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These are just some random memories that stand out in my mind with Vince. I know there are tons I am missing, I'm hoping to make a collection of lots of happy memories with him so please, e-mail me, IM me and I will gladly put them on here. Thank you.


I only saw Vince play in one baseball game, I was missing out on the rest. As I watched I heard the younger players hype him up and brag about his hard throwing. And as I watched the batters step up to face him I could see it in their faces too. He loved the game, which is a rare thing these days. I like to remember him in his oakleys (which he always had a new pair) and baseball hat, glove in one hand... bat in the other.


Almost everyday after school at Northside we would walk to The YMCA and play basketball. Me, Vince, Nick, BK, Dimick, Boslett, sometimes others but those were mostly it. Usually we'd just cause some problems, or chill. But we'd always play a little 21 either in the gym or outside. I remember one specific time playing 21 on the little kids hoop outside, Vince would go crazy on that thing and damn near tore the rim down. He had some hops. He was there to start my love for basketball, and he'll be with me forever now while I am playing.


In our 8th grade year Vince, Nick, and I used to be in the same chorus, according to Mr. Smith we carried the class, haha. Anyway, during one of the concerts Vince pointed his girlfriend out to me (who will remain nameless unless wants to be named) He told me that if I looked after her over spring break that he would get me some Oakleys (prolly an old pair of his, lol) He called to talk to me while he was in Myrtle Beach for spring break, checked up and stuff.. He kept his word and brought me back a pair of green Oakley eye jackets that still sit on my dresser, box, receipt and all. While I was in the Bahamas the next week I got him a gold necklace, I'm not sure where it is but I like to think he was buried with it and took a piece of me with him.