Christian love and tolerance cannot exist together.I bet you were not expecting that. But,when we look at tolerance and compare it to the general,social term,to biblical principles,we see that tolerance isn't truely loving. Tolerance means indifference, and God's people cannot be indifferent. Without absolutes, there is chaos,and tolerance removes absolutes!

Tolerance is a man-made character facet.The surface concept of this lovely word is very deceiving. It has made many a good christian hold their tongue and look the other way. But, we are not instructed to be tolerant. So those of you who have bottled up your justified rage can run your rampage now.{smile} No, it does not mean that. We are given instruction as to how to deal with the intolerable.

There are two paths of Christ-like love.

1: This is the one the directs us when dealing with a brother or sister in the Lord. We are told that we must let our brethren know when they are out of bounds.
It is done lovingly and in so, does not generate bitterness in that person. {Or, atleast, it shouldn't} We speak without malice, nagging or berading. We can stand firm without being abnoxious.
A soft answer turneth away wrath,Psalm 15:1

2: This directs us when dealing with the un-believer/potential believer. Again, we are to be Christ-like,controlled, but ready with an answer.This modern phrase "What would Jesus do?" is wonderful. But, it is more often misused, than not. Jesus was not tolerant of blasphemy,or false doctrines. He told it straight out and that is what we should do too. Tolerance is not the focus of a christian life, but the fruits of the spirit are!

Galations 5:22

The fruit of the spirit is,love,joy, peace,longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance...NOT TOLERANCE. So,the next time someone says, "What would Jesus do?" You can say with assurance that,He would point out the error of one's way in a loving, non-abnoxious way.....

Do a study on the word 'Tolerance" You might be surprized.
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