On the Harry Potter Set pt.1

It's official, Harry Potter 3 is being filmed down the road from us. Apparently the only big actors that are filming scenes here are Harry, Hagrid & Sirius Black. There are several trailers still here and signs of where the crew had been shooting. Elisabeth and I went on location and re-created a few scenes of our own:

Hermione and the Big Tree

Elisabeth re-creates the memorable scene from book 3 where Hermione decides to "get back to nature" by cutting down a Christmas tree to raise Harry's spirits at Christmas time but those pesky Weasly twins make all the pine trees quadruple in size with their patented Biggus Dickus spell!

Voldemort's Garden

Stephen re-creates the amusing flash back scene from book 3 where we discover that while You-Know-Who might have been a powerful wizard, his green thumb was very, very brown.

Fang and the Fox

Stephen acts out that hilarious chapter from book 3 where Hagrid takes Fang foxhunting! Here we see Stephen's surprise after he loses the fox in a hollowed out log.