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"The Lord of the Rings" Fanfiction

Chapter Fanfiction Stories by; LegolasLover2003

Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!
LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
After the War of the Ring, Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli travel to Rivendell before the King of Gondor's wedding. They recieve word that Mirkwood is still in terrible peril and race to help. King Thranduil, Legolas' father, alerts them to the threat of Orc Armies destroying the entire forest. However, an even darker danger emerges as the Orcs' leader... and old foe thought vanquished. Can Legolas save his home with the help of his friends, or will it fall into shadow?

Hiro Hyn Hîdh Ab 'Wanath: Let Them Find Peace After Death
LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
The sequel to Natha Daged Dhaer: They Are All Going To Die!.
The darkness grows throughout the world. Legolas, seeing the only way to right what's been done to him, journies with Aragorn back to Gondor. It is there that they must strike hard at Mordor, before all hope fades. But an evil bargain and thoughts of self sacrifice begin to tear a rift between the two friends. Can everything be amended before the real terror within those black hills emerges to destroy all light in the world?

Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate
LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
Mary-Sue fiction done differently...
Legolas is zapped to Earth by mysterious circumstances. It's up to a college student to get him back. However, when the MIB from a local airbase find rumors of an "alien" among the locals, they start to investigate. With the help of some slightly ingenious friends, Legolas gets transported back... with the girl in tow. She knows everything about Middle-earth and, due to the prince's arrival, realizes that something must have gone wrong with the Quest. Determined to right this wrong, Ashley becomes an unknown member of the fellowship, forever lost to lore... But can she fix the problem?
Covers Legolas' time on Earth and up through the leaving of Rivendell for the journey.

A Destined Journey
LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
The sequel to Flashes of Light, Rulers of Fate.
A Mary-sue fanfiction.
The journey is going well, but a certain two people continue to fued. Ashley is getting sick of Boromir, but he is apparently loving the attention she gives him because of it. Some ominous dreams, an appearance of a good friend, and dangers beyond count!
Covers the beginning of the journey through Amon Hen.

Savior And Destoryer
LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
When Aragorn was twenty he and Legolas went hunting... and disaster struck. The two friends are captured by a village in the mountains who have outlawed any Elf to enter their land. Legolas, broken and beaten, becomes a servent of the village's ruling household. He does this in exchange for Aragorn's life. However, the prince finds that his friend is not as well as Mirial, the ruler of the house, had promised. Aragorn however, is tended by Mirial's elder sister, Vani. Legolas and Vani strike up a friendship and she vows to get the two out of there. However, with a sentence to be hung over his head, Legolas loses hope. Is there anything that can save the two heros?

LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
The sequal to Savior & Destroyer. Aragorn goes missing when out with the Rangers. Word reached Legolas and he resolves to search for his friend. However, Lake Town begins to show signs of civil war and the Elves of Mirkwood send a delegation to help restore the peace. The delegation never returns. Worried, Thranduil decides to send Legolas and a patrol to investigate, forcing the prince to postpone his search for his best friend. However, shortly before leaving, Legolas recieves a warning letter from an old enemy, speaking of the demise of the delegation, and the capture of Strider. Desperate, Legolas seeks help from the only woman who can give him any information. Allies are reunited and old enemies return from a haunted past to seek... Revenge

The Presta Chronicles
LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
It's the continuing adventures of Legolas and Aragorn before the War of the Ring!
Dark times cover the lands, but these two friends are bound and determined to not let that stop them. They have many strange encounters on the way and tasks at hand that must be completed. What they do is for the good of all of Arda.
Stories currently in the Chronicles are:
#1 Tavern Troubles
#2 Forest Frantic
#3 Weathertop Wanderings
#4 Rivendell Riot

The MATRIX Nightmare
LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
Thirteen year old Estel's dreams haunt him. He continually sees Elrond as some murderous agent, Gandalf as an underground leader, the twins as albino lunatics, and a strange yet beautiful woman who seems to love him. He is being called, "THE ONE", in his dreams... yet he knows he is nothing more than a child. Or is he? With a little help from Legolas, the nightmarish dreams get straightened out. But are they really just that? Are they dreams, or are they real?
Think Lord of the Rings with Matrix scripts in some points. It's confusing... until you get to the end.

LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
PG-13 or R (undecided)
Legolia journeys to Gondor, to see her brother and the realm of Ithilien for the first time. However, she and Legede are taken captive by a mysterious Elf. Legolas recieves a message in the form of a near miss on Aragorn's life. Can Legolas save his sister and dear friend from this shadowed figure? Or will all of Mirkwood fall to the reappearance of one who nearly brought about it's downfall when the prince was no more than a child?

LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
Legolas falls in love with a mysterious maiden in the woods. Later, Arwen professes love for Legolas. He rejects her and Arwen acuses him of trying to seduce her. Legolas is put on trial and only his mysterious love can save him. Based on "Lanval".


Short Story Fanfiction by; LegolasLover2003

You Are Still There
LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
A thousand years after Aragorn's death, Legolas is happy and at peace in Valinor. With his famiy, Thranduil, Legolia, and his mother, at his side, as well as his wife and young daughter, Legolas remembers his dearest friend ever... Estel.

This Day, We Fight!
LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
A story written ONLY by viewing the trailer for The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. This was written at the beginning of October, so I did not see the movie before writing this story. However, the similarities between the film and this story are frightening.
See the film through Legolas' eyes. Scenes that only he was in from the trailer are put together in one story, complete with movie dialogue. Can Legolas save his closest friend? Will Middle-earth survive this terrible battle?

Into The West
LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
Legolas locked eyes with Gimli. Those same eyes pleaded the Dwarf to help him to understand. They cried out for help, for guidance. They had read words which they could not fathom... though they knew them to be true.
"Aragorn..." the Elf steeled his jaw in hopes that he would be able to finish his sentence. "Aragorn... he... he is dead. He has passed... But... But it can not be!"

Legolas, while starring for the first time at the sea, learns of Aragorn's death. He and Gimli hasten to Minas Tirith, but the Elf's grief has been replaced by denial. Can the King's last written words comfort his close friend in his time of grief or will he fade brokenly into the wind?

The Drinking Game
LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
After the battle of Helm's Deep and the finding of Merry and Pippin, our heros return to Edoras for a celebration. However, when Legolas gets into a drinking game against Gimli, things turn sour. With wounded pride, can Legolas forgive the Dwarf who has swiftly become his friend, or has Gimli's trick gone too far?

Never Alone
LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
The Black Gates of Mordor have fallen, yet Faramir's heart is still darkened. As he watches the horizon, awaiting Aragorn's return from the battlefield, his mind takes him to far away memories. His brother's death, his father's hatred, these are things he ponders. There is only one in all of Minas Tirith who can ease his heart. Only one who can see things the way he does. And she wants to return the kindness he showed to her.

Rain May Fall
LegolasLover2003 aka Ashley
Merry and Pippin have arrived in Minas Tirith to live out the remainder of their years. However, when Merry comes down with a terrible illness, and Aragorn's hand cannot save him, what will happen? It is a tale of loss and of friendship and of having to say goodbye.


Other Author's Fanfiction

Fear No More The Heat O' Th' Sun
Black Hawk
How do you let go? After a terrible event, Legolas and Aragorn must face their darkest hours and inner demons and learn to say good-bye. Post ROTK.

Movie-verse, ’Lord of the Rings'. On the night of Aragorn's coronation, Faramir and the new King discuss the passing of Boromir.
A very sad, sweet, and wonderful story which SueB has allowed me to put on my site. Please, visit her fanfiction archive at sen-o-gwend
