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Player Profiles:

Meet the Herricanes!!

This is my attempt at capturing the essence of each and every one of my favorite sistas!! Love you all!!

Erica Baasten
High School: LaSalle Falcons
Positions: Striker, Outside Mid
Bio: Erica is one of the lucky Herricanes to have her dad at every game, because he's the coach! She's been on the team ever since the beginning. She's super skinny, "When she sits on me it feels like knives!" explains Hailey McCarthy. But Erica is really nice and a great aunt to the little dinosaur Alex who often comes with us on tournament trips.

Marissa Calcagno
High School: Clackamas Cavaliers
Positions: Defense, Midfield
Bio: Marissa is one of two seniors on the Herricanes. Ris can often be found folding boxes in her spare time, her family lives on a farm in the middle of nowhere. But this cutie is far from hick, her sweet punk style has captured our hearts (and that guy's in Vegas!). And when this girl gets hungry, watch out! You may think that she's small, but at some restaurants she has been known to finish as many as four other peoples meals, BESIDES her own! Marissa likes to say that she is friends with everyone on the team, as told by Lilly Steinberg, "Marissa called Ruth her friend and then she snorted!" Well that's some good entertainment Snort.

Lisa Custer
High School: Wilson Trojans

Ruth Gilliam
High School: Lincoln Cardinals
Position: Keeper
Bio: Guthie is the best keeper in the state, everyone knows it, especially Gilly -the Lake Oswego keeper. Ruth is also the most entertained by name games even when no one else is laughing. Her laugh is more than enough to get everyone else started... sometimes causing trouble when we are supposed to be concentrating. Ruth is also the biggest computer nerd, as the founder of this website and many others, including one she made for her mom on Mothers Day. Ruth also has a little friend that comes to our games often, the origonal "Crust," Ugbad. And we love them both!

Kristen Glanville
High School: Central Catholic Rams
Positions: Outside Defense
Bio: Kristen Glanville, aka Crust, is never reffered to as just "Kristen". Glanny never stops with the cameras. NEVER. She has the video camera, the disposable ones, always recording the moments that we create on this wonderful team. Her Herricane memorabilia probably totals more than everyone elses combined including pictures, tournament tees, paper keepsakes, and anything else that Hailey was willing to steal for her. G-ville is also the pickiest eater, which often leads to jokes about her being so darn skinny... even more so than Erica!!! However, G does not skimp off the candy, she always has some to share. Sometimes her little narotic self brings out her evil side, like when she laughs constantly at Elyse Taylor for no reason at all, and that is why she is one of the Evil Buddies.

Tiari Goold
High School: Oregon City Pioneers
Positions: Center Mid (and sometimes outside!)
Bio: Tiari plays basketball for this cult called Oregon City High School, therefore she is gone, a lot. But that is not how we remember her!! Everything is so much more fun when she is around, her charisma is just super! Her presence in the middle and combination plays with teammate Tara Meyer has earned them the nicknames TnT. But don't come anywhere near Tiari if you are dirty, she absolutely hates it! That means no sharing food, touching dirty public things like doorknobs or handrails, and minnimal muddiness. One time at a game at Chapin park, she was heard screaming, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" as she fell to the muddy ground in the middle of the field. One thing that you might notice about Tiari, is she is never single. There is always a boy with a nice car or somthing to keep her entertained. It must be those Oregon City hotties. Tiari and Ruth have also come up with many catch phrases such as, "BAYUM!" and "Overflowing like my Diahha!"

Molly Luft
High School: Lincoln Cardinals
Positions: Center Mid, Stopper

Tara Meyer
High School: Lincoln Cardinals
Positions: Striker, Center Mid, Backup-Backup Sweeper

Lydia Ohlmann
High School: Lincoln Cardinals
Positions: Just about everything

Dana Pfaffle
High School: Grant Generals
Positions: Outside Mid, Outside Defense
Bio: The Danus is the oldest (agewise) Herricane, and the other senior on the team this year. As the older, more experianced, player, she is looked up to by many of the Herricanes, "Dana is my Hero!" explained an annonymous teammate. Dana is realy tan, her summer job being a SWIM INSTRUCTOR!!! (my bad Danus:) at ~ironically~ the Wilson Pool (which is right by her house), keeps her extremely dark. Her "Grant General Pride" is also somthing to be noticed, and she has a lot of homemade puffpainted shirts. Dana speaks Japanese and has been to Japan several times, somtimes she brings back japanese candy called HICHU and that is really nice. She is called "The Danus" becuase it's funny.

Olivia Roche'
High School: Wilson Trojans
Positions: Center Midfield, Forward

Stephanie Rodriguez
High School: LaSalle Falcons
Positions: Defense, Backup Sweeper
Bio: Clammy is always happy... like a clam! When she speaks everyone listens because those two or three words are always full of wisdom. She also shares the pride of having a father that coaches along side Matthew at the games. It actually isn't suprizing that she doesn't talk too much, her dad seems to do all the talking for her!!! If you asked any of the Herricanes about Rod's childhood, I gurantee you won't be dissappointed with the accuracy of the stories. Clammy is just a funny girl, her excellent family values have been passed on to the team as well.

Lilly Steinberg
High School: LaSalle Falcons
Positions: Outside Mid, Keeper
Bio: Lilly is a butterfly. When she first joined the Herricanes, she was very quiet and exclusive, but during a tournament that she played outside mid (a rare time at the beginning that she played mainly on the field), Lilly came out of her caccoon. Fly butterfly, fly. Now, Lil is a perfect accent to the sometimes out-of-control actions that we partake in. Her hilarious but calm comments are often the straw that breaks the camels back... like when Rissa snorted. Keep growing Lil!

Mia Stilson
High School: Lincoln Cardinals
Positions: Outside Mid, Forward

Ashlee Strachan
High School: Lincoln Cardinals
Positions: Midfield
Bio: Ash is a Beast. We love it when she takes out those players from FC and LO. There is one thing that Ashlee always has with her is her two-way pager. That way she can contact the one-and-only boyfriend Kieth, whenever she feels the need (which can be often). Another thing (or rather things) you might notice if you were to see her shoeless are her sausage links. No, I'm not talking about food, but I wish I was, I'm talking about her toes. They are very square and sausage-like. "I just want to eat 'em up!" exclaims teammate Molly Luft. Mmmmmmmmm-mmmmmmmm, hey! Let's have a BBQ this weekend!!

Sonny Swan
High School: Clackamas Cavaliers
Positions: Defense
Bio: Sonny Rae Swan is one of four daughters in her family. Her sisters Summer, and twins Sky and Star are all crazy runners who compete in the USA Regional Track & Field Chamionships every year. The Swan has many running friends including a guy who used to have a mullet. Together they participate in what has been dubbed "Yoinking." This is where you drive to several trailer parks in the area and "borrow" the yard ornaments that are found there (garden knomes, critters, pinwheels, etc). The Swan may be crazy, but she is also extremely nice and she doesn't kill swans contrary to what one might think according to her other nickname, Swankiller.

Elyse Taylor
High School: Grant Generals
Positions: Forward, Defense
Bio: Elyse gets more entertaining as you get to know her. She's really fast, and has great moves...WHO said she was LAZY??!! Somtimes that booty gets in the way though, but she has also been known to use it to her advantage. Elyse is also the one who asked, "Why we gotta be pencils?!" Really though, Taylor is also constantly busy with groups such as The Royal Blues (choir) and her H.S. theater program. She has an amazing voice, and consider yourself lucky if she actually sings something for you. Elyse wants to marry a Latino when she grows up. She is going to move to Mexico and live the good life with him there forever, I just hope she doesn't forget to send us a postcard!

Miranda White
High School: Wilson Trojans
Positions: Sweeper (occasionally striker)
Bio: Mamma Mandy is always taking care of us. With her advanced training from her summer job at a local Good Sam, and an entire life of paying attention to sports injuries, SHE CAN FIX IT. Mandy Sue is one of the backbones of this amazing team. She may get emotional at times, but it's usually just PMS and she recovers alright. Sometimes though, her outbursts are just enough to pull us all back together. Miss White also has a serious boyfriend, we call him Snow (his real name is Eric) and that leads to many hilarious (but maybe some innappropriate-hehe) nicknames, like Sled, or SnowWhite. Sue also has wonderful parents, our other number 1 Fan, George, and her mother sing a mean version of "Who Let the Dogs Out." Ask them for a sample sometime.

Retired Herricane Profiles:

Senora Majkut
High School: St. Marys
Positions: Midfield, Defense
Bio: After a torn ACL in the spring of 2000, Senora was not playing with the Herricanes during the summer. But we all missed her greatly. Her cool karate trap moves that she's mastered are awesome to see, especailly when they work! When first approached, Senora might seem quiet and timid, but when this girl opens up, she goes crazy! She could kick most anyone's ass, and scare the crap out of you if you make her mad. Also watch out for long car rides, she likes to sing along with her walkman.

Hailey McCarthy (*AIM=xenasoccer*)
High School: Oregon City Pioneers
Positions: Striker, Midfield
Bio: Hailey, Brace, Simba, Lightning, Sting, Freshman, this girl has been called many things. She is also a part of the Oregon City Basketball Cult. One thing that you might notice when you first meet her, is her right arm does not straighten. This is because of a birth defect and nerve damage in her arm, she can't turn it all the way over either. Because of this Hail wears a heavy metal correctional brace at night, therefore her nickname, Brace. There are so many things that we point out would be funny if Hailey were to try them; Spirit fingers, water skiing, cartwheels, there are too many to remmember. Simba comes from the fact that this girl's hair is never tame. When wearing a hoodie, her mane protrudes outward making her look like a lion. At our tournament this summer in long beach, Elyse was overheard asking her, "Hailey can I PLEASE brush you hair?!" Hailey's constant talk of boys and her now-x-boyfriend, the mexican Rhuben, is entertaining, but most of all she is known for her strange noises and biting, and for her clepto issues. Everywhere we go she is collecting things (RANDOM STUFF), and we don't even keep half of it... it's getting it thats mainly the fun part anyways. As the youngest member of the Herricanes, and one of the wierdest people you could meet, we can pick on her more than normal, but that doesn't mean that she's not an awesome player and we don't love her. We do.

Annie New (
High School: Wilson Trojans
Positions: Mostly defense, but can play anything
Bio: When Annie is not hurt, she is an awesome presence in the back. However, this is very rare. Annie is a very positive, but quiet member of this team. She has an amazing voice (singing), and is very active in her Church and community. She also gets lots of Girl Scout Cookies from her sister, her mom, Sally is also very active and creative. According to one of Ruth's name games, her name is Nnnie Aew (pronnounced neee aeeeww). When someone needs french braids for their hair, Annie is the one to go to; she's not as violent as Senora (OUCH!), and she's very speedy yet efficient. What a stud. Annie is just one of those really lovable people.
