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Letter from Lewis to Abalsom

Renfro Family Homepage
Pictures of Renfros

This letter was found by Evelyn Renfro, wife of Baxter G. Renfro in some of George Renfro's things after he died in 1960.
Lena Renfro(, wife of Robert D. Renfro has the orginial.
will photo copy original letter if you'd like
*Believed to have been written from Kentucky.

letter copied as close to original as feasible..

Son of Absalom Renfro and Margaret
was born October the 14th A.D. 1867
the above deceased October the 9th A.D. 1869

Dear son and daughter
I again imbrace the present oppertunity to write you let know that we are all still in the land of the living. Though I am not very well, I am always suffering with my back.
Your mother & the rest of the family is as well as common.
I hope and trust this will come safe to hand and find you all well and doing well. I have taught 4 writing schools this winter,but my hand trembles so to day, that i can hardly write at al.
I have only 2 children with us now the oldest and the youngest. Judieth Ann was born November the 25th A.D. 1836. Lewis Harman Renfro was born march the 16th A.D. 1859-at 5o'clock and 5 minutes in the evening,They are all that is with us now.
Ida Lilian was married to Henery Workman the 12th of last December, and was born October the 10th A.D. 1856.William Jepe Renfro was born June the 20th A.D. 1838. Sarah Jane Renfro was born November the 19th A.D. 1840. Absalom Renfro was born January the 21st A.D. 1844. Mary Elizabeth Renfro was born Febuary the 24th A.D.1846. John Skelton Renfro was born March the 4th A.D. 1848. Rachel Jesephine Renfro was born may the 1st A.D. 1850. James Madison Renfro was born April the 8th A.D. 1852. Mariah Louisa Renfro was born June the 3rd A.D. 1854. I was born October the 15th A.D. 1814. I was married December the 27th A.D. 1835. Your mother was born May the 1st A.D. 1816. This will do for one letter. We have had more sicknes in the Country this last fall and winter then we have ever known in one season before and more deaths. Our children all had the fever Judieth Harman and Ida was all down at once and John and Jane and two weeks after Mary come from Laurel and took it bad. I doctered all of them. And got them all up but Mary has took cold and has been sick all winter. But she is better now then comon. Barnetts family was all in common health a few dayes ago. They bought land in Laure County 5 miles from London. I want you to tell me this time how you like Origon. And how it is about health. And the price of produce, and society. give all of our love to the children and receive a full share for yourshelves. We remain your affectionate father and mother until death.
Write soon and often.
To Absalom & Margaret Renfro and family.

Lewis & M. H. Renfro

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