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About Me
Name: Jake ( aka Deviant )
Gender : Male
Height : 5'8"
Eyes : Hazel
Location: Ottawa, Kansas, United States
Birthdate: 1985-07-23

Home Page : My Home Page
Yahoo! ID: jakerz0
AOL IM: jakerzzero
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Short Rant :
I am a cool guy and all, you just hafta understand me, because I am hard at explaining things. Anyway, I don't do much on the internet except for chatting and messageboards. I do some art and if you want to see that, as well as my goofy dog and many more pix of me and other shit, just go to my site. well im out of stuff to say so later and check back for daily updates ^_^

For those of you that have not the honor of owning or hearing the Hallucinating album, I am really feeling sorry that you are not able to experience this truly amazing album. I never thought in a million years I would get into a band that I bought from a used-cd rack for 7 bucks.... Apartment 26 is an awesome band to me because they are unique in thier styles, and each song sounds different from another, even on one complete album. An example would be Give Me More, and Heaven. GMM is more funky, and Heaven has a really heavy vibe to it, while still remaining a very beautiful song. Biff's vocals are the 2nd best thing about this band. That's right. I said 2nd because I pay more attention to the music. It's so amazing how all the band members work together to make the creative songs that show what REAL music is all about. Also, the lack of "woe-is-me ,i hate my parents, fuck the world" is very appealing to me. We don't need another Linkin Park/Adema/KoRn/StainD etc...(btw I can stand all those bands except for StainD) band in this world. Nor do we need another "fake anger" band such as Slipknot or Hatebreed. I do not hate these bands, I just think that thier idea of music is not all that creative. Sure, I like heavy bands like Fear Factory, and Rob Zombie, but how they present it is so much more acceptable to me than Slipknot-type stuff. Apartment 26 is one of the best bands I have heard in a long time since Powerman 5000 or Gravity Kills... and it takes alot for me to accept any other band better than Gravity Kills or Powerman 5000.... I grew up with those bands, mainly because they didn't have hateful lyrics and all that hoo-hah shit that takes over the radio these days. Apartment 26 is everything that needs to be heard today.

MY Review of Hallucinating
This band's style is such a perfect blend of techno and rock, with hints of metal here and there.
Apartment 26 doesn't really fit into any kind of categories at all. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there is something about this band that just makes me so damn addicted to it's sounds. It might be because it seems like the bastard child of Gravity Kills and Pitchshifter.. but who knows... I just like bands that don't have to yell to attempt to make a good song.

Backwards - This is the song that got me hooked to Apt26 in the first place. Amazing lyrics on this song.
Doing It Anyway- is a real good "dance" tune. It would fit right in at a rave party...
Slicedbeats-another good rave party song..
Keep You- catchy verses, good singing, great guitars
Apt.26- I dunno what this song is all about, but the breakdown is awesome.
Hallucinating-the first seemingly "heavy" song on the album.
The Fear - might be a love song, or something more.. very beautiful till the last half and then the guitars and techno sounds kick in.
Basic Breakdown- a moshing song for a concert. he even says "Get Up! Fuck It Up". very good song though.
Anymore-good guitars on this beast of a song. the singer is so amazing.
Bruised-one of the best songs on the album... alot of keyboard work on this, and the guitars buzzing away are awesome too. singer shifts from industrial verses to rock chorus...
Question of Reality- the song filled up with the most techno sounds, my favorite song on the album.. the end is awesome when it gets quiet for a few seconds, and then the singer yells "I.. THANK.. YOU!"
Death - the most techno song on the album..

There is however, a hidden track on this album. It is just a bunch of techno music or something...
Overall, this is one of the most original bands i have heard in a long time, and they are making a good impression on me by not having to make "woe is me" and "yell my brains out" music to gain popularity...