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RoA Saved Films

These are the saved films of single player levels that have been beaten by the members of RoA. These are Zipped files and should be unzipped before trying to use them. Also, put the unzipped file into your "recordings" folder of your Myth II: Soulblighter folder so that they can be accessed in the game. Don't change the name of the file in Myth II! Only do it on your desktop. Note: These are macintosh films, they SHOULD work in a PC version of Myth, but that doesn't mean they do. If you have any problems beating any of these levels, download one of these films or visit our Strategies section. They will show you how to set up your units for optimum defense and offense. Show you what strategies to use on what enemies and when. And how to get through levels with the least difficulties and casualties. Make sure that when you are trying replicate what is done in these films that you have the timing correct and don't try to do too many things at once. Also it is best to play with your camera as zoomed out as possible and to avoid confusion, have your camera facing the north or top of the pull down map. It is probably a good idea not to turn on the automatic camera too because it's likely to show insignificant movements rather than the action. Good luck, and enjoy being slaughtered by us.

Multiplayer Saved Films

General Tips on choosing the right film

Every film has a letter/number code infront of the level's name. The letters stand for the difficulty level at which the film was made on(A - is timid, B - is simple, C - is normal, D - is heroic, E - is legendary). The number next to that is that level expressed in a number. Also in some case there is a bracketed letter following the level name, this pertains to the route that was taken(usually A is better than B and B is better than C and so on). Example...

C09Gate of Storms(B) - would be Level 9: Gate of Storms in which the second route was taken, on normal difficulty level.
Also next to the name of the film you wish to download may be *ac*. This means that automatic camera(F12) is useful and suggested to be turned on for that film. This will help you in choosing which level you wish to download of of our site.

Single Player Levels:

A01Willow CreekB01Willow CreekC01Willow CreekD01Willow CreekE01Willow Creek
A03Down a Broken PathB03Down a Broken PathC03Down a Broken PathD03Down a Broken PathE03Down a Broken Path
A04Into the BreachB04Into the BreachC04Into the BreachD04Into the BreachE04Into the Breach
A05The BaronB05The BaronC05The BaronD05The BaronE05The Baron
A06Gonen's Bridge(A)B06Gonen's Bridge(A)C06Gonen's Bridge(A)D06Gonen's Bridge(A)E06Gonen's Bridge(A)
A06Gonen's Bridge(B)B06Gonen's Bridge(B)C06Gonen's Bridge(B)D06Gonen's Bridge(B)E06Gonen'sBridge(B)
A07Beyond the CloudspineB07Beyond the CloudspineC07Beyond the CloudspineD07Beyond the CloudspineE07Beyond the Cloudspine
A08The Great LibraryB08The Great LibraryC08The Great LibraryD08The Great LibraryE08The Great Library
A09Gate of Storms(A)B09Gate of Storms(A)C09Gate of Storms(A)D09Gate of Storms(A)E09Gate of Storms(A)
A09Gate of Storms(B)B09Gate of Storms(B)C09Gate of Storms(B)D09Gate of Storms(B)E09Gate of storms(B)
A09Gate of Storms(C)B09Gate of Storms(C)C09Gate of Storms(C)D09Gate of Storms(C)E09Gate of Storms(C)
A10Landing at White Falls(A)B10Landing at White Falls(A)C10Landing at White Falls(A)D10Landing at White Falls(A)E10Landing at White Falls(A)
A10Landing at White Falls(B)B10Landing at White Falls(B)C10Landing at White Falls(B)D10Landing at White Falls(B)E10Landing at White Falls(B)
A11Through the ErmineB11Through the ErmineC11Through the ErmineD11Through the ErmineE11Through the Ermine
A12The Stair of GriefB12The Stair of GriefC12The Stair of GriefD12The Stair of GriefE12The Stair of Grief