Understanding the Minor Arcana

The Suits

PENTACLES: They correspond to the female element Earth. They represent money, material matters, and physical well-being.

WANDS: They correspond to the male element fire. They represet energy, creativity, passion, and spirit. Wands are also closely associated with career and work.

CUPS: They correspond to the female element water. They represent emotions, intuition, relationships, and love. The sheilding nature of the cup also associates it with things hidden.

SWORDS: They correspond to the male element air. They represent the mind, conflict, communication, and intellect.

The Numbers and The Court

One (Ace): Beginnings, action, will, new ideas, creative power, potential, first causes, primary impulses, positive.

Two: Partnerships, relationships, polarities, balancing, duality, choices, patience, stillness, positive and negative.

Three: Synthesis, growth, creativity, abundance, collaboration, friendship, artistic expression, refining plans, preparing to take action.

Four: Foundations, discipline, work, order stability, solidity, tangible achievement, practical attainment.

Five: New cycle, change, progress, shifts, adjustment, fine tuning, instability, challenge, versatility, freedom, courage.

Six: Balance, health, beauty, harmony, contentment, relaxation, satisfaction, equilibrium, marriage, family, sympathy, a choice.

Seven: Spirituality, wisdom, perfect order, the macro-cosm, religion, luck, magic, multiple options.

Eight: Victory, will, success, regeneration, rebirth, reevaluating, putting things in order, setting priorities.

Nine: Compassion, integration, movement, flexibility, fulfillment, attainment.

Ten: Transition, renewal to a new cycle, completion, wholeness, mastery, excess, overabundance.

Page: Messages, communications, beginnings of the properties of their suit. Children or adolescents in or entering your life.

Knight: Long standing situation is about to change, travel, incoming ideas. Young man or woman impacting or entering your life.

Queen: Female energy or influence, receptive qualities. Completion of a relationship, project, job, pregnancy. Mature women (or men) who understand who and what they are about emotionally and spiritually.

King: Closure, completion, finality. Mature, usually wise men (or women) who know what they can and cannot accomplish.