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my first site check it out — Profile

Name:  ashley
Location:  ohio
Birthday:  10 August, 1987
Bio:  i live in ohio a boring state, and i've lived here my hole life. i want to move to texas eventually when i get older, it just seems more exciting there and my boyfriend lives there, so that's always a plus lol. my parents are divorced, i have an older sister and a younger sister. i live with my dad nad i'm a junior in high school. i'm a christian, and just think that God is awesome!
Interests:  i just like to hang out at my church, or with my friends, and i also am in love with my boyfriend!!!
Blog Created:  Thursday, 31 July 2003
Last Updated:  Friday, 5 September 2003 - 6:58 AM
Blog Entries:  8

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