This web page is intended to be a brief guide to obtaining and understanding records from the Soviet Commission that investigated and documented the atrocities that occurred during the German Occupation of Russia from 1941-1944. The formal name of the Commission was the Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate and Establish War Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders. This name comes from the documents themselves. In catalogs and other listings that I have seen, the word 'Invaders' does not appear. I think it's worthy of inclusion, since it is the only word that gives the unique Soviet perspective, and their sense of raw anger [read the Molotov Notes on German Atrocities]. The records are originally from the Central State Archive of the October Revolution in Moscow, which is now called State Archive of the Russian Federation. The records are available at Yad Vashem and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM). At USHMM, which is what I will focus on, the records are a 27-reel collection of microfilm known as RG-22.002M.
The records are of both genealogical and historical interest because they contain numerous lists of Jewish victims as well as testimonies of witnesses and townspeople to the specific Nazi actions in a given locale. Background information on the nature of the records themselves is contained in the Bibliographic Resources section of this web page.
As an example of what information is available, this page contains a link to the List of Holocaust Victims from Glussk that was extracted from the Extraordinary State Commission records. The Glussk list was originally in typed Cyrillic.
Caution: All of my comments are based on reviewing 2 reels out of a 27 reel collection. It may be that these two reels were uniquely constructed, and my comments would therefore only be appropriate to these two reels. Or they may apply to the collection as a whole.
My recommendation to someone who has not thoroughly studied their region(s) of interest is to note any town names in Appendix C that loosely match towns of interest and make further inquiries at USHMM. Tip: Be sure to note nearby towns to those of interest, for a number of reasons. First, your town may not be included in the index. Second, in the material I reviewed, there were generally references to nearby towns in the Akty and witness statements. Third, Jews were sometimes moved from one town to another in consolidating ghettos, and labor camps. So if you are looking for Holocaust victims, they may have died in a town other than their town of residence, and might appear on a nearby town's victim list. Summary: The town index in Appendix C is an important list, and one that should be carefully reviewed before contacting USHMM.
When I reviewed the inventory, it provided only a rudimentary listing of the contents of each reel, with some errors, but it was detailed enough to suggest that Reel 24 was the reel I should make further inquiries about. Since Urechye and Tal were not mentioned in the USHMM inventory of Reel 24, I confirmed with archivists at USHMM that Reel 24 had the specific towns I wanted. Tip: Print out the contents of the inventory for the reel(s) you need.
From what I've seen, there is a basic sequence to the contents of most files.
First is a title card that
describes the file and indicates Fond-opis-file number. This is followed by Akty, literally deeds or documents, which
represent official findings of the local NKVD
* NKVD = People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (precursor agency to KGB).
Some comments may be of use:
This section shows samples of selected types of document formats that are found in the records.
It's not a complete set of document types, but includes some that are more geneaologically
interesting ones.
The four items below the title are (clockwise from upper left): selo (town), sel'sovet, oblast, raion. They are the administrative hierarchy for the town whose victim list is presented. Of these, selo is used as a generic term. That is, the town may be a selo, or it may instead be a derevnya, gorod, mestechko, etc. There will generally be an indication of which type. These terms are simply different administrative categories for the type of town. Because space was at a premium, if the list for one town ends somewhere in the page, the list for the next town may begin directly after it. These four items may therefore be found somewhere in the page, and it may be the only reference to the town name. So scan carefully if you have not found the town you are looking for.
The main columns of information from left to right are: Name (last, first, patronymic), year of birth, gender, Nationality (this page indicates all "ebp", cyrillic for evrei or 'Jew'), occupation, last place of work. From what I have seen, the patronymic, occupation and last place of work are most likely to be only sporadically filled in. The two names outlined in blue are relatives of mine.
Then there is a statement of what was learned from the witness.