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50th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Co E

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50th at SC
50th Pennsylvania Infantry @ Beaufort, SC Feb 1862

The 50th Regiment was recruited in the counties of Berks, Schuylkill, Bradford, Susquehanna, Lancaster, and Luzerne.  Mustered in on the 25th of September, 1861 and mustered out on July 31, 1865.  Old Reliable was chosen by General Grant to be the army representative at the laying of the cornerstone of the National Monument at Gettysburg, July 4, 1865!


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Brief Chronological History


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Living History of the 50th PVI   Due to depleted numbers in the enlisted men's ranks we are looking for a few good men.  Help us honor our ancestors, preserve battle fields, and keep the history alive.

The Reenactor's Equipment

2002 Calendar of Events

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Our Monument at Antietam


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the Slate Board  our own message board


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Members Pages  


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Pictures from Past Events


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Gburgpic Gburg pic

Gburg pic

remembrance day 98
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Page revised April 3, 2002