York, when I was there working at the UN for the Summer of 1982. Some of my camp friends were married off to people they hardly knew! Met the President. Told me, what I felt I knew already, that my beloved camp leader, Franz, was also finally married that day.
Failed to save him.
Hope my story now may still serve to save others.

******* From forthcoming book. 'From Moon and Stars to the Son'.
Copyright 1999 Brenda Henry




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In November 1995 I was interviewed on five British TV programmes, when Rev. Moon was attempting to overturn the Home Secretary's ban on him coming to Britain. I still found it difficult to talk about, and so decided to write about it instead.

To date, the ban on "Rev" Moon coming to England, still stands!

Moon has since moved his organisation to Brazil in South America and is building a "New Hope" town with schools, factories, airport and hundreds of miles of agricultural land.

With the recent 20th anniversary of the Jim Jones, People's Temple cult mass suicide, I think again about the Moonies and shudder to think what their future might be!
Sun Myung Moon still has a lot of influence.

In recent years there have been several suicidal cults: the Solar Temple; David Koresh & disciples at Waco, and the Internet cult group, Heaven's Gate.

Pray the Moonies are not next!