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Pvt. Thomas C. Steele
Memorial Service

Pvt.Thomas Carter Steele, CO. "D" 1st. Arkansas Mounted Rifles born in 1838, at Spring Hill, Johnson County, Arkansas died 30 April 1878 at Prairie City, Oregon. A memorial service was held 23 June 2001 in Prairie City at the Prairie City Cemetery at 1:00 PM. Come and give a Big Rebel Yell for a real Confederate Hero!

Varina Howell Davis Chapter # 2369 VP and Chapter Historian
introduces President Shirley Combs

Commander James W. Combs II gives the Eulogy for Pvt. Thomas Carter Steele on 23 June 2001 in Prairie City, Oregon.

Lt. Col. Art Miller, U. S. Army (retired) salutes Pvt. Thomas C. Steele

Lt. Col. James W. Combs Sr. Capt. F. M. Jackson Camp # 1778
presents Rev. Charles Chase with a field Commission for service above and beyond

Is he now Rev. Capt. Charles Chase? Congratulations are indeed in order!

Keep your powder dry while you check out these great links:
Mary Jane Steele
A Confederate Hero
Prairie City Grangeghall Capt. F. M Jackson Camp # 1778
2nd. Lt. Commander Richard Weed

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