Her Light Shines

  I don't normally do tributes to people, but I have a special friend that I should share with you. Not to, would be causing you to miss out on something very special. Years ago when I was struggling spiritually and emotionally as a young mother with a marriage going very bad, I had found my way to a deep seeded bitterness, and many, " Why me?" questions. That marriage ended, but did so with much answered prayer. It was during this time that God brought these people into my life...

My special friend Wanda and her husband Jack are Christian, family counselors. It was, and is, a ministry in which they do not gain any monetary payment for their time and effort. They have been used greatly in God's kingdom with many people through their 30+ years.

I have to tell you about Jack. He was a very hard-nosed, unyielding person years ago, but Wanda's sweetness was such a testimony before him, that he has mellowed and has become a gentle giant.

Her sweetness is known worldwide at this point. You see, she has been battling cancer for over ten years now. They have traveled out of the country for treatment, and have stayed a little step ahead of this cancer. Hospital staff between here and Cuba has marveled at her character.

But when you see Wanda, you do not see cancer. You see a woman that has never once said an unkind word about anyone. You see a person who is genuinely interested in you. She is soft spoken and tiny, but her faith is a giant amongst all. And even on her worst days, when nausea and pain has overtaken her, she is the smiling hostess and basks in the presence of whoever has popped in on her that day.

A few years ago when she had had one of her surgeries, I had called her in the hospital. I was expecting to get Jack on the phone, but she answered. She had to lie still with a sandbag on the artery that they put the cath. in. I got so flustered and began crying like a baby. Wanda ministered to me. She had just come through surgery, having tumors removed, in pain and she ministered to me. She soothed MY upset by telling me everything was all right, then changing the subject to better things. It was as though she was washing dishes in her kitchen, rather than recuperating in pain. I could not help by think of how Christ ministered to the dying thief on the cross...

The only time that I can recall seeing discouragement in her face, was when we talked about her dying, and how Jack would do. This was her one regret and she hoped that she would not go before him, because who would take care of him.

Recently, we got a call from Jack telling us that Wanda would be having a tumor removed from her liver. She will have to travel to Florida from Pennsylvania to an institute that does this type of surgery. So once again, I made the trip to their house, knowing this may be a final visit. She was as she always is, ready with tea and a smile, praising God for the day. She looks so tiny and frail. Her hair is gone and she laughs because her wig is called a cranium prosthetic. She'll tell you that her hair loss makes it easier for God to keep track of them. You will never hear her speak fearfully because her time is truly in His hands. And when you come away and close the door behind you, you know you have been on hallowed ground. I have been young, and now I am older. I have experienced my father's suicide, my mother's emotional distance, domestic violence, divorce, and the death of a child. But never have I been so broken as when I witness the tender sweetness of this lady's soul.

She has truly absorbed Christ's likeness His light shines through her..........