Council of Rhydin (CoR) Charter
3-09-98 Edition
Section 1 follows.
On March 9,1998, Several members of UGC decided to create better
The basic format of the UGC is correct, but a few changes needed
to be made.
So, I, Aarmus Kvorish, lay the groundworks for the CoR with the
assistance of XxRavenxX and Acid4146. From this day until the
next election of CoR, XxRavenxX shall be the Speaker of the High
We believe a majority of the UGC setup is correct. We have
problems with the high council. We can't seem to get the UGC to
meet us half way on these issues. We have adopted the best parts
of the UGC and fixed the parts that we found unacceptable.
Loan, Gifting, Trading Ect. of EXP's is illegal. With the
exception of loans made to new guilds by the CoR, and legal
You earn the exp's, THEN get the Dice...
2d20=0 exp's 2d21=10exp's 2d22=20exp's 2d23=40exp's
2d24=60exp's 2d25=80exp's 2d26=100exp's 2d27=125exp's
2d28=150exp's 2d29=170exp's 2d30=200exp's 2d31=225exp's
2d32=250exp's 2d33=275exp's 2d34=300exp's 2d35=400exp's
2d36=450pts 2d37=500exp's 2d38=550exp's 2d39=600exp's
2d40=700exp's 2d41=800exp's 2d42=900exp's 2d43=1000exp's
2d44=1500exp's 2d45=1750exp's 2d46=2000exp's 2d47=2500exp's
2d48=3000exp's 2d49=3500exp's 2d50=4000exp's 2d51=4500exp's
2d52=5000exp's 2d53=5500exp's 2d54=6000exp's 2d55=7500exp's
2d56=8000exp's 2d57=8500exp's 2d58=9000exp's 2d59=9500exp's
2d60=10,000exp's 2d61=11,000exp's 2d62=12,000exp's
2d64=14,000exp's 2d65=15,000exp's 2d66=16,000exp's
2d68=18,000exp's 2d69=19,000exp's 2d70=20,000exp's
2d72=25,000exp's 2d73=27,500exp's 2d74=30,000exp's
2d76=35,000exp's 2d77=37,500exp's 2d78=40,000exp's
2d80=50,000exp's 2d81=55,000exp's 2d82=60,000exp's
2d84=70,000exp's 2d85=75,000exp's 2d86=80,000exp's
2d88=90,000exp's 2d89=95,000exp's 2d90=100,000exp's
2d92=300,000exp's 2d93=400,000exp's 2d94=500,000exp's
2d96=700,000exp's 2d97=800,000exp's 2d98=900,000exp's
2d99=1,000,000exp's 2d100=1,500,000exp's .
Dice Scoring:
1-14=0 15-19=1 20-24=2 25-29=3 30-34=4 35-39=5 40-44=6 45-49=7
55-59=9 60-64=10 65-69=11 70-74=12 75-79=13 80-84=14 85-89=15
91=17 92=18 93=19 94=20 95=21 96=22 97=23 98=24 99=25 100=26
RANKS (Remember you earn the dice THEN you get the rank)
Private-2d20 to 2d25, Corporal-2d26 to 2d30, Sergeant- 2d31 to
2d35, Master Sergeant- 2d36 to 2d40, 2nd Lieutenant- 2d41 to
2d45, Lieutenant- 2d46 to 2d50, Captain- 2d51 to 2d55, Major-2d56
to 2d60, Lt.Colonel- 2d61 to 2d65, Colonel- 2d66 to 2d70, Lt.
General- 2d71 to 2d75, Maj.General-2d76 to 2d80, General-2d81 to
2d85, Field marshal-2d86 to 2d90, High Council Member-2d91 to
Earning Exp's:
You earn exp's by sparring and such. Please note: the UGC, PoRU,
and CoR are the ONLY forums to allow only one dice per CHARACTER.
All of your lowest dice are DROPPED. You will have your highest
earned Exp's in ALL of the guilds you are in. It will become the
job of the "character" to send out any Exp's granted to
the GC's of all the guilds he/she is in. It is the member's job
to sent ALL spar logs to each of the GC's of the guilds he or she
is in. Note: these dice changes only apply to CoR guilds.
Sparring, MS's, SM's, HM's, RM's, DM's and
All must be logged. Proctors are not required,
but the logs MUST be turned in to your Division Commanders or
Dice Master (freelancers) as this is the only way to be certain
of honesty.
Dragons and other powerful opponents:
Dragons in human for are allowed 4d. It takes 40 points to kill
one. Half-breeds are 3d and it takes 30 points to kill one.
1) Sparring:
When you fight a spar, you will recieve 5x the difference in
Exp's as by how much you win by (ie: the final score is 10-6 you,
so you would earn 20 points). If you lose a spar, you earn 5
points, even though you lost, you still LEARNED from the
experience. You can fight any spar with any dice, but it's not
recommended to fight grossly unmatched opponents. THE MAXIMUM
etc.) IS 100.
2)Mass Spar:
Runs bacically the same as above but with there being teams going
against each other or free for all's (FFA's). Anyone that is hit
out in the first round without having their turn to attack gets
an honor strike on their turn. Unless you are a mortal (2d) then
you get an Honor Strike in ANY round that you are hit out. Exp's
are given as follows: # of opponents beaten X highest dice of the
beaten oponents X 5 ( for the spar) divided among the survivors.
In the event that all "players" are "killed"
all players get 5 exp's only.
a) Power Strike:
Each mortal has the ability to call a power strike that boosts
him to 8d (may be used as a split attack), You get 1 Power Strike
per 10 sides. You MUST list in your profile the Power Strikes you
have used with the amount that you have left (ie. 1/7). Once used
that Power Strike is gone until you go up 10 more sides.
b) Specialty Move:
Mortals get a specialty move that must be listed in their profile
and can be used ONLY once per spar but not as the first strike.
This move gives the mortal one strike at 4d and may be used as a
split attack.
3)Slave Matches:
The Exp's earned from SM's are 10x the victors point spread (win
by 4,get 40 points) along with a new slave. The slave must list
in their profile that they are a slave, to whom and for how long.
If they remain in service as a slave for more than 72 Hours, then
a RM may be fought to free them.
4)Release Matches (RM):
A RM is fought only to gain the release of a Slave or prisoner of
War(pow). The Exp's earned from RM's are 10x the victors point
spread .
5)Honor Match:
Honor Matches are fought to restore your honor or the honor of a
person you're are standing up for. The Exp's earned from HM's are
10x the victors point spread. At the end of this document is a
fine Schedule which will be imposed upon anyone who Violates the
guidelines & rules of Rhydin.
6)Death Matches:
The DM is the ultimate spar, two men enter and one man leaves.
The winner gets 25x the point spread, and the loser DELETES.
(unless it is decided that the loser will " swipe"
their profile, meaning they keep the SN but create a totally
different character for it). If you are foolhardy enough to jump
into a DM, then live with the consequences. There are NO
resolutions in the CoR for DM's.
7)Mass Death Match:
A Super Natural is a deadly opponent, but with 2-3 (ONLY) people
attacking it, it's power tends to diminish. When engaging a
dragon or other big opponent, DON'T GO ALONE!!! The standard DM
rules apply.
8)The Aggressor Rule:
If a fight starts between two individuals, and no rules are
stated, the 20/30/40 rule takes immediate effect (20 hitpoints
for a human, 30 for a half breed, and 40 for a super), and the
fight becomes a DM. The loser becomes a ghost (no rezz needed)
for 72 hours IRL, to think on the situation. If the Aggressor has
exceedingly higher dice then his victim (more then a 25 points
possible to "hit" spread), he/she will be reduced in
dice by 20 to 30 sides (High Council's decision is final). Logs
of these impromptu DM's must be sent to both myself (Aramus) and
XxRavenxX, for verification.
Wars between guilds in CoR is allowed. We encourage mock wars as
a way for members to test their knowledge and skills if a real
war should occur. Any GC interested in setting up a mock war
please contact Aarmus.
1) War Etiquette:
The guild declaring needs to state their guild's name and list
reasons for the declaration, what they want as terms for the war
and also make it known that if the terms are not acceptable then
to make the first initiative as to date war talks. AA's in the
war can take place in any public and private rooms, unless a PR
and one public room are registered as safe havens. All conflicts
will be fought with a proctor and logged. Logs are to be sent to
the people chosen to tally the scores for the conflict.
The loser of the match must place in their profile *PoW to
(guild)*. A RM maybe fought in 72 hours (IRL). PoW's are not able
to participate in the war until they are either freed or the war
is over. They may proctor matches and observe.
The loser of a DM during the war must place in their profile
*Ghost to (guild)*. Ghosts are not allowed to have any contact
with the war being that they are dead and all. When the war is
over, ALL ghosts are granted Auto Rezz.
3)Victory Assessment:
When one side of war loses,or concedes defeat,the victor recieves
Exp's based on the following formula: # of members in victor
guild minus # of non-PoW members in defeated guild x 100 = points
gained by Victor. Exps for each match are still used. DMs are
worth 25x the difference in the final score. The PoW Match is
worth 10x the difference in the final score
Healers use their dice just as a fighter except they are healing
instead of hurting ,and they recieve 5 exp's for each point
healed. Healing as with everything else must be logged to get the
These aren't healers, these are actual priests, the ones who
raise the dead, remove curses, etc. Priests can, however, heal
and fight. Priests can be shamen, pastors, medicine men, etc.
They can be of any alignment.
Priest/ess Exp's:
Exp's go higher depending on how formal and on how complicated
you make your ceremonies, on services that require no roll. All
duties and/or services must be logged to count for Exp's. You
must state what is being done at the beginning of the log.
You must list the total of " hits" per person at the
end of the log, if hits were needed.
Clergy Duties EXP's points to hit needed to roll to suceed
Blessings ...........................10
Baptisms ............................25 and
Divorce ..............................25 and
Counciling, confession, etc...25 and
Burials ................................40 and up................................none......................
Last Rights..........................40 and
Marriages ..........................50 and
Stopping a DM...................50 and
Removal of curses..............50 and up.........5 for minor
curses, 25 for major curses
(explanation of curse to be removed must accompany log)
Soul Transfers ....................150.......................................20..(used
to unvamp people)
Raise the dead ....................200
Notes on raising the dead: Priest/ess must be assisted by a
healer and can not be used on people who died in a DM. Both a
priest and a healer must hit for at least 5 points each for the
resurrection to work, but the points total needed is still 40.
Only in a resurrection does a priest have to have a healer to
help. A person MUST list how many times they have been
resurrected in their profiles. The maximum number of times any
particular SN can be raised is 2 at 2d20,plus once for every
additional 20 points of dice.
Wills are allowed in the CoR., with a limit of 10,000 exp's per
person listed. All wills must be written and turned into the CoR
Coroners Office prior to the death of the writer.
1) Recruiting for your guild:
As for the recruiting of new members, these members must have
their applications reviewed by a Guild Commander before they may
be allowed to join. This way, the commander can allocate initial
points (if appropriate) to the new recruit. The person who
recruited him (or her) recieves 5x the alloted points in gold (5
if none were awarded). The maximum any new member can recieve, is
100 points (ie 2d26) the points are given from the guild point
pool. Guild commanders may also give rewards for recruiting.
2) Guild Recruiting:
When you recruit a guild or person, and bring them into the CoR,
the recruiting person earns Exp's based on the following formula:
# of members in the recruited guild x 100 = the total points
earned. The recruiter gets half and the other half go to the
point pool of the guild the recruiter belongs to. If the
recruiter is a freelancer he/she gets all of the points. This is
payed by the CoR.
Spies, Assassins, Murderers and Thieves
Assassinatin Attempts(AA's): Assassins MUST have a valid contract
with their reg. # stated on it. After joining CoR, Freelance
assassins MUST register with the Dice Master to get a reg. #. All
GC's must send in a roster of their assassins to the Dice Master,
a reg. # will be sent to the assassins and their GC to be kept on
file. The contract must be written and submitted to the assassin
supervisor PRIOR to the assassin doing his job. If an assassin
kills (AA's) a person WITHOUT a contract: he/she will be charged
with murder; their dice, gold and xps frozen until after the
trial; the verdict will be death if found guilty. Logs have been
done away with, as they are unnecessary with a signed contract.
Super Natural Assassins:
Supers (4d) and half-breeds (3d) can be assassins ONLY if they
have a human (2d) form. They MUST use 2d in the AA and following
DM should their be one (note: in the case of a DM following the
AA 3d and 4d assassins use 2d their dice and receive only 20 HP's
. They want to be assassins? They must take the cuts in
strength). Mortal assassins may only switch to Supernatural after
gaining 2d60. As of 3-15-98, CoR is only allowing 20 Supernatural
A)The Warning: When an Assassin has a target in sight(ie in the
same room), he states in the room that they are the target of an
assassination, who the assassins are and to roll perception
B)Defence:The victim is entitled 1 chance at avoiding the
assassination, but must score 2 points on a 2d20 (ie a 20,or a
15+on BOTH dice) to notice that something is amiss. If the target
makes it they may chose to fight, dodge or flee. If they chose to
dodge, they wait till the assassin attacks and then state ::
dodges:: and rolls their guild or personal dice. In order for the
dodge to work they must roll at least 1 point higher on one of
their dice than the highest die the assassin rolled.(i.e assassin
rolled a 16 28 , and the target rolled a 5 29 so the dodge was
sucessful). The assassin can't dodge a dodge as s/he used their
move already for the round by attacking. If the Perception check
fails, the target does NOT know they have been targeted.
C)The Attack:The assassin then states his attempt to kill. The
Targets MUN now knows his SN has been targetted BUT can DO
NOTHING about it. The assassin then rolls his dice. The more
powerful the target, the more points are required to kill him,
based on his or her dice. So, it gets harder to kill a more
experienced target (CHECK TARGET HIT POINTS BELOW). IF he suceeds
then the target is dead. If he fails but hits, the target now
knows something is up and can chose as before to fight, dodge the
next attack, or flee. The damage incurred counts towards a DM, if
one begins. (A successful dodge must be attemped in order to
avoid the damage of that attack completely) All Assassins engaged
in a DM due to being spotted, fight with their guild dice. The
assassin can chose to run at any point unless it is RPed out that
he/she has become trapped.
Points/"hits" to kill in an AA
2d20-29 = 5, 2d30-39 = 6, 2d40-49 = 7, 2d50-59 = 8, 2d60-69 = 10,
2d70-79 = 12,
2d80-89 = 14, 2d90-99 = 16, 2d100 =
3d20-29 = 8, 3d30-39 = 9, 3d40-49 = 10, 3d50-59 = 12, 3d60-69 =
15, 3d70-79 = 18, 3d80-89 = 21, 3d90-99 = 24, 3d100 =
4d40-29 = 10, 4d30-39 = 12, 4d40-49 = 14, 4d50-59 =16, 4d60-69 =
20, 4d70-79 = 24, 4d80-89 = 28, 4d90-99 = 32, 4d100 =
AA-BodyGuards: If a person has "BodyGuard to XXXXX" in
their profile, they are also allowed to make perception rolls but
only if they were already in the room and if they fail they can't
attempt to help the person they are body guard too. GC, SiC's,
and TiC's get 2 bodyguards, LC's get 1.
Mass AA: Where more than one assassin gangs up to AA someone.
This is usually only done when you are trying to kill someone
very powerful, like a high dice Super. All the standard rules for
Normal AA's apply to the mass AA. 3 assassians are the max for a
Assassins Exp's: Assassin earns EXP's a regular DM would give
him, plus 50 for the attempt. Assassins are payed in gold by the
people who contract them. If the assassin loses the DM, he cannot
be resurrected.
Spies: When a spy turns in a stolen roster of a guild to the
CoR(That isn't on File),they recieve 25 exps x the number of
members in the guild. Roster updates are credited to you at a
flat 50 exps per update. If there are more members listed on the
update than on the previously given roster, then the spy get 25 x
the difference. (note): rosters that don't include a members
count at the top,dice of members or are from a CoR guild will not
be accepted as stolen rosters by the CoR.
Rolling the dice: For every 20 gold you want to steal your sides
go down 1. If you want to steal 200 gold, you lower your sides
down 10(i.e: if you are 2d40 they go down to 2d30). Everyone
rolls 1d(of their dice) in a theft attempt.
Percetion check: The intended victim gets a 2d20 perception check
to see if they realize they are being stolen from, if they miss
the perception check then they have no clue what is going on.
How it is played:The thief goes into the same room as the victim,
gets near the intended victim, and states OOC the attempt of the
theft and what they are going to steal. The victim is still
unaware of this, only the MUN knows, unless the preception check
is made, in which case the victim may call out for help in
stopping the thief. The victim's MUN rolls 1d(his dice) and the
thief rolls his dice minus what he is stealing and if he scores a
greater roll than the victim, he gets it. The victim gets ANOTHER
perception check, if they had failed the first, to see if they
realize they had been stolen from. If they make this Perception
roll then they know they have been stolen from but NOT who did
the stealing.
Normally Joe's dice are 43's and Slayer's dice are 50's
Slayer: ~Reaches into Joe456's pocket and grabs 100 gold~
Joe456: ((Perception check))
OnlineHost: Joe456 rolled 2 20-sides dice 14 9 (he didn't make
OnlineHost: Joe456 rolled 1 43-sides dice: 32
OnlineHost: Slayer rolled 1 45-sides dice: 39
Joe456: (( perception check))
OnlineHost: Joe456 rolled 2 20-sides dice 19 14
Joe456: HEY!! I've been robbed! Some one help me block the doors
so we can search everyone!
When you Join
1) Restrictions:
None, you may be in the CoR and in any other forum of your
2) Profile:
You MUST have a profile to be in the CoR. Your profile MUST
include: A) what guild you are in or if you are a freelancer B)
your Dice C) your Exp's D) if you are a slave or PoW E) if you
are a super-natural F) how much gold you have G) any + weapons or
items you posess H) how many times you have been ressurected I)
You may never,at any time,place that you don't accept AA's.
Example: CoR, TRGoR, 4d36's, 455 exp's, Dragon, +2 long sword,
3000 gold (gp), Rezz 1
3) Super-Naturals:
If you are an Archangel, Demon Lord, Master Vampire, Werewolf,
Angel, Immortal (Highlander), known fantasy (AD&D) monster or
RIFTS creature; you qualify as a Super-Natural. But what you are
must be listed in your profile. You get 4 dice and it takes 40
points to kill you.
4) Half Breeds:
If you are a half breed (aka half supernatural/half normal) then
you qualify as a Half-Super which gives you 3 dice, 30 Hit
5) Exp assignments for guilds that join:
Each guild will recieve a bi-weekly allotment of Exp's based on
the total number in the guild. Their first alotment is in Exp's
at the rate of 100 X the # of members listed in their roster.
Gold is also given in at the rate of 50 x the # of members listed
on the roster.
Council Representation and CoR Governmental Information
1) High Council:
All member guilds that maintain 20 or more members will have
their GC sit on the High Council. These people decide the course
of the CoR, in all matters of Wars, new guild memberships, etc.
If a GC can't make a meeting, they will send a reliable
represenative. There MUST be at least 3 council members present
to make emergency decisions. The decision is in affect until the
next council meeting where it can be voted to remain in affect.
The XO is a non-voting position unless they are a GC.
2) Speaker of the Council:
The Speaker for the CoR is XxRavenxX. He/She sits at the
forefront of the High Council, and when a vote comes forward to
be passed or rejected, he/she votes only to break a tie. Any
guild OR person who disobeys any directive, their dice and XP
will be frozen until the next scheduled meeting of the High
Council. Afterwards, the High Council will decide the fate of the
person BY TRIAL.
3) Election of Speaker:
After 3 months (IRL) there will be elections to determine the
next leader of the CoR. The elections for the next Speaker will
be held June 1th, 1998. The candidates for the election will be
chosen from the GC's. Nominations will be taken and then voted
on. All CoR High Council Members may vote for one of these
individuals, who will run the CoR for the next 3 months. If at
any point a Speaker is killed or steps down before their tenure
is over the Council shall chose their replacemnent who will serve
until the next scheduled election. Minimum requirements to be
considered for the position of Speaker are 8 to 10 hours of free
time daily (to do the work) and 2 gig's of free hard drive space
(for the files).
4) Impeachment of the Speaker (or any other High Council member):
Under the condition that the Speaker has transgressed against the
rights of the council, used his/her power as Speaker to kill
possible political opponents in the high council, or used his/her
power in a personal vendetta, the Speaker may be impeached by a
2/3 vote of the High Council.
5) CoR Executioners:
The executioners' job would only come into play when the High
Council has already voted on the punishment for a character, and
that character refuses to obey the High Council's ruling. If the
High Council comes to an executioner with a problem about a
member's actions, and talking will not resolve the issue, then
the CoR executioners are brought in. Now, when this is done, the
High Council has the final authority to issue the request to
their office, they move out to find their intended target. Now,
you may say, "Well, if he is ordered to a DM, he can refuse
it, right?" WRONG. If you have the executioners called out
on you, you have two choices: immediate stripping of all rank,
dice and position in the CoR, or a DM to prove yourself wrongly
accused. If the target loses, he/she deletes his (or her)
persona. In other words, the SN stays, but the CHARACTER is
deleted (deleting the profile). Period, there is no talk or
debate. If they should win (which is not very likely), then they
are vindicated of all charges, guilty or not, and the executioner
has to delete his/her profile. Executioners will be choosen by
the High Council and their dice MUST be over d90.
Fine Schedule for the CoR (in exp):
Fighting an Honor Match when honor was never in question: 3000
Insubordination to a superior officer of the CoR: 3000 exps +*
Disrespect to the High Council of the CoR: Outlaw Status and/or a
fine,at the discretion of the High Council.
ANY compliants about the Speaker or the High Council of the CoR
must be made in letter form, and may be presented as such at a
High Council meeting. Verbal disrespect such as yelling, name
calling, and/or cursing will not be tolerated and will be met
with immediate outlaw status and/or a fine, at the discretion of
the High Council.
CoR Staff
The CoR has many people helping to keep the forum running
smoothly. Please contact the person in charge of the item or
items you may have questions about.
Speaker - XxRavenxX, heads the High Council and votes only to
break a tie.
XO - Aramus, contact for forms, or problems concerning AA's or
Advisors to Speaker - JonDoUrden and FeralRogue
Diplomatic Liason Officer - Available - contact for inter forum
problems (i.e. problems between differant forums)
Treasurer - Available
CoR Executioners - LrdAssasin, Keezar Max and Bardaku
DICE Master - RYOUGA 16, report suspected "false" dice
to him. Also contact him to register as a freelancer in the CoR.
Send your logs to him once you are a CoR freelancer.
Assassin Supervisor - ShadwDth, all assassins must register with
him, including freelancers.
90's and Up Supervisor - EWrevenger, all 90's and above send
thier logs to him
GC Dice Supervisor - Deathwiz03, all GC's send their logs to him
Minister of WAR - Available - any who have questions concerning
war contact him
Guild Coordinator - Available - for help getting your guild
involved after you have\been registered
Shop & Services Director - RakHaggaa, this person keeps track
of shops and registered weapons
Council of Rhydin
Application for Acceptance
Please fill out and return to XxRavenxX. Thank you.
1 )What is your Guilds name?:
2) How many members does your Guild have (minimum for membership
is 20)?:
3) Who is your Guild's Grand Commander?:
4) Who is your Executive Officer?:
5) Give a brief discription of your guilds alignment and main
6) How long has your guild been in existance?:
7) Who intruduced you to the CoR ?and what Guild are they in ?so
i may assign them EXP's for recruiting you:
8) Below,please enclose a COMPLETE roster:
9) If you are transferring from the UGC or PoRU, your dice, xps
and gold transfer to CoR.
10) please send an updated list of the assassins in your guild to
11) If you are transfering form UAC to CoR, please state you UAC
Exp's take the # of members you have in your guild and multiply
by 100, that is your guild's starting Exp's. Use that number and
the chart below to asign your members dice. Put their dice and
Exp's next to their names on your roster. The math will be
checked before admitance to the CoR is passed. Also unless you
are transfering from the CoR each members recieves 20 times the
dice they get in gold (example a 2d25 gets 500 starting gold, 25
x20=500, number of dice doesn't matter). Gold and Exp's are kept
seperately. Thank you.
2d20=0 exp's 2d21=10exp's 2d22=20exp's 2d23=40exp's
2d24=60exp's 2d25=80exp's 2d26=100exp's 2d27=125exp's
2d28=150exp's 2d29=17exp's 2d30=200exp's 2d31=225exp's
2d32=250exp's 2d33=275exp's 2d34=300exp's 2d35=400exp's
If you are applying as an Individual,and wish Freelance Status,
fill out the app below.
Freelance Application
1) What is your character's name?:
2) Are you a human, half breed, or a super-natural?:
3) Give a brief discription of your character's alignment and
main purpose:
4) How long has your character been in existence?:
5) Who intruduced you to the CoR and what guild are they in so I
may assign them Exp's for recruiting you?:
6) If you are transfering from UAC to CoR, or from a guild to
freelance, please state your UAC Exp's, dice, and guild you are
transfering from:
7) If you are transferring from the UGC or PoRU, your dice, xps
and gold transfer to CoR.
8) If you are an assassin you must contact ShadwDth.
9) Please return to RYOUGA 16 ONLY!
CoR Gold System, Magic Items and Stores.
The CoR has set up stores and businesses that can sell weapons,
armor, magic, etc. They would be payed through the Gold that
their customers spent, but earn 100 exp's per+ on items that they
make. The cost of creating an item is 300 gold per+, then the
creator of each item or service can sell it at whatever price
they want with a minimum price of 1000 gold per + up to +3.
Not everyone should be able to own a store, so to own a store you
must register it with the Shops & Services Organizer. The
cost of buying one of these shops from CoR is 4,000 gold.
Individuals, groups or guilds can combine Gold to purchase a
store. All store names MUST have CoR in their names.
NO magical item of any kind can exceed +3, and no item that
renders the opponent automatically defenseless, dead or allows
the user to become invulnerable is allowed. Each item can only
have 1 effect, defence or offence not both. A +1 to hit adds to
the "Sides" of a dice roll. A +1 to damage adds to the
damage points rolled. A +1 to defense takes away damage points.
Magical Weapons and Armor:
Magical armor and weapons can only be created at a rate of 1+ per
20 dice of the registered creater (example: a 2d80 registered
weapons smith could create either 4 +1 weapons a week. , 1 +3
weapon a week, or 2 +2 weapons a week). Store owners are required
to send a weeky list of what weapons or armor was created, who
created it, what it does and who it was sold to. If during ANY
time that the magic weapon or armor is in use and the owner rolls
a 1 the item/spell is destroyed permanently. Magical items must
be listed in your profile. You may use(at the same Time) ONE +
weapon for offense and ONE + item for defense. Once a combat
situation starts, the item stated at the beginning of the spar is
what that person uses for the rest of the combat unless the item
breaks. A " hit" must be made in order for a magic
item/spell to work.
Each mage or magic user is given 1 free +1 spell to put in their
tome( tomes would have to be listed in their profiles). Each
spell can NOT be used more than twice in any combat situation.
The creation of spells is the same as magical weapons at +1 for
every 20- dice of the creator per week. If the person rolls a 1
while casting the spell, the spell is ruined permanetly. A list
of what spell scrolls were created, who created them, what the
scrolls do and to whom they were sold is required
weekly(fridays). Minimum cost for spells per + is 500 gold or 3
logs from different days per +, where the spell is being learned
from someone who already has it. The maximum of +3 stands here as
Holy Items:
Would fall under spell or magical items depending on what they
Gold is given out to each guild on the 1st and 15th of each month
based on the guilds member count. Each GC must send in a updated
roster for his/her guild on the 13th and 27th of each month. Each
Guild Commander may determine what " pay" they give
their members depending on what that guild can afford. Guilds can
buy a weapon to give to their champion or to offer as a prize in
a tournament but they must send a notice to KingRock2 saying who
has the item. Anytime a +item changes hands it MUST be
re-registered in order to be considered legal.
EXP's are transferrable ONLY under these conditions:
1)SN change for account or personal reasons. In any case the old
SN has to be deleted and you give up all rights to recreate it.
2)Legal will with the limit of 10,000 exp's per person recieving
the inheratance.
Priest and healers can charge for their services if they wanted
Each person, when they join CoR, starts out with the amount of
gold as they have in dice sides x 20. Gold MUST be listed in the
CoR Business Application
SN of owner:
What type of store:
Name of store (CoR must be in the name):
Location (a link is best if possible):
What guild do you represent (or are you a Freelancer):
Items to be sold including a description of what each item does:
Who will be making the items,include their dice:
Any special information about your store:
Please return to RakHaggaa. Thank you.