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**The Rugrat House***

Spread the Word! Hi! This page has been dead for... ever. I turned 13 yesterday, so I can now edit the page. I apologise for any messiness (that covers pretty much the whole page!)
By the way, it's -8495 days 'till Christmas, and -8488 days 'til the year 2002.

Please vote for me... if you want.
Noticed something different in the titles? Click here for more info!



send me CLEAN e-mail. If not, I will delete your message w/o reading it! If the subject has a rude or it takes the name of the Lord in vain, or it has a cuss word in it. If it has the mentioned dialog in the message, I will stop reading it and press "Delete Message".

I am a proud member of The Rugrats Circle of Friends!

Here are ALL the rooms:
What's new? Chuckie's Teddy Bears Page Lil's Animated Pics Page
Rugrat Of The Month Quiz Quiz Answers Games & Silly Stuff
The Family Room Links Angelica and Chuckie's Visitors Galore
Porch (webrings) My Adopted Rugrats The Little Angels
Rugrat Of The Month Poll under construction-Rugrats 1991 Episode Guide Dil's Bananas Page
Dilly Stuff Sounds

I have started another pics page. I will add more pics to this one!

Please check out my newest page- My Adopted Kids and Pets-for lots of.. well.. pets and kids!
Here's a toy Dil's giving to you! Type something in either box and press the button!


**NEW!** Win an award! Here's what it looks like: Your name will be filled in the blanks.

To win, e-mail me and include the following:

-Your URL

-Your first name (or nickname, if you prefer)


-Your site title.

I adopted Spike at the Rugrats Playhouse
Good Boy Spike!
What's the matter Spike?
Thanks for visiting! Please come back.


I got it for free at
I got some of my graphics from Sarah's Rugrats

Rugrats Links

The Rugrats Playhouse (where I got my background)
The Rugrats Fan Club
Rugrats World
Sarah's Rugrats Pages (where I got some graphics for this page)
Brittany's Rugrats Page
