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Da Kine

Da Kine

Here in Hawaii, da Kine is slang for whatever the topic is...
So we spend time in the park ocean side of the Lahaina Library making da kine..
Colorful Butterflys of recycled paper on a coconut leaf rib, coconut leaf bowls, hats, insects, birds, fish, watercolor paintings, sumi-e, origami, paper frizbees....da Kine...
We all joke, laugh and talk story with one another, locals and and the tourists alike, as we make these things and give them away..
As my Hawaiian friend Willy (first name Free)says...
"Because We Can"
More Later..Aloha no and Malama, Terry..a.k.a.the Butterfly Man, the Paper Frizbee Man, Origami Oji-san, the Puppet Man, the Man with the funny bicycle with the little man on the little bicycle following him, and that guy who lives by da Kine beach...
