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Camberg Connections

Surname spelling variations:

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~NEW~ Now there are 2 ways to correspond and share your family research with other researchers who are tracing the same surnames as you in our online Forum. You must have a Camberg/Kamberg/Camber/Kamber Connection to join. It is password protected and a private list/web site. Our messages are archived on a web page for future reference. If you prefer this not to be an "e-mail list" choose the "no mail/web only" option anytime, or when on vacation.

Please contact me by email if you have a Camberg Connection to nominate your web site. If your site contains your genealogy you will win this Award:

View my Guestbook | Sign my Guestbook

I will be adding links to more "Camberg/Kamberg/Camber/Kamber" web pages as I hear from you. Be sure to include your URL so I may add a link to your web site.

Updated: May 18, 2000


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Debbie Camberg
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