Ceaseless Endearment

I thought that perhaps I had better tell you a little bit about this story before you read on. In one of my "here we go again" attempts, I am going to do my utmost to incorportate every character with their own little struggle. You all have been great supporters...but at the same time, I know that you all have different characters that you would like to read about. I am hoping to make this story a combination of comedy and serious issues...so I hope very much that I am able to do so, and that you will enjoy it!

Now, I also need to take the time to dedicate this story to a few people. And I promise that my story will not be as serious as my dedications. :)

In Fond Memory Of:

First and foremost, this story is for Sgt. Xavier "Rocky" Flores...Operation Desert Storm, 1990. You were like a big brother to me...and both of us had been stationed at Ft. Lewis Washington, you because you were in the service, and me because at the time my father was. I will never your incredible lifeskills advice to me. I only wish that you could have come back home to America for Christmas and Easter like you desperately wanted. We corresponded through the first year of the war, and I treasure every letter we exchanged. It hurt terribly to have my last one returned...a signification of the most dreaded factor of war.

This story is for you because you helped encourage me to write and express myself. I thank you for that, and hope that these stories would make you proud. I will never forget you...love always.

Kealohalani, my dearest Hawaiian sister, it aches to write this about you, but you deserve it and I feel that I owe you this much! Last month was the first anniversary of your death. If only you knew how much I miss you! Nobody deserves to die, especially by the clutches of a drunk driver. You will always hold a special place in my heart, and as long as I live, I will fight drunk driving! You were proud of me for pursuing my law dream, and I still am!

And last, but not least, this story is for all of you who have written and encouraged me. You said you wanted another story?? Well, here you go, but don't kill me if it turns out really bad, k? :)

On to Chapter One