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Dana Volunteer Fire Department

Serving the Community of Dana and surrounding area since 1954.

Hi there! My name is Pat Lynch and I want to tell you about the Dana Volunteer Fire Department. My father Cecil Vance is the Fire Chief of our department and my husband Dave Lynch is the 1st Asst. Chief. My little brother, Duane Vance, is also a firefighter.

The Dana Volunteer Fire Department was established in 1954. It started in a little brick building with one bay door. That building is now the Dana Village Hall.
This building is used by the fire department to store it's equipment truck, and by the Dana Village Board for their monthly meetings. The residents of Dana use this building for personal use such as birthday parties, graduation parties, family get-togethers, and such. The fire house in use now has 3 bay doors and a kitchen in the back for the firemen's use.

The very first truck purchased by the Dana Volunteer Fire Department was a 1954 Chevy. It is still in running condition today and is used for parades. It's number is 541. The numbers 54 are used because that is when the fire department was established. There are 5 trucks total. #542 and #543 are engines and #544 is the equipment truck. #545 is a semi bought to be their water tanker. Except for #541, almost every time the fire whistle blows, all trucks are moved out.

The men on the Dana Volunteer Fire Department do their best to help the people in the community of Dana. They are not paid for their time and efforts but are greatly appreciated by the people they serve. They deserve more recognition than they will ever get and I am glad to say that we have never lost a fireman in the line of duty.
Some of our firemen go above and beyond the call of their duties by being involved with weather watchers. They give up a stormy night at home with their families to watch for dangers beyond our control. They then will sound warnings if necessary.
4 of our firemen have also gone that extra mile and became First Responders.

The Dana Fire Department also likes to have a good time. When the occasion arises, they like to go and have water fights with other fire departments. What they do is, 2 fire departments face each other with hoses and then shoot water at a barrel on a line above their heads. The team to get the barrel to the end of the line over their opponents head is the winner. It's not as easy as it looks but everyone of them says that it sure is fun. While you are the nozzle person shooting water at the barrel, you can't see anything because of the water coming back into your face. It is up to the hose man (person) to tell you which way to shoot the water (up, down, left, right, stay there). If the barrel gets over your head you might as well say that you've lost that round. These pictures were taken in Cornell, Illinois in observance of the towns 125th Birthday. Everyone involved had a good time. (Even those that got wet!)

This year at our Annual Dana Day festivities, the Dana Fire Department had "Kiddie Water Fights". It was set up so kids of all ages could use garden hoses to get the ball across the 'finish line'. It was enjoyed by ages ranging from 3 to ??? It was enjoyed by all!

Members of the Dana Fire Department:

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This page last updated May 14, 2000.

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Email: pataud7@sainet.net

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