Gifted and Talented Links
General sites for Gifted and Talented Students and Teachers.
- These sites have to do with the teaching of Gifted and Talented students. They are varied in their focus, and because of this, will help teachers to teach Gifted students, as well as link the students to others like them
- Gifted and Talented Education Information.
- This site has many links and that kind of thing that would be useful for both teachers and students.
- Gifted Resources Homepage.
- This is a site that has links to many sites that can provide resources, teaching programs etc for gifted and talented students and teachers. It is a good palce to start when looking for these types of things.
- Kidsource Online
- This is a site with links to many areas and issues concerning giftedness. It covers almost all areas, and is useful to understand the issues when dealing with gifted students.
- Policy - Gifted and Talented
- This site is concerned with the Education of Gifted Students in Queensland. It is Basically the policy from the Department of Education in Queensland. It has been printed out and is included in the policy section of the resource folder.
- Talented and Gifted Bibliography
- This site is a bibliography of articles etc to do with gifted and talented students It includes underacheivers, emotional and social needs, as well as many others. A very good site that leads to understanding gifted and talented students better. It also has many other links to other gifted and talented sites.
Email: gbrown10@scu.edu.au