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The Freeform Universal Do-it-yourself Game Engine is a free-to-download roleplay game system developed by Steffan O'Sullivan and other fine folk at Grey Ghost Games.

After years of playing the usual run of role-playing games, I stumbled across Fudge on the 'net and haven't looked back since. Not only is it fully customisable by the GM and players, but its text-based statistics make it easy for beginners to handle, without dumbing it down so more experienced players get bored with it.

"Trash" is a Fudge-based game I've been slowly developing over the last few years. Set in the very near future, it chronicles the fight of the few cursed and damned souls who fight the menace that the rest of us don't even know exist. Guns, swords and Magic fight side by side against the Shadow Host, and all that protects Humanity from being slowly over-run is the struggles of those with nothing to lose.


Everyway is a card-based Fantasy Roleplaying system designed by Wizards of the Coast, who also brought us Magic:The Gathering. The universe is made up of thousands of Spheres, each one a separate world. "Spherewalkers" have the ability to walk through special Gates between these spheres, making each adventure a journey through a completely different world than the one before. Characters are loosely defined by the four Elements (Fire = Physical skills, Earth = Resistance and Toughness etc), with specialisations to show how good you are at specific things.

Everyway has enormous potential for "Storyteller" style campaigns. Conflict is resolved using the Fortune Deck (similar to a Tarot deck), with the GM interpreting results based on character actions, their abilities and what the storyline (and plot) needs best. Its not for everyone (no hack-and-slashers please), but does provide a rich and fertile bed to explore some very esoteric situations, that other game systems would flounder in.

One of the great uses of Everway is in special one-off scenarios, such as roleplaying Conventions and the like. Its colourful, versatile and doesn't take a lot of explaining before the players can get started, and its conflict resolution system doesn't require a whole heap of stats to remember.

Warhammer Fantasy

Warhammer Fantasy is Games Workshop's miniature combat system, set in a rich and colourful (though very violent) fantasy world. There are a number of races to play, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, and players can design their force to reflect their own preferred fighting style.

The game covers a wide range of fantasy units - archers, spearmen, cavalry, skirmishers, Dragons, even gunpowder and cannons - and embraces a rich and complete hobby. Whether you be a brilliant tactician born out of his time, or simply love to paint the incredibly detailed figures you need to play the game, this hobby is for anyone. Best of all, it provides a good opportunity for colourful photos for sites like this one.

Warhammer 40,000

Warhammer 40,000 (or WH40K for short) is another Games Workshop product, using a Science Fiction background rather than a Fantasy background. Its uses the same basic system as Warhammer Fantasy, though plays more like a clash between skirmishing forces than a clash of mighty armies.

There's a good range of Races to play, from the "normal" humans of the Imperial Guard and the superhuman Space Marines, through to the totally alien and ever evolving Tyranid monstrosities (looking remarkably like things from the "Aliens" movies). Heavy weapons, tanks, and vicious hand-to-hand fighting all bring life to the game, and the miniatures used are every bit as detailed as those used in Warhammer Fantasy.