Defacement Home Central

Well well, welcome one and all to my defacement galleries. The place where we can all laugh and sing and make more and more "improved" pictures that we see everyday. My little masterpieces were drawn both by me and by some very good friends of mine. You know who you are *wink* Well I've written more on my defacements on page one so I need not explain myself too clearly. Enjoy and n'ere forget whence forth they came from!


Let the fun begin!

Hallway to the Stars

Hall One With All the Ladies
Hall Two With All the Guys
Hall Number Three
Hallway Four Leading to Ms. Spears
Back to Where it All Started

Anime| About MeThe Real 2nd Banana| Friends| Pictures of My Friends and I| Poems| My Random Essay| Links to Other Great Sites| Art| Lia's Music and Celebrity Sundae| Empryss Lia's Defacement Hall| Get Empryss Email!| Al Gore Opera by Genny| The Singles Corner| My YahooGroups| A La La Land FAQ| Awards I Have Won!| Stuff I've Gathered|

Email: Empryss Lia