William F. Cody

By Ann

William F. Cody, personified by Stephen Baldwin, was a real-life person! He was a famous buffalo hunter and later performed live wild west shows. The Cody we know is cocky, arrogant, funny, annoying and romantic. He has a tendency to exaggerate about his looks, riding ability, and past feats but he is a wonderful distance shot and likes reading (mostly dime store books). He fancies himself as a bit of a ladies' man and cares about his image, always buying new hats and never without his 'stylish' cowboy attire. Although good at putting his foot in his mouth, he's also good at breaking the tension in intense situations by cracking a joke. He provides a lot of the comic relief on the show. He has been accused of not thinking before he speaks and of having swinish habits. He shows no respect for religion, once saying that he'd eventually get around to breaking all of the seven deadly sins and he once informed Buck that "There's no such thing as spirits and such", he later tried joining a gang headed by a preacher but not surprisingly it didn't work out. Unlike the other riders, he is nearly always cheerful, and although he is an orphan, never talks about his past. When he falls in love (which he does frequently) he falls hard. His ambition is to be an actor, a writer, a soldier or just anyone famous. Lastly the physical, he walks a little bow-legged (probably because of his riding boots which he never takes off), has long blond hair, breathtaking blue eyes and when he takes his foot out of his mouth, you can see his beautiful lips. He looks like a great kisser in romantic scenes. In short, to quote the movie 'Clueless', "He's a total Baldwin".

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