"In the eyes of many, religion has lost its relevance and is little more than a quaint relic from another time." Billy Graham ©Christianity Today, p. 27-28, December 8, 1997.(This quote was not intended to be used on this webpage, but I find it to be very appropriate.)
Jesus MUST be personal. Now if there were 50 alive who regularly spoke KJV words, KJV words might not be foolish for today. Okay, 5 less than 50. 5 less... We have too many lost friends/enemies to reach for Jesus TODAY! From death he did rise and will come again. Move on with him now to be ready for then.
AboutMe: A progressive, conservative Christian.
IllogicalExcuses: These and any excuses can be defended against. However if you can defend any IllogicalExcuse of your choice, I may be wrong and splitting hairs.
TheChoiceIsYours: The ever-present Word of God or the ever-aging words of mankind
More GIFs: A few GIFs that I have collected.
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Especially wanted: e-mail)criticism/discussion of the content of this page.
Evidence for God from Science
Highly suggested links
movie reviews at christiananswers.net bible gateway: many versions w/search tools Reverend Fun: (this date formerly used my Check out this Christmas cartoon.