Questions, Qualms, and Quotations

Our favorite shows are all founded upon one basic thing...lines! They're on every station of your TV, and odds are you have probably experienced countless hours of entertainment from that one basic thing. Buuuut at the same time, there really are those moments when we wish that they hadn't said it quite like that! So, here's your opportunity to play out your favorite character, or perhaps change that line of their's that you weren't exactly fond of!

This next script excerpt is from "The Sacrifice"...and as always, submissions or ideas for a particular scene are very welcome!
Feel free to use the Script Page for ideas or direct quotes.

Told you how important I am. How bad they want me.

In a single, fluid motion Kid lifts the Marshal's desk chair and HURLS it against the cell's bars. It breaks apart spectacuarly, silencing Dawkins for the time being.

What happened to the Preacher ain't your fault, Kid.

Are you sure? Am I doin' the wrong thing here? Should I just back off like everyone wants?

What would your response have been?

Starbright's response:
Yep Kid step back man and let me take over and maybe we'll get out of this mess alive!
Aimee's response:
Kid, I think we should just forget this whole thing. Why don't you and I just pretend this all never happened and it's the other night, back under the stars. We were never interrupted...
Kirsten's response:
Um, yeah. I think that's a great idea. Today is not a good day to die.

Read The First Quotation & Qualm

Read The Second Quotation & Qualm

Read The Third Quotation & Qualm

Read the Fourth Quotation & Qualm

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These scripts excertps are fully copyrighted to their author, and are only posted here for the enjoyment of the fans. We are in no way attempting to violate the author's rights.