updated 8/10/00

Attention Deficit {Hyper Activity} Disorder is something that our family has dealt with. Our youngest son, now 16, has this disorder, and before I continue with this story, let me tell you that our story is a success story!

Daniel was what most parents would call, "A good baby." He slept and ate well right from the start. He was,and remains today, happy by character. It wasn't until he began to get into his preschool years that I began to noticed that there was something different about this smiling little boy. Caring people would say, "Oh,he's just being a boy." But my gut feeling was telling me different.

The word "No" had no meaning at all. His speech was delayed, and his ability to concentrate did not improve as he got older. I began to see that he really did forget the rules.
{It was not uncommon for him to say in frustration when he was older that there are so many rules, he couldn't remember them all.}
The normal mischief that he got into was so extreme. As a child of 2 or 3, he peeled all the wallpaper off of his bedroom walls. Later on, this destructive behavior was a daily event.

It seemed as if he had no fear of hurt and often times would injure himself repeatedly by doing the same thing. He burned his hand badly on the woodstove, but it didn't matter. He kept going back. I had to make a fence in the doorway to keep him away from the woodstove. Then violence became a part of his pattern.

If you read my testimony, you will see that my marriage was very troublesome. It wasn't until the marriage dissolved that I began researching. It wasn't long before I realized that he had A.D.H.D. He wasn't just a bad boy and I wasn't just a bad mother.

Doctor's tests and an experimental time with Ritalin and other drugs left us no where, so more research was done. I had to do something for him. With a mother's love, a mother can do enough research for a doctorate! I learned that diet was a big factor in a large percent of A.D.H.D. people. {But,not all} White,refined sugar was a strong adversary and when I began restricting it, I saw a difference. But then he began sneaking it.

When I remarried, my husband was a tremendous help. Daniel had reached a climax with his problem, failing with his schooling,{we homeschool} and uncontrollably violent at times. We were afraid for him. What would his life be like as he got older if this didn't get under control? We knew we had to take drastic means. All sugar products were locked in a metal cabinet, and I started eliminating white, bleach products from all our diets. We began dealing with it daily, and consistantly, which at times was exhausting!

The change in Daniel was not overnight, but it did come.We began educating him about his problem, and once he didn't have the influence of an un-controlled diet, he began to see and understand. Gradually, we explored together various learning styles and techniques. Today, Daniel is a happy,content,non-violent, excellent student with A. D.H.D. who excels at everything he does! He has learned not to be ashamed of having this disablity. He has to re-direct his thinking process, which doesn't always make sense to us. But, it works for him and that is what's important!

Homeschooling does not have to be hindered by A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. As a matter of fact, we've seen where homeschooling has been very beneficial for our son. We believe a certian degree of pressure is absent in our school setting. He is able to set his own pace and when he is confident, he picks up that pace. Daniel is a real goal setter and when he reaches his goals, he sets higher ones. He has learned to play the piano, flute and guitar completely on his own and can pick up any hymn book and play any song there. We are proud of the strides he has made. It has been his determination that has made the difference.

update 8/10/00 Daniel is soaring! He has been has been involved with the local chapter of the Audubon. He has been given the responsibility of presenting Audubon programs which gives him public speaking experience and is the president of the teen advisory board at our local library. Not only does he volunteer his time at the library, they hired him! He also has a parttime job at a pizza place, so this summer he is holding two jobs.

On May 19,1999 his 15th birthday, the library honored him as a volunteer with a special award.
In May of 2000, they presented him with the volunteer of the year award and had a banquet in his honor.

I definitely do not want to make this sound simple. It was not. There were a lot of tears invested and times that we just wanted to give up. There were times that Daniel hated us because he thought we were just picking on him. So,if you or your child has A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. you are not alone.

We want readers to understand that we are not endorsing a particular approach to dealing with A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. This is simply our story,and we hope it will be encouraging.

Often ignore details/careless mistakes
Often has trouble keeping focused in work and play
Doesn't seem to listen to directions
Often doesn't follow through/complete a task.
Often has problems with organizing tasks& activities.
Often avoids activities that require concentration.
Often loses things.
Distracted easily and forgetful.
Often is seems over sensative.
Figets or squirms.
Gets up from seat in the middle of class.
Runs and climbs when he shouldn't.
(In adults or teens,a tremendous restlesslness}
Can't handle quiet leizure time.
Talkes excessively,blurts out answers.
Impulsive,can't wait for turn,interrupts.
that these are general terms,and you can see these things in any child.We have 5 children and we've seen these things in every one of them! But if these symptoms persist in most settings and situations,and there is a geniune impairment with schooling,work or general development,you or your child might have this disorder.But don't jump the gun!
For Adults,or parents with children with A.D.D.or come and share thoughts,imput,questions,support and just to stay in touch. MESSAGE BOARD

Our message board is also used by this next link.Please be sure to visit as there are many excellent resources and personal accounts.

Support For Parents of Exceptional Children

This is an excellent site!

Children who thrive outside of "the box" is the focus of this site.Be sure to visit!

For alternatives to medications.

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More resources will be added!

New Resources Will be added! If you have any helpful sites,email me and let me know!