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City of Lafayette, Oregon

Watershed Citizens Advisory Board

Meeting Minutes

April 16, 2002


Members Present:  Gary Johnson, Ron Ross, Stan Hill, Dean O’Reilly, Bob Long, Kathi Futornick


Others Present:  Phil Lieberman, Carol Paddock


Call to Order:  6:50 PM


Early Comments:  Travis review on fisheries and habitat.  Dean suggested that Jim Grimes from ODFW commented that cut throat might be able to use Henry Creek if culvert/passage  available.  Ponds were sources of predation by blue gills or carp.


Water Report:  Refer to “Lafayette Watershed Analysis of Water Use, Water Quantiyt, and Quality”.  Bob commented on his report and the following are excerpts from his comments.  Bob stated that the watershed was larger than the property the City owned.  Refer to Figure 1 in report.  His report was complicated by Dennis’s report.  Groundwater and stormwater interaction was integral.  An action might be to identify stakeholders to better assess potential risk.  Aquifer recharge range is 14Mgal – 40 Mgal/yr.  Documented use of wells was 36 Mgal/yr.  Potential concern is with new users.  In general water quality is good. Concern with nitrate and might want to monitor nitrate.  With respect to wellhead protection, Bob suggested that stakeholders be brought together, establish Best Management Practices and maybe undertake some modeling.  The Oregon Department of Health Wellhead Protection would combine his report with the DEQ report.  If any questions, email Bob.


Scott Ferguson’s Report:  Carol commented that Scott didn’t call out the critical recharge area.  We needed to double check the setbacks from springs for chemical application.  Dean commented that a youth work group might be a possibility.  Carol commented on the timber harvest history lacking certain reports e.g., Andy Bryant’s report to the City.  Dean stated that he would get a copy of his report.


Next Meeting:  Review 2 sets of minutes; Confirm report from Andy and Dean; Management Plan Draft.


Meeting Adjourned:  9 PM