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Prayer to Kuan Yin

This is my prayer to Avalokiteshvara,
the Bhoddisattva kuan yin, embodiment of divine
compassioate love.

I send this prayer to the divine Kuan Yin, and ask humbly for benign and benevolent love and protection. In my time of darkness and need, I am all alone in this world, I feel abandoned and I am scared. I am weak, and I ask for strength. I am sorrowful, and I ask for joy. I am blind, and I ask for sight. I know nothing and ask for wisdom.
Please, Avalokiteshvara, hear my plea, and help me to see what it is I need to see. Guide me in my life and give me your love. I need your religion. I need your love. Help me to live with your example of truthful love and wisdom in my actions.
Though I try, I do not do so well, nor do I try hard enough. I fail and stumble again and again and again. I hurt myself and others in my blind wandering. I know what it is that is good, yet I do bad. Help me, oh great and divine embodiment of compassion to do the right thing.
I put this prayer out to the world for all, and you to see, and kneel before you in supplication and awe. I love you. I need you. Please protect, bless and heal me. I do not wish to ask this of you selfishly, and many more here on Earth need your help as well, but perhaps do not know to call on you. I say this prayer to you for all who may need it as well, and I hope that very soon, we may reap the beneficial reward of your love.
Please help me to find work, and help me to find one with whom I can share an easy love with. In my work, help me to perform it well, and not to endanger my well being with my ego. In love, help me to share with someone all that is good that I have learned, and not to lay upon them the heavyness of my heart and punish her with my love, but to make her glad to be here with me.
Thank you, Kuan Yin, oh great and divine embodiment of compassion-Avalokiteshvara! My love for you is endless, and I give you my eternal thanks for your blessing and protection!


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