Anja W

Age: 7
Date: 2007
Location: Bayersried, Germany
Animals: Isolation/Confinement

Anja W was born to her single mother Angela in 1999. Angela lived on a farm that she had inherited from her parents, but it was too much for her to cope with on her own. Worried that the authorities wouldn't let her keep her daughter in the run-down conditions of the farm, Angela confined Anja to the house, only going out with her on a very few occasions.

Anja's father did make occasional visits to the farm in Bayersried, and hoped to be able to do something to improve conditions for Angela and Anja, but without success.

Anja's existence was revealed in 2007 after two children on their way to school noticed a face at the window. Anya was taken into the care of the authorities. The mother is apparently relieved.

Anja had no injuries and was not in ill-health, but her speech is very limited: she can say only "Hallo" and "Mama". She is currently in a children's hospital, and when she has become accustomed to that environment, a more detailed assessment of her speech and general condition will take place. She is unnaturally small and thus appears to be suffering from psychosocial dwarfism.

Currently police are deciding whether or not it is appropriate to prosecute the mother for neglect.