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The Dragonbone Chair

A war fueled by the dark power of sorcery is about to engulf the peaceful land of Osten Ard-for Prestor John, the High King, slayer of the dread dragon Shurakai, lies dying. And with his death, an ancient evil will at last be unleashed, as the Storm King, undead ruler of the elvishlike Sithi, seeks to regain his lost realm through a pact with one of human royal blood. Then, driven by spell-inspired jealousy and hate, prince will fight prince, while around them the very land begins to die. Only a small, scattered group, the League of the Scroll, recognizes the true danger awaiting Osten Ard. And to Simon-a castle scullion unknowingly apprenticed to a member of this League-will go the task of spearheading this quest for the solution to a riddle that offers the only hope of salvation, a riddle of long-lost swords of a quest that will see him fleeing and facing enemies straight out of a legend-maker's worst nightmares! Copyright 1988 by Tad Williams. Cover art by Michael Whelan. Maps by Tad Williams. Published by DAW Books, Inc. Distributed by Penguin USA.