Parenting Archives

Our parenting archives includes material from many sources including and mostly, Dr. James Dobson's, "Parenting Isn't For Cowards"

We will start with the early years when most parents aren't much more than kids themselves. God has blessed them with this little bundle that squirms and cries at will. They are mezmorized as they gazed into that little bassinette. What they don't know is that the techniques they use on this child might not work for the next one. Before them is a life time-yes a life time- of trial and error. But with it, life at it's fullest!

Your child will fall into one of these categories from day one. They are; Compliant, VERY compliant, strong willed and VERY stronge willed. The webmaster of this ministry has no VERY compliant children, but does have a collection of mildly strong willed to very strong willed children and a grandchild. Our strong-willed granddaughter, who is now two years of age,{year-2000} came into this world letting people know exactly who the boss is, HER! And she has a little brother who is right behind her, who is totally the opposite and yet, parenting is the same for both of them. How can that be? Simple, babies are born with much of their character already in place. So if you have found yourself praying for this particular temper tantrum to pass, it is not necessarily poor parenting that is the blame.
In Gen. 16:11 we see a remarkable reference to a child with a strong will before he was even born. An angel is speaking to Abraham's pregnant serving girl. He tells her that she will have a son and his name will be Ishmael and further states; he will be wild donkey, he will be against everyone and he'll be hostile. In Gen 25: 22-25 we see the pre-birth development of Jacob and Esau. One was tough and rebellious and the other was a bit of a mama's boy. Then in Rom. 9:13 God has apparently discerned before he was born that Esau would not be receptive to the spirit.

A Letter Mr. Dobson Included in His Book
Dear Doctor Dobson,
We have four children including a boy and girl in college. They are doing beautifully and have become what ever parent dreams of. We also have a 12 year old whose brain as damaged at birth who works extremely hard to keep his head above water. Finally, we have a 13 year old boy who has been strong-willed from day one, as you have often said.
We've been christians for seven years and we've done everything possible to help this child-from prayer to moving this past year, to putting him in a christian school, to weekly family counseling sessions.
Tonight we had to sit with him in front of the pastor, the minister of education and members of the christian school board to request that he not be kicked out of school with only six weeks left. The comments we hear and things like," What kind of parents are youthat you do not have control over your son?"
We are desperate! Everything we can think of has been tried with this child. We love him dearly, but we sure see why some parents abuse their children. I am an X-ray technician and I see too many brain damaged kids and maybe that is what keeps me from beating him. But why do these people at school put more guilt on us, when people like you try to help us handle it? Please help, we are desperate!

Dr. Dobson response by saying that the people at school probably have a different perspective, but it is not likely that these parents are the cause of their child's rebellion Today's "cope out" is to eventually blame the family, and primarily the mother. But Dobson supports the fact that we are born with our disposition in tact.
Here are some helpful tips we have gathered from a variety of sources for the parents of a strong-willed child.