I'm married, and was born in the rural community of Waynesboro,PA on August 14, 1955, between 2 hurricanes. Connie had just left, and Diane was barreling down on us. Mother used to say many times, that, had she known my temperment when I was born, I would have been named Connie Diane!:-)
Waynesboro is a small community (population about 9,000), just north of the Mason-Dixon Line. "By the way the crow flies", the line is 2-3 miles from my home...and yes, there is a REAL line, stone markers and all!
I was ADHD and Dyslexic before those 2 disorders were discovered, so you can imagine what a hard time my mother had with me! I've always had a great curiosity, and loved to tear things apart to see how they worked. The only problem is that I could never get them back together again! :-)
I'm the youngest of 2 girls. My older sister was never a problem...but she was the "calm before the storm". I graduated from High School in 1973, and lived a "pretty normal" life. I grew up in Baptist churches, and was raised to have a firm belief in God's love for me.
In 1977, I was diagnosed with a pituitary gland/brain tumor, and had unsuccessful surgery in 1982, just 6 months after graduating from L.P.N. school. After my unsuccessful surgery, I allowed doctors to experiment on me to see if they could help others like me ( but then, there ARE no others like me!).:-) I was put on an experimental medication that left me with liver damage.
Due to severe arthritis in my knees as well as numerous other health problems, I became disabled in 1996. In November 1998, I was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, and no one knows how I got it...it could have been the experimental medication, but no one knows for sure. At any rate, cirrhosis is incurable, so there's nothing that can be done for me anyway.
My mother taught me many years ago that laughter is the best deterrent to depression, after all, it's better to laugh than to cry! I've developed an off-the-wall sense of humor, and love to make people laugh. I think laughter is God's "Special" music!
I've done a lot of things in my 40+years...I'm an L.P.N., I sang in a Southern Gospel Trio in the 1970's. I (unsuccessfully) ran for a seat on my local school district's Board of School Directors in 1997. I play piano and organ. I'm an aspiring writer with one published work to my credit. I've dabbled in ventriloquism.
My hobbies include: reading, listening to Southern Gospel Music, watching pro-football, and working jigsaw puzzles. My favorite artist for puzzles is Charles Wysocki. I love the comedy of Ken Davis, Dennis Swanberg, and Chonda Pierce.
My main goal in life is to let everyone know what a great, loving God we have! Since He loved me enough to send His own Son to a cruel Roman cross for me, how can I do less than let the whole world know?
And Another One!
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My Tribute to My 2 Heros
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My 2 Hair Donations to Locks of Love
My Father the Carpenter
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Serene Angel
Weight Loss!