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The Psychology of Erich Fromm

(An Outline of a recorded David H. Kessel)
Location and Date Given is unknown at this moment...attempting to find out...I have the recording, though

In this lecture Fromm relates an individual psychological phenomena (narcissism) to groups. He relates this concept to nationalism. Fromm is introduced as someone who is clearly aware of the current loneliness and isolation of man in his society.

Man is a "political" being...ZOON POLITICON
-----every man lives in a group
-----is related in some way to the group
-----has feelings/attitudes referring to the group

HOW a man is related depends on the nature of that group

The latest (most recent) form of "group belonging" or "group sentiment" is NATIONALISM
-----is historically related to freedom and independence
-----involved the right of the citizen to express himself rationally and freely


1. a specific sentiment of belonging with those who share the same language

2. these shared ideas are organized in a sovereign state which represents them

3. the sovereign state is also unified by a common economy
-----the state and economy are reciprocal & thus, can spawn a large physical power

Fromm says there is no doubt a great deal of positive value in Nationalism
-----IF it is seen as a feeling of interest and love of one’s nation

HOWEVER: Will emphasize the "negative" aspects
-----those Fromm calls "somewhat dangerous"
-----Clearest when the "love of nation" is pitted against the "love of humanity"
-------i.e. love of family vs "mankind"

Suggests we can understand this by understanding an individual psychological idea: NARCISSISM (Freud)
-----being totally concerned with only "self"
-----there is only one thing which is "real"
-----"reality" = one's OWN SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE
-------MY FEAR
-----the "outside world" has no "weight"

In INFANCY/YOUTH: is NOT a pathologica1 phenomena

ADULTS: extreme narcissism is the "essence of insanity/psychosis
-----the outside world hardly EXISTS
-----all that exists is himself

i.e. Paranoia (half insanity )
-----is more than mere WORRY about something
-----is CONVINCED of something
-----YET: this does not conflict with, the laws of logic (possibilities)
-------takes "possibility" as "likely"
-----THUS: can’t be argued with
-------feeling IS reality

Cannot distinguish between "own reality" and "other’s reality"
-----"others" don’t exist for "own" except as as a symbol on which to transfer "own reality"

"Benign" VS "Malignant" Narcissism
-----Benign = proud of something "done" but yet still in touch with the world as the context in which it is done
-----Malignant = proud of himself AS HE IS, not of something clone


IF as a individual I say that myself, my family, etc. is the greatest or most wonderful
-----that all others are dumb, dirty, uneducated, a moral failure
-----THEN "you’d know where to send me"

BUT if I say my Nation, my Religion, my Race, my Political Creed are VASTLY SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER
-----AND others should use me as an example, if they are wise
-----THEN many would say I’m virtuous, a very religious man, very patriotic, very loyal

YET: BOTH are narcissistic

Social Narcissism is the compensation for MY feeling I’m NOT so worthy
-----IF my group is "wonderfu1"...
-------then I can vicarious1y become wonderful by making my GROUP the object of my narcissism
---------THUS: I derive t he SAME narcissistic satisfaction

TODAY: main objects of Group Narcissism is:
-----Political Creed

17th Century: religion
-----groups (either society or a group within it) which is or feels most disadvantaged economically or culturally
-------will tend to feel the most intense forms of narcissism
-------a "oneway" compensation


1. Lack of judgment and reason
-----capacity to see the world objectively

2. Antithesis of Love
-----greatest contradiction to love
-----Great "Humanistic" religions can be seen as calling for "overcoming your narcissism"
-------to love your neighbor, stranger, yourself

3. "Wounds" inflicted to Narcissism
-----IF very Narcissistic: Criticism is reacted to:
-------A. extreme hostility/anger...or
-------B. depression
---------a " if you were nothing
---------strength = inflated by narcissism

BECAUSE: one is somebody only to the degree one is interested in the world, to which one relates to the world

If my GROUP is never wrong, has no shortcomings
-----will be PROJECTION of all my defects on somebody else
-----Enemy is all bad and I'm all good
-----Projection makes the Projector "safe"
-------can continue with "picture of our own perfection"


1. a truly authentic religious attitude

2. a "self-critical" science


1. Much of religion has been a SOURCE of Narcissism
2. Science has largely been a narcissism of technique

Narcissistic Worship = of ideologies and our machines