Tethers And Blindfolds

Is My Master The Joy Stealer?

Recently I was talking to a dear friend of mine who was openly acknowledging the presence of the Joy Stealer in her life. Overwhelmed with the circumstances around her, she knew that she could grasp a peace and joy that would surpass the immediate circumstances. She is determined to boot the joy Stealer from her life..
Reflecting, there have been many times the he has been in my own life. There is no doubt in my mind that all of God's people have kept company with the Joy Stealer.

Later in the same day, I looked up from my desk, to the old oak tree that graces our back yard. There, sitting high in the tree top was a Red Tailed Hawk spying on the little birds at our bird feeder. He and others sit there quite often looking for a quick meal.

Birds of prey are fascinating creatures. Free, strong, confident, and with all of God's kingdom to soar in. But, how often have you seen one of these birds perched on a person's arm with either tethers, a blindfold, or both? Snatched from their nest at a young age, or rescued from some immediate harm, they become indebted to this person. Once trained/conditioned, the bird, whose birthright is freedom, will soar into the vast sky only to return to his master's arm. He is then tethered and blindfolded to keep him under control. He has all the world to fly in and soar over, yet he continues to return the master.

In comparison to God's people, we too can wear these tethers upon our feet and blindfolds upon our eyes. We have the freedom to soar through our Heavenly Master's kingdom with the same freedom, strength, and confidence that an untethered hawk can have. We are given provision in the wilderness so we do not have to return to a master that steals our freedom- The Joy Stealer...

Yet, we return to him time and time again, bewildered as to why we do it, but somehow indebted by our own choices. We grow so accustomed to that downward descend to the master's arm, the tethers binding us to him, and the blindfold that keeps us from seeing God's kingdom. We grow dull to anything except that immediate moment. Even when he releases us so we can taste freedom and we soar with the wind of God's grace beneath our wings, flying high over all of life's trial, we still leave the sky to return to that which binds us.

Do you have tethers that bind you today?

For further reading;

Dearest Little Lamb

Christians and Depression

Stolen Joy,by Power Praise

Weathering the Storm, by Power Praise

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