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Dating Abuse: Emotional Control and Physical Violence in Relationships

Are you in an abusive partnership? Would you know if you were?

Romantic relationships should be about love, kindness, and respect. In short, you should feel good about yourself when you are with your mate. If you don’t, there could be a problem.

Emotional and Physical Abuse

Abuse can take emotional forms as well as physical. It is not appropriate for your partner to hit or slap you. If that happens, you need to let him or her know that you will not accept violence in your life. If he reacts badly, move on to someone that will treat you with the dignity all humans deserve.

Even if your partner hasn’t harmed you physically, pay close attention to the way he or she makes you feel. A romantic partnership means that you have someone in your life to support your emotional well-being and has your interests at heart. An individual that calls you names or belittles you constantly does not give you this type of encouragement. Someone that scares or threatens you in any way is an individual to avoid.

While technically considered a different type of relationship sin, cheating is also an abuse of your trust. If this is something you suspect in your relationship, visit Are You Cheating to learn more.

Teen Dating Abuse

Teens are especially vulnerable to dating abuse. According to Love Is Respect, a national teen dating abuse organization, a 2006 study showed that “alarming numbers of teens experience and accept abusive behavior in dating relationships.” That includes physical, sexual, and emotional violence.

The study went on to conclude “one in five teens that have been in a serious relationship report being hit, slapped or pushed by a partner.” The study showed more than just physical violence. A quarter of the respondents surveyed said their partner pressured “them from spending time with friends or family” in favor of seeing only their partner. This type of emotional control is abuse.

Signs of Abuse

Daters of all ages today can fall into the trap of loneliness and feeling that they might not find true love. A history of failed relationships can push men and women into situations with any individual who will spend time with them. The result can sometimes be a relinquishing of control in regards to seeing friends, family, or even engaging in hobbies. Anything the dater once found enjoyable is given up with the pressure of his or her new partner.

Teens now have a place to call for help with dating mistreatment and brutality.

Excessive contact through email, text, or phone is yet another sign of emotional abuse. A partner that is paranoid about who you are seeing and when you will next spend time with him or her is someone to watch out for.

Remember that before someone can be a part of your life, he must first prove he is worthy of your love and companionship. Any action that makes you feel uncomfortable or frightened should be given special consideration. Don’t ever sell yourself short or believe you deserve abusive behavior of any type.

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

This is a disorder where the victim faces trouble in maintaining a good rapport with kith and kin. Apart from this, there are also abnormalities in the way of thinking, behaving, and appearance.

Symptoms (In Children, Teenagers, and Adults): The abnormal behavior in people is very common. Their behavior gives us an impression of the patients being schizophrenic. Their thoughts and fears might seem ridiculous and unrealistic. They constantly think about being under surveillance by the detective or secretive government agencies like the NSA, CIA, or FBI.

Live in constant fear of being abducted by Aliens and UFOs. They have such faith in their beliefs that they even go to the extent of violent arguments with people which affects their ability to make and maintain new relationships.

Gender Differences

Risk Factors: The factors that might lead to or contribute significantly to the occurrence of the disorder are as follows.

Causes: Causes of this personality disorder have also not been identified as such. But the chance of the disorder being genetic is higher than in the other eccentric personality disorders, particularly schizophrenia.

There are certain marked differences between schizotypal personality disorder and schizophrenia is that they later hallucinate and live in an imaginary world of their own. The Schizotypal disorder patients do behave like the schizophrenics and believe in eccentric things but should not be confused for people. The patients are not psychotic too. They do not show any symptoms that are characteristic of psychosis that include hallucinations, erroneous beliefs, complete detachment from reality.

Almost half of the patients from the disorder also suffer from severe depression. This disorder in a few cases leads to paranoid personality disorder.

The signs that might indicate the schizotypal personality disorder are:

Diagnosis: A diagnosis can be conducted only by careful observation of the patient and if the above-mentioned signs are present the patient may be confirmed with the presence of the disorder.

An analysis of your previous medical conditions is done to test the presence of an otherwise physically healthy person. The test ensures the person doesn’t experience the symptoms due to other physical illnesses.

A presence of at least 5 of the characteristics that are mentioned in the DSM IV which is the standard for psychiatric illnesses.


If you or a loved one is seeking treatment for mental illness through psychotherapy, visit Estadt Psychological Services to see the many options available to you.

Suicide Risk: It has been confirmed that the incidence of suicides and the tendency of suicide in patients suffering from Schizotypal personality disorder is very low relatively compared to the other disorders.

Prevention: Where ever possible the risk factors are better avoided.

Caring and concerned parenting is always a great step in the prevention of the disease which also has several advantages in many other psychiatric illnesses.

Statistics: In a survey in the USA involving 33 doctors and 57 children, 32 children presented with a minimum of 5 symptoms, and 5 of them presented 4 symptoms. All the children were more than 12 years and 81% of them were boys.

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