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Introduction to Kessel's Critical Sociology

The following is a brief introduction to the type of critical sociological approach I use in my Sociology classes. This material is covered in detail in SOC 204, the first of three Introductory courses at Lane Community College...and sets the tone for what follows in that course. It is also the approach I utilize in all courses I teach and is a necessary preamble for those who haven't taken 204 with me.

Of course, my approach...developed over years of teaching Introductory Sociology...isn't the only one "out there," Mine has a basic/general critical emphasis as well as some very basic and standard sociological ideas...ones found in most introductory courses (although, in mine, sometimes with a critical reinterpretation of them). Mine also includes some ideas and empahases not found in more "mainstream" courses.

So, in order for a student to fully or better understand what I'm saying...and why, this overview is important. Another way of putting it is that it represents a "defining of terms" prior to using that everyone is on the "same page" to speak.

Go HERE for the outlines of these concepts...and links to a short essay on each one.

You will be expected to have read these by the second week of class…next week.