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General Hospital Fan Fiction: The New Millenium

Welcome to my GH fan fiction page. All of the stories listed below were written by me. They've been previously posted on PCO and are archived here for your convenience. I hope you enjoy them. Please let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, I just borrow them once in a while.

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Secrets, Lies, And Other Acts of Love
The Dance Series...Stories about Nikolas and Emily
Dance Till You Die
Never A Quartermaine
Secrets Revealed: A Sequel to Secrets, Lies, and Other Acts of Love
Other Short Stories
The Murder of Edward Quartermaine: A Scorpio/Jones Case File
The Runaway Trilogy
Rogue Agent: A Scorpio/Jones Case File (sequel to Murder of Edward Quartermaine- In Progress)
General Hospital Fan Fiction: The New Millenium Page Two
Christmas Miracle GH/OLTL Crossover
Heart of Darkness
Summer Heat (Sequel to Christmas Miracle)
New Series: The Road Forsaken (Alternate GH- In Progress)
New Series: The Gods Must Be Crazy (In Progress)
New Series: Judgement (In Progress)
Always A Cassadine (Sequel to Never A Quartermaine)
Secret Miracle (Short Story-Part of the Secrets Universe)