Loads of Medical Links

 | Here you will find a large variety of medical resources for parenting your Special Needs children. You will find Links to dwarfism, diabetes, cancer rare disorders, metabolic diseases gene replacement therapy, genetics musculoskeletal diseases, and more |
Social Security Online
Did you know if you have a child with certain disabilities
or conditions that's expected to last at minimum of a year
you may be eligible for money benefits and if you qualify
for even $1.00 your child receives State medical insurance
To see a list of qualifying impairments and requirements
Listing of Impairments
Medical Guidelines
Tricare, Military Health System
Military health insurance for dependents further
than 50 miles from a military hospital or clinic
State Children's Health Insurance Program
Federal chip program allows families that don't
qualify under poverty guidelines, to make more
money to keep Medicaid health insurance for kids
Katie Beckett Program
The Katie Beckett Program is a special eligibility
process that allows certain children with long term
disabilities or medical needs Wisconsin health card
Shriner's Children's Hospital
Non-Profit children's hospital for crippled children
There are 22 hospitals that provide medical testing
diagnostics, treatments regardless of ability to pay.
Must meet medical guidelines and board approval

There is a few pharmaceutical companies that provide Free Medications to people who are unable to afford prescription medications for their health conditions. Each company, has a certain criteria that must be met But you must have a Doctor's orders with all of them |
Affording Care, how
To Get Free Medications
Needy Meds.com

Connective tissue is made out of a variety of proteins called collagen, proteoglycans, glycoprotein, etc. It holds the body together, giving the body its shape and strength, how tissues the receive its nutrients. Sometimes mutations or errors occur in a gene or a transporter gene that distributes the collagen. collagen Deficiency causes an abnormal development in bones, musculoskeletal system, connective tissue & cartilage. It Effects both long and short bone development of growth plates, bone density, production of synovial fluid (joint lubrication) allowing the joints, tendons, and ligaments to move and glide freely. Skeletal Dysplasia is caused from an abnormal development of bones during fetal development or growth causing short stature, dwarfism, metabolic diseases (MPS, lipidoses), collagen disorders (OI, Marfan) |
Questions answered About Heritable
Disorders of Connective Tissue
This site provides the definition, listing of
the known disorders associated with this
from Pediatrics Genetics
and Metabolic Disease
What is bone?
A site providing information & answers on
the FAQ about bone diseases and disorders
List of syndromes and disorders with symptoms
joint contractures, flexion contractures, ankle
contractures to help in diagnostic information

Musculoskeletal System
What is Apert Syndrome?
Marfan Syndrome
The Williams Syndrome Foundation UK
Crohns 4 Kids
The Site That Helps Everyone
Understand Crohn's Disease
Tests & Labs
The Wolf in Kids' Clothing
Pediatric Lupus Site
Kids Get Scleroderma Too!
Metabolic diseases can occur from results inborn errors during during cell division, or a hereditary gene passed through family generations. Most are caused by deficiency in certain chemical enzymes that are needed to help break down certain sugars & and fats that your body needs in order to work right So when your body is not able to break down these sugars and fats, they accumulate and store the unbiogradeable left over enzymes inside your cells, and damages healthy ones |
Lipid Metabolism
Mitochondrial Disorders
VUMC Health Metabolic
and Biochemical Diseases
Parents of Galactosemic
Children, In. Home Page
Children's PKU Network
Related Metabolic Disorders
Inborn errors of metabolism:
Organic Acidemia Association
Metabolic genetic conditions
List of rare diseases Wikipedia
mucopolysaccharidoses is a group of lysosomal disorders that are storage disorders. These disorders are caused when an enzyme that is needed for the breaking down of the sugars and fats in the body is deficient or missing, then causing the incompletely broken down materials to remain stored and accumulate in the cells in the body |
MPS Society
Canadian MPS
Geleophysic Dysplasia 231050

Find what new clinical studies are being done for studies offering new experimental drug treatments and therapies for diseases such as different types of cancer; Parkinson's Disease growth disorders, metabolic diseases and more |
Clinical Genetics Site
Gene Clinics: Find a Disease
Gene Therapy
Molecular Diagnostics
What Are Genes? and
how do they mutate?
Kozy Korner for Juvenile Diabetes
ABTA's Dictionary for
Brain Tumor Patients
American Brain Tumor Association
American Academy
of Neurology
Cancer Links
National Childhood Cancer

Sometimes birth defects are caused by Teratogens that you are exposed to during pregnancy, Teratogens are considered to like be alcohol, both illegal or prescripton drugs and over the counter medications; infections like strep, chicken pox herpes, rubella; exposure to environmental factors spray of insecticides, lead paint, or just even changing a cat litter box |
Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation
Birth Defects, Syndromes,
& Malformations Anomalies
OWL Gateway
Electronic Textbook
of Hand Surgery
OrthoGuide.com Orthopedic Search
Engine and Orthopedic Surgery

AOTA-American Occupational
Therapy Association
Occupational Therapy
Helping Children Pty Ltd
Hand Rehab Online

Bone Biology for Kids
Human Anatomy
American Thoracic Society

Greater Houston Anesthesiology
tells you everything about anesthesia
Packard Hospital Anesthesia
Dept. Home Page
Anesthesia Net
an interactive website dedicated to helping
the patient who is preparing for surgery
understand the experience of anesthesia.
Cedars Sinai Health System
The Cedars-Sinai Health System offers you
a variety of services, from regular health care
to transplantation, joint replacement & repair
Children's Health at Doernbecher
Children's hospital located in Portland, Oregon
It's apart of OHSU (Oregon Health Science Univ
treats cancer, genetics, & orthopaedic surgery
Children's Hospital, Richmond, Virginia
Children's Hospital in Richmond, Virginia is a
private nonprofit hospital that serves children
from birth through the age of 21 for diagnosis
and treatment of various medical conditions
The Hospital For Sick Children
The Hospital for Sick Children meets the basic
health needs of children who live in the City of
Toronto. health care, research, and teaching.
Mayo Clinic & Foundation
for Medical Education and Research
Mayo Foundation is a charitable, not-for-profit
organization based in Rochester, Minnesota. Its
mission is to provide the best care to everyone
every day through clinic, education & research
The Division of Genetic and Metabolic
Disorders at Children's Hospital of Michigan
offers comprehensive services to children and
their relatives with any type of a genetic disorder
Portland Shriners Children's Hospital
Non-Profit children's hospital for crippled children
that provides medical testing, diagnostics, treatment
regardless of the ability to pay. (Must meet guideline)
Our Other Medical Pages
You will find links to wish foundations specific
foundation resources, disabilities, medical sites
Special Need home Pages, asthma, ear infections
Tons of Medical Links
For researching info, we have medical search boxes
and links on our page to (Hon, Medline, Med Explorer)
also to online medical journals, health web pages, etc
Medical Search Engines
Here, you will find information and resources
for special education, learning disabilities
speech disorders, and federal disability laws
Special Education Links
Here is a large variety of parent support links
to health message boards, parent-to-parent
match ups, organizations, support groups
Parent Support Links
This Page provides a large variety of resources
for those who have Dwarfism, skeletal Dysplasia
conditions and disorders that result in dwarfism
Short Stature and Dwarfism Resources
This Page provides a large a large variety of Child
Disability links for your parenting your special child
Ashly's Disability Links and Resources


Here my daughter Ashly's page
she has Geleophysic Dysplasia
thought to be a storage disorder

Jo's World
This is where most of
the graphics came from
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our other pages on this site
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Ashly's World of Wonders