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Littlestown Area Computer Club
Photo of fifth anniversery meeting February 2002
This site was last modified 6-01-02

Our computer club has a message board! thanks to Davet!

Windows 95/98: A 32-bit patch for a 16-bit GUI shell over an 8-bit operating system written for a 4-bit processor by a 2-bit company who cannot stand 1 bit of competition.

You are using Netscape.

The Littlestown Area Computer Club meets the first and third Monday and Tuesday of each month (Mondays are primarily for newbies) at the Littlestown Area Senior Citizens Center, at 10 Locust Street here in beautiful downtown Littlestown. All ages welcome. Our meetings are free!
For information on this computer club, this web site, or if you are from the area and you would like us to link to your site, email: The Webmaster or visit with us at the senior center. Bring friends! This site is meant to be primarily usefull to Littlestown and adjoining area residents and visitors, here in South-Central Pennsylvania.

For information on the Littlestown Senior Citizens' Center call Ms. Vickie Adams, site manager, at 717-359-7743 or E-Mail her at the center. A very good site, with many links to places of interest to senior citizens, including government programs and a chat room, is Senior.Com Another good site is AARP

Don't forget to Check out Page 2 and page 3!

Here are some links to upcoming local events:

Littlestown (Battle of Gettysburg related) Civil War Links:


Here are some more links of mostly local interest:

This LACC page is more computer or internet related!


The following Littlestown Area computer professionals are available to help with your computer needs:

Tom Crum's Backdoor is owned and operated by semi-retired computer engineer Tom Crum who has over 35 years experience working with computers and a founding member of the LACC. His prices are very reasonable and he knows his stuff. Another member of the LACC who is available for consultations and/or repairs, (who also knows his stuff, and has reasonable prices) is The PC Doctor Syd Kahn, who is extremely knowledgeable about computers, and helps with this site. Syd does Page 2 of the LACC website. T and S Computer Systems Plus is a computer store in Littlestown. Toby, Randy or Sarah will be available to assist you.

cnet link

Miscellaneous Information:

...and for computer users everywhere A Great Coffee and Caffeine FAQ

Angelfire logo

If the Beatles were Computer Geeks

Sing along...


All those backups seemed a waste of pay.
My database has gone away.
Oh I believe in yesterday.

There's not half the files there used to be,
And there's a milestone hanging over me.
The system crashed so suddenly.

I pushed something wrong
What it was I could not say.
Now all my data's gone
and I long for yesterday-ay-ay-ay.

The need for back-ups seemed so far away.
I knew my data was all here to stay,
Now I believe in yesterday.

Even though it has not been updated in a while, there is still good info on our Page 2

And check out our page 3!

Email: webmaster Roland Rode: Littlestown Area Computer Club

This ICUG site is owned by LACC.

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