KREC QuizNet
Roopesh's Quiz - Oct 1998

1. Apart from India and Pakistan there is only one other country that celebrates it's Independence Day on the same day, August 15th. Name it.


2. When stopped at Customs and asked if he had anything to declare, he said, "Only my genius"..who?


3. In greyhound racing, at the starting point, the dogs are restrained by leashes in stalls before the race. What are these stalls called? This has a connection with cricket.


4. This song was composed by Wajid Ali Khan, the last Nawab of Oudh, immortalised by K.L.Saigal, was the background score for "Aavishkar", and has been sung and recorded by almost every classical singer in Hindustani Music. Identify.


5. A Nobel Prize question : All the Nobel prizes usually go to scholars who have made original contributions to their field of study. However the Nobel Prize in Medicine for 1979 went, among others, to an electrical engineer and a high school droput. What did they do?


6. Another Nobel question : The prizes are awarded for Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature, Economics and Peace. Spot the odd one!


7. This person was awarded the Nobel Prize for both Chemistry and for Peace, the only person so far to have done so, and championed the cause of Vitamin C as a cure-all. These other two people used the technique of X-Ray Crystallography to make a monumental discovery for which they recieved the Nobel Prize too! Now there is a connection, (scientific), between the first person and the other two. Can you get it?


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