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Q's Downloads

Here are some really cool programs that angelfire will no longer allow you download, if you are like me you have more than one e-mail, IM, and Also I have anti-virus software and firewall software here for you. So here I am going to briefly tell you about these programs and then you can decide if you want them or not. The links at the bottom of the page will bring up webpages where you can download them.

Proxomitron no longer exists on the web, it was a really good ad blocker but is now gone

Trillian is really nice for keeping track of all your IM's in one window. Works with AIM, ICQ, MSN, IRC, and Yahoo. this is also freeware, and feel free to share.

ZoneAlarm Pro is one of the best firewall programs available, if you have a broadband connection (DSL or Cable) this program is a must. This is a trial version and is freeware. Getting unlock code from Zonelabs opens up additional features, but the freeware version will stop hackers from getting to your computer

Eprompter is really nice for managing your e-mail accounts, it works on all e-mail accounts including hotmail and yahoo. This is a freeware program and feel free to share.

AVG Anti-Virus is a free anti-virus program that is under a freeware license and is free to download and use. I ran this program for a long time and it works really well for a free program. If you wish to get all the buttons, bells, and whistles you will have to pay for them throught the website Grisoft. But the version I have here is free and under no trial limits.

Automouse is a mouse automation program real simple in design that will allow you to play some online games while you sleep, go to store, or whatever you want to do. If you have a problem setting it up to play for you inform me and I will see what I can do for you.

There is another good site for some downloads and other neat things......Go and see my Bingo Canada friend Bear at The Cave, and head for the Locker Room. The last time I tried to get this page it was down but tou can try if you like.

My Hangouts

Bingo to go
Purple Rain, Anything Goes Chat Room
Ion Thunder

My Cool Programs

Download Trillian IM Here
Download ZoneAlarm Pro Here
Download Eprompter Here
Download AVG Anti-Virus Here
Download Automouse Here
