GENE'S WOODCRAFT WORKSHOPThis site was published 5-18-99 and has been updated 12-1-12.
Items to shop for in my Wood Shop
- Doll Beds
- Doll Furniture
- Shelves
- Clocks
- Wood Toys
- Picture Frames
- Animal & Victorian Silhouettes
- Wood shapes for Tole Painters
- You name it, I make it
My Favorite Web Sites
As you come into my shop, the first thing you'll notice will be my sign (made it myself). Please feel free to come on in and look around. I'll try to answer any questions you may have. While you're looking, take a little time to look up into the rafters. I think you'll like what you see.
(Please click on any picture to enlarge.)

Now that you're in my shop and I have your attention, take your time to look around at some of the items I have on display. I'll be here at my Scrollsaw if you have any questions.
All items on display are for sale. The buyer gets to choose the type of wood (Oak. Pine, Walnut, etc.) to be used and whether the item is finished or unfinished. Just because you don't see what you want doesn't mean it's not available. I've made quite a few items from nothing more than a photograph. In the pictures below the Elephant is cut from 1 inch Red Oak, the Bear is cut from a wood plate (Oak), the Cougar is cut from a piece of 1 inch Cherry. the Cross is 1 inch Red Oak, 1 inch Black Walnut, and Baltic Birch, the Deer is 1/4 inch Baltic Birch and the Duke is cut from 2 pieces of 1/4 inch Baltic Birch with custom made frames. The Eagle is 1/4 inch Baltic Birch mounted to 1 inch Black Walnut. The Leaf with the Cougar is 2 pieces of 1/4 inch Baltic Birch. Pete the Dragon is cut from 1 inch Black Walnut mounted ti 1 inch Red Oak. The Tiger is my very own design (one of a kind) cut from 2 pieces of 1/4 inch Baltic Birch. The Train was cut from a large Oak wood plate. The Wolf is cut from 1/4 inch Baltic Birch mounted on 1 inch Black Walnut,

The pictures of Pete the Dragon and the tiger shows some of the different steps in the making. With Pete the first step is to find the right wood to use, attach a paper pattern, drill all the holes for the inside cuts, cut out the shape and then the inside cuts, add a base and then a finish. This takes me close to 2 days. The Black Walnut used on Pete had to be made from a 1 inch by 12 inch board which the last time I checked sells for about $16.61 a board foot. Most of my Black Walnut lumber is over 30 years old and has never been used. The pictures of the Tiger shows the work at the saw. In the first picture below shows the back side of the project so you can see all the holes that still has to be cut out.

What is neat about this doll rocking chair is that it comes apart and becomes a puzzle for a child to put together. 

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