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The Oud

Hello and welcome, everyone! Here is a new look to my page, one step closer in the right direction! I still plan to make this page a lot more attractive in the future, this is more of an experimental thing. The scores, history, families, videos, and pictures of my new ouds (among other things) are still on their way. Anyways, I'm still hoping that one day the URL will change and this will become a first class site! Anyways, thanks for coming on and I hope you enjoy what's here!


Anwar Kubeh & Sons oud:

I got this oud in 2004 for Eid. It is my second oud (my first being a beginner's "tourist oud") and was made in Damascus, Syria. The soundboard is cedar and has various inlays such as rosewood, ebony, olivewood, and pearl. The fingerboard and dome are aged walnut and have a beautiful inlay commonly seen in Arab architecture. The rosettes are white painted walnut.




Fingerboard and pegbox (back)

Top view


Bottom view
Fingerboard inlay (detail)

Fingerboard inlay

Dome (detail)

Central rosette
Side rosette

Pickguard and strings



Faruk Türünz oud:

Finally, the long awaited Turkish oud is in Dubai! All rosewood back with a soundboard of spruce and a fingerboard of ebony. The pegbox is ivory and the rosettes are horn.




Central rosette
Side rosette





Dikran Nadjarian oud:

This is the old Nadjarian oud I was talking about. I don't know too much about it though (mainly because it is not mine, it belongs to my teacher). Just for clarification, it's the oud in the direct center, the darker one, and is the only oud that looks old. This Nadjarian is currently going under restoration.


Quill rishas:

These are the survivors of my quill rishas (picks). Unfortunately, while delivering rishas to some friends, the shipping company messaged me stating that my presents were, "not delivered due to complications." I later found out that there were safety precautions in effect and sadly, my rishas were never returned.

These are all the ones I have left. However, they are not shaped for playing the oud. So, technically, they are still feathers.

Risha 1

Risha 2

Risha 3

Risha 4

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