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My line of Rogers and Cooks that is my solid brick wall.

Descendants of William Rogers
1. William Rogers was born around 1850 married: Eliza (Liza) Jane Riche

Children of William Rogers and Eliza Jane Riche are 7 known:

1. Catherine Elizabeth Rogers (My great grandmother) born: May 4, 1870, NC
died: July 29, 1966, in GA (part Dutch and Cherokee Indian)
married: ? Henry Cook
children of Henry Cook and Elizabeth Rogers Cook 2:
1. William (Willie) Cook (see bottom of page)
2. Dora Belle Cook

2. Dempsy (Demp) Rogers (murdered in the mountains of NC)

3. Elijah (Liga) Rogers fell from back door of home and broke his neck
lived on Elder Mountain, TN in a log cabin behind his mother
Eliza Jane Rogers. He is buried Sherwood, TN Had a wife and
three children. Names unknown.

4. Lou Rogers married Arvil Smith in 1920 at Missing Ridge, TN
one son Arvil Smith, Jr.

5. Ronnie Rogers (girl)

6. Elvira Rogers (girl) married Unknown

7. Amanda Josephine Rogers married John (Kit ) Fox Young (part Cherokee)
also known as Kit Young Children: 10 five born under name Young 5
born under name Fox.

Catherine Elizabeth Rogers and Henry Cook two children information

1. William (Willie) Cook left TN and moved to WV there he because known as
William Memphis Ray. This was his brother in law name who was married to Dora
Belle. Why he took his brother in laws name and changed his identity moving
to WV is unknown.
He was born around 1895 at Topton, NC Cherokee Co. It is believed he was
married (to unknown) and had 2 children before 1919 as William Cook. Then
he changed his name and moved to WV there he married Vola Sias January 17,
1920, as William Memphis Ray (This was my grandfather).
They had two children 1. Eula Mae Ray 2. Beulah Lee Ray

William Cook served in TN Nation Guard 1916 -- 1917 Polk Co, TN lived
at Copper Hill, TN. He was in TX in 1916-1917 with the TN Nation Guard. He
died: Feb. 11, 1952 in Logan Co. WV as William Memphis Ray.

2. Dora Belle Cook (sister of William) was married to the real William
Memphis Ray in Polk, Co, TN. July 25. 1918. They had 4 girls. Dora Belle
died Nov. 19, 1964 in GA.

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